Monday, June 27, 2016

Mark Twain Uncomfortable Prediction For Republics

In reading Mr. Twain's third volume of his autobiography I came across a troubling prediction for the future of our nascent republic. In it he professes republics alway fall to kings and emperors.
Are we seeing our republic follow historical pathways to its end today?

Think what great gnashing of teeth and caterwauls of protestations from the left wing media if Trump should pronounce himself King of America! I personally would not be bothered being ruled by such a pretty Queen as is Melania. I have once before in these tomes suggested we hook back up with the British monarchy as I do also have an unhealthy attraction to Kate Middleton. We could abolish the Washington DC bureaucracy, sending millions back into the private work force, thereby negating the need for open borders, and the former government workers could then pick our vegetables and make our beds and some of the more attractive ones could be house maids.

It is time some of these unelected parasites get out and start pulling vegetables and sheets to finally pull their own weight. For it is written we can only know a man not by his reputation but by his ability to pick lettuce with clean hands. A man that cannot pick a clean head of lettuce is not a man.

What would the former politicos do when King Donald and Queen Melania take their place as the titular heads of state? Paul Ryan would likely as not return to insurance adjustment, he has an uncanny knack for numbers. Harry Reid would likely do advertisements for exercise equipment. Hillary Clinton could also advertise feminine hygiene products and panty liners.

Diane Feinstein could do public service announcements explaining the difference between an assault rifle and an AR-15 or an MP-15. The rest could pick our vegetables and work so that we can eat.

What a novel idea!

I am

JD Maybolt, president UPLC

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit: The Vote, The People, The Donald, And the hillary.

Fifteen generations ago my Maybolt great(15) grandfather left London with his wife and two small children and landed at Plymouth Rock just in time for that first Thanksgiving. He died but his son William lived and 230 years later I was born from his seed that was planted here in the colonies all those years ago. These were the true Brexit voters who voted with their feet and left jolly old England and risked the perils of ocean travel and settling a new continent in hopes of providing their families a better life.

From the hard work and risk of these few brave souls, only 130 passengers on the good ship, The Fortune, that year, the greatest nation of freemen and women was born. And now the elite unelected snobs are conspiring to destroy all my ancestors worked for and steal it all. They manipulate money and media to assure their ends. These are the true enemies of freedom. They bash slavery and discrimination publicly and privately have nothing but disdain for 98% of this world's human inhabitants. They fein religiosity when it suits their needs, but only worship at the altar of money.

If you stumble into becoming a billionaire they will welcome you into the club, and there you will dine with the beautiful people who will find it harder to enter the gates of heaven than a camel with its travel through the eye of a needle.

Hillary Clinton is such a beautiful person. Her Clinton foundation has rocked her to the top and she has been chosen to carry the banner for the elites in the next phase of Global dominance.

Hers is the globalist best chance to keep the ball moving towards one world governance. In the 20th century a fellow named Adolf had the same plans for the world, and our grandfathers here in America and over in England, and to some extent in France, albeit not a great extent, put together a war coalition that beat back this fellow's plans for world domination, and now just three generations hence, are we going to allow a Hitler like evil to take over the world without a fight?

These elites are as evil as Hitler. Their greed is limitless. Their cruelty exceeds that of Hitler. They use fear tactics to cower the great unwashed and uninformed, like the charlatans of the middle ages used eclipses of the sun, but since rudimentary secondary education has let the cat out of the bag about the true nature of eclipses, they have moved on to global warming and climate change and other nature based nonsense to extract their walking around change.

All through out man's history people have been scamming ways to get by with very little effort. It is human nature to take it easy. Our best politicians have perfected the techniques that allow us to work and them to eat. History has shown us that the workers will not revolt unless pushed too far. How far is too far? Ask Marie Antoinette. The elites in France pushed the workers too far and the revolution cut the elites out of the equation one drop of the blade at a time. Yes it was bloody but it changed everything.

Have the global elites been outed? Have they pushed their agenda too hard. Is it time for them to fall back, lick their wounds and wait for better timing? Brexit was a spit in the eye of these global elitists. It is the sign they have pushed the one world government agenda too hard and too soon. People with full bellies get stupid and lazy. But with the world's economy in failure for the past 30 years, brought on by Clinton's tax increases in the 90's and Bush's war in the middle east and energy prices at all time highs, $140 a barrel, the bellies of the world feel the nagging pangs of hunger. The hungry pay attention and work to relieve themselves. They begin to vote in their own interests. I believe the Brexit vote will mark the end of this generations globalist push for dominance. They have been rejected, and we will be free for another generation or so, but look out when little Adain Clinton Mevwhatzitsname comes of age.

