Donald Trump is right about one thing. The negotiated agreement with Iran by team Obama, Kerry, and Hillary Clinton is the worst deal possible. Iran got $150 billion dollars, inspectionless inspections of its nuclear program, and they did not even release our citizens held in their jails! We got nothing!
The only plausable explanation for this is Iran had Closossus Clinton's State Department Top, Top Secret Emails, and were threatening to release all this information which would be very, very embarassing to the Big O-Hole administration. I suspect it had some rather unflattering comments about our Middle East allies including Israel and the Sauds, and other disparaging remarks about NATO.
And how does Putin walk all over the Middle East and Crimea without even a squeak of protest from Obamaland? He has the same documents as Iran. We cannot become great again until this current bunch of taffy makers is shown the door.
They have ruined America, brought back the cold war, and unleashed the horror of the caliphate which had laid dormant for over 1000 years. Can the genie be put back into the bottle again?
Trump will tell.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
The Empty Missive, Urban Poverty On Display In NYC
Broncos and Panthers will be playing in Superbowl #Who knows, and Tom Brady will have to sit this one out. Peyton Manning has a chance to win another Superbowl and Papa Johns Pizza and Nationwide Insurance have picked a winner.
The voices calling for The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton's inditement for crimes against our nation in her mishandling super top secret emissives on her personal server have grown in numbers and volume with Cade Mulcaskie of Cedar Grove, Tennessee adding his voice just last week at the Lavinia Diner.
"What she done was irresponsible! She give Iran, the Ruskies, and the Chinks free access to all our state secrets. Now they know where and when Hillary Clinton goes to the bar." I tried to explain to Cade, it didn't make no matter since she is no longer Secretary of State, but he was not swayed.
"Hillary is compromised," he continued. "She is running for the top office in the land. And all our enemies know her weaknesses and foibles!"
Well, old Cabe had me there, I did not know Cabe knew what foibles were and I dropped it.
Andrew Coumo, governor of New York City, has been seen on television directing his charges to stay off the streets or be arrested in his attempt not to look stupid like his father who completely flummoxed the last big snow storm in NYC. Even if Andy does everything perfectly with the storm, it will not change his impish looks nor will it make him a contender for President in 2020. Andrew looks like Charles Krauthamers sperm was used from the sperm bank by Andrew's mother all those years ago... not that there is anything wrong with Charlie's look, but Americans demand a handsome or beautiful commander in chief.
Cable demands nothing less, and the speaking voice must be pleasing to the ear, two reasons The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton will never win. Her looks have faded, and her voice is grating, and her political philosophy is out of step with working Americans. Americans know The Colossus is out for making The Colossus, more Colossal at the expense of your average American. From the looks of the attendance at her scripted events, The Colossus is in trouble. She is fading faster than middle America's savings accounts in a Bernie Sanders presidency.
The nonstop attacks against The Donald are bouncing off like bullets fired at Superman. Trump has hit a chord with native Americans. His take no prisoner and anti-Political Correct talk has energized and awoken the great unwashed masses who out number the smaller group of sophisticates who like to think because of their great intellect should decide what is best for the rest. Open borders, confiscatory tax rates, 21 trillion dollar deficits, carbon credits, plastic electric cars, gun control, sugary drink bans, staying inside in a snow storm, EPA, Dept of Education, and others with functional SWAT TEAMS, funneling billions of dollars to your enemies, and limiting the terms of engagement so your enemy on the battlefield is never killed or injured are not popular positions in Realville.
And I am spent.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The voices calling for The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton's inditement for crimes against our nation in her mishandling super top secret emissives on her personal server have grown in numbers and volume with Cade Mulcaskie of Cedar Grove, Tennessee adding his voice just last week at the Lavinia Diner.
"What she done was irresponsible! She give Iran, the Ruskies, and the Chinks free access to all our state secrets. Now they know where and when Hillary Clinton goes to the