Adain, now there's a name like Adolf.

The election of Trump over Hillary will be a sure sign the elites have been bested. The push is over for now. But remember, they never go away, they just hibernate only to come out under more favorable conditions. Satan has patience. He and the world has been here a long time.

Get thee behind me, oh Satan.......

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, June 13, 2016

Ode To Omar Mateen

An Ode To Omar Mateen

Dear Omar, My Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
We welcomed your family with open arms
Your father a Muslim with unseemly charms
He praised the Taliban on his Cable Sho
and taught you to hate US say it aint so!

Dear Omar, sweet Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
What turned you into a jihadi killing machine?
Was it the Mosque, your Imam, or dad
What ever it was it sure made you bad

Dear Omar, fine Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
Your ex-wife she is beautiful and Clean
She left you for another, and I will not gloat
That you had relations with many a goat

Dear Omar, precious Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
your eyes are soul-less and absent of sheen
your bravery is great against an unarmed mass
Excuse me if I say you can kiss my sweet ass

Dear Omar, My Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
Schoolmates say you cheered 9/11
and fifty plus souls you sped on to heaven
and now you have closed those lifeless brown eyes
after killing innocents abroad you should be fed to the hogs!

I am

JDM, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, June 11, 2016

America Is About To Cater To The Middle East, Sharia Law And The Coming Cuisine

Americans will soon have to get used to her dhiminis, who are what Islamist consider all non believers, being taxed and raped at will by our new masters from the middle east. These enlightened nomads bring with them views that will not be appreciated in many polite circles. Homosexuals are thrown from 4 story roof tops and left to die, and after a few unscheduled flights from the fourth floor the closets in San Francisco will be filled to capacity! Women who do not dress in the traditional burka are whores and may be taken and used as sex slaves.

Every man is due and may marry as many as four wives. A tiny bit of sunshine in an otherwise bleak religion. Islam is exempt from Obamacare where Catholics are feeling the full force of Obamacare's huge thumb of oppression. Which brings me to my main point.

Mohamed at the fast food place "McMoudals, Home of the Golden Sabers": May I take your order?

Yes, please. My wife would like a double goat burger no cheese, with pickles, lettuce and tomato, with a side of desert locust, broiled not fried.

Is that all?

No, please, My other wife would like a Camel's milk shake with sand sprinkles and an order of baked dates with extra date dipping sauce.

Is that all?

No please, my other wife would like a fried goat's tongue on a stick and a lamb's bladder salad with ranch dressing.

Is that all?

No please, my other wife would like a double order of desert oysters, fried with extra tarter sauce.

Is that all?

Yes please.

That will be $43.78.

Did you charge me tax?


I am Islam, we pay no taxes, it is against our religion.

I'm sorry that will be $39.72.

Pull up to the second window.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Liberal Outrage At Donald Trump, And Better Terms For Elizabeth Warren, Aka, Pocahontas

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is the putrid politically provocative spokes-squaw for the perennially putrid presumptive presidential party nominee for the democrats, has been branded by bullying Donald Trump as Pocahontas, a famous Native American in history, who unlike Warren, had a grandmother 12 generations back who was full blood Native American.

Elizabeth Warren is Harvard's own pride and joy, affirmative action hired to fill a the distinguished "Squaw Chair" in their legal school. This woman, Warren, who is whiter than Wonder Bread, knowingly lied on her applications to gain advantages no true Native American would. Warren with her false claim of Native heritage has forever branded herself as a liar! She is fair game in politics for ridicule.

The liberals at the Washington Post fain outrage at Donald Trumps utterances. They are politically motivated against all things Trump and their opines and complaints about Donald Trumps politically incorrect language is falling on deaf ears amongst the great unwashed masses of Honkies who have formed an enormous block of voters who are sick and tired of business as usual in the uniparty land of Washington, DC. This new voting block is larger than the 17% hispanic, and the 3.5% sexually confused, and the 13% black voting blocks combined.

The new voting block of Native Americans, the true Americans whose families have been here for generations and fought a civil war for the freedom of the 13% and two world wars for the 100% are so sick and tired of politicians like Hillary and Elizabeth and a press filled with lying do-gooders whose only goal is to sway voters away from Trump and towards the vacuous and vapid "Vagina of Chappaqua".

If Donald wants to name Elizabeth Warren, who is the vacuous, vapid, vagina of Chappaqua's Spokes Squaw, the largest voting block of Americans is not upset.

If Donald Trump wants to refer to Elizabeth Warren, who as you may recall is the vacuous, vapid, vagina of Chappaqua's Lying Washington RedSkin, the largest voting block of Americans is OK with it.

In sum, Trump's pet names for the gals who insult him, and the names that insult the doughy guys and gals over at the Post and the Times, are great entertainment for the New American Voting Block of serious nativists.

Pocahontas, Washington Redskin, Spokes Squaw or just plain Elizabeth Warren, the liar, whose lies kept a real Native American off the faculty at Harvard, which probably is a favor if you really think of it, are all great terms for this abortion touting, gun hating, teepee flipping hypocrite, who without her lies would most likely be an unmarried alcoholic frump trying to make a living selling home made trinkets on Facebook, instead of the liberal media's darling assigned the job of slinging arrows at our Wonder Bread Man, Donald J. Trump, the next President of the United States of America.

Lying, aint all that bad? Eh Pocahontas? Well, at least with you it was only a little "White Lie"!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Donald Trump Deserves A New Judge, Judge Gonzalo Curiel Must Recuse Or Loose

Donald Trump's Civil Lawsuit against him and his Trump University is being overseen by a card carrying LaRaza member, Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Even though Curiel is all American in birth rights, he has an understandable pride in his Mexican heritage.

However, I suspect the New York Times and the Washington Post would be screaming bloody murder if say, for example, the murder trial of George Zimmerman had been overseen by a judge with ties to the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. And a thoughtful judge would listen to the defendant's concerns and rescuse him or herself so as not bring into the case any hint of racial or political bias.

Judge Curiel, step away from this case. Your character will be questioned in any rulings you make in this politically motivated case against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Were you too harsh because of your bias, or were your rulings too lenient for fear of being deemed a political hack, given your law firms history of supporting the Clintons and their crime machine.

If you decide to recuse you will win many shamelessly insincere compliments from your detractors and risk ridicule from your LaRaza hommies. Which everway you fold, you must fold to a position that protects the institution and the premise that the rule of law is applied equally and that justice is blind.

Trump has placed you in a precarious position. He raises the spectre of judicial bias. We already have an Obama Justice Department with enough bias to pay off the great national debt if bias were dollars. Your mission is to recuse and give Americans some hope that all is not lost in our Judicial branch.

As Donald Trump has said, "A country without borders is not a country." And likewise, a country without laws is no longer a country with laws.

So, Judge, if I can call you that, show America you have real red, white and blue blooded American Blood flowing in those veins of yours and not some, red, white, and green conconction, and do what a real American would do!

Recuse or you loose and your place in history will be set in stone. A man cannot have two masters. You're either an American Judge or a Mexican pretending to be an American member of the judicary, the difference between these two is the difference between an arcangel and the Missing Link.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

6/7/16 It is worse for old Gonzo Curiel than I suspected, he is a member of the Hispanic National Bar Association and associated with LaRaza and the HNBA stated last July they would specifically to after Donald Trumps business interests.

Gonzo must be impeached!


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Robert Reich, Diminutive Lawyer, Clinton Supporter, A Tale

Most people do not know the honorable Robert B. Reich was once a practicing attorney before he wiggled into academia, and he had a reputation for brilliant cross-examinations. When Reich was finished with a witness there would be nothing left of them.

There was only one witness whom got the best of Young Reich, and the case involved an alleged sexual assault by Mr. Reich's client on a very large young Irish woman. Seems the young woman had had too much alcohol to drink one night and the next morning she awoke in her bed with the accused lying next to her. She determined she had been violated and called the police.

Under cross-examination Reich cooly stated, "Mam, you would have this court believe that just because you awake next to a man in your bed, that you have been sexually assaulted? Why you could just as easily make such an accusation against me. Tell the court what would you think if you woke up one morning and found me lying in your bed?"

The large woman studied, Reich for a moment and responded, "Well sir, I would have thought I had had a miscarriage!"

This is the Tale and parts of it are true.

All was lifted from Mark Twain's volume III Autobiography! The names were changed to protect the guilty.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Mark Twain Fan Club and the Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump Please More Okey Doke And Less Obama Dork!

Off tele prompt mode President Obama stuttered 17 I's and then delivered an "Okie or Okey Doke or Doak" neither of which I am familiar. But if this is what Donald Trump is dishing out, I want more.

Mr. Obama is poorly prepared for off the cuff remarks given his horrible track record. His handlers cringe when he is off tele and has to be his own wordsmith. The man has a blind loop which does not connect to his speech centers, but his eye to mouth coordination is fabulous. He reads beautifully!

But enough of Obama already we have had 7.41 years too much of his attention. He has guided us from some bad times into worse times and now he has just sprinted past his former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who masterminded leaking all of America's top diplomatic secrets to the entire world via Guccifer, the Romanian super hacker.

She has begun her waddle down the track behind Obama and is straining to catch him so he can pass the baton and she can continue "Fighting for US" all the while racking up half million dollar speaking fees from every well heeled Wall Street Banker who does not want to be left out of the Clinton Administration's favor factory and grift shoppe.

There is no certainty that Obama would take a bribe, but with the Clintons, and that is a very large butt, there can be no doubt. She is in the dictionary under "pay for play". Some of her doozies have been the cattle futures back in Arkansas daze, Whitewater, the travel office firings, Clinton Foundation Cash for American Uranium, and these are only the ones that have slipped out into the open. The movie, "Clinton Cash" chronicles a multitude of other shady deals by the greatest grifters since Ponzi or the Tulip run up in Holland.

To end this diatribe, if the choice is between Obama's dopey smoke and Donald Trump's Okie Doke, you can keep the former and give me the latter.

Trump is Okie Dokie with me. Did you hear him say Hillary deserves to be in prison for her mishandling of America's secrets?

If she knew her server was breached and she did nothing to correct it she is either very stupid or has knowingly committed treason. Either way Hillary Clinton is the one who is both ethically and temperamentally unfit to serve in the presidency, and she has earned her bonafides to serve in a federal penitentiary. Why the racketeering charges alone should finish out her lifetime behind bars. She needs to wear her knee pads and visit President Obama real soon and real often, but something makes me think he does not swing that way, and with Hillary's appearance, who does? Her best hope is for a presidential pardon.

Trump is no traitor and is certainly not stupid like Hillary.

Trump is a true patriot who has America's best interest first and foremost and will work to "Make America Great Again" to cop a phrase.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, June 2, 2016

If You Read This You're A Son Of A Bitch!

I read a short story written by a fellow I knew well and one of its characters liked to send helium filled balloons up to the heavens with messages tied onto them. The fellow telling the story was curious as to what messages might be taken heaven bound by this architect of messaging information before the internet, tweeting, texting, trolling, and tabloids were in favor. He finally queried the balloonist and to his surprise his simple message is my title.

And that is the message of life. Everybody has somebody who loves them, your mother, and everybody who has lived any life at all has more than one person who feels they are a SOB. Donald Trump has racked up a whole lot in each category. The press is particularly spiteful of Trump's populism and in its tiny group think brain cannot fathom how he enjoys the popularity he has garnered.
Has America lost its mind? Do the affects of global warming include mass psychological abnormalities among the great unwashed masses who cling to bibles and guns and pay most of the middle class's burden in taxes so the great minority of washed and highly perfumed and well coiffured political piggies can eat, drink, and enjoy unfettered gay sex on the tax payer's dime?

Could a brain virus explain the zombies who drool all over Donald Trump at the rallies? Inquiring minds want to know.

And what has America's youth been smoking to think Bernie Sanders would be a better leader than that tried and true American Patriot, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has spent 40 years as an under paid public servant and has nothing to show for her sacrifice save a couple billion dollars in a foundation slush and deliver favors fund and the ability to shake down wall street's biggest players for half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech no one can recall five minutes after being released from the venue. Say what I will about Hillary Clinton, but she is a powerful greedy seedy lustful person whose only equals in our modern day would be Hitler and Castro. Maybe Hugo Chavez before he died with Satan eating his asshole out with cancer.

America's not stupid, but its leaders feel it is. The press is apoplectic in its thinking of the Trump phenomenon. Billy Krystal, not the hamburger joint family, has made it his ambition to thwart Mr. Trump's bid for the White House with the support of 15 other liberal writers at The National Review. He is a fool. If someone in America has a virus that has caused presenile dementia it is the press and our ruling class.

More is coming out each week about the Panama Papers enlightening the world about the wealthy and the movers and shakers and how they would love to take every last penny from the masses and place it in a bank account and brag about their accomplishments and how they have contributed so much to the Clinton Foundation and Grift Shoppe. Bernie Sanders and his message is more palatable if one considers these elitist snobs and that their billions do not contribute to the common good locked up in secret accounts not doing the work money was designed to do in lifting anyone willing to sweat and innovate up into the middle class, meanwhile providing a subsistence living to those who are happy coasting along in life from happy meal to happy meal.

The lessons of the French Revolution have been forgotten by these self-indulgent pretty boys and girls. Trump knows where the power lies.

He has tapped into it and the bubble heads in the new world order class are not happy.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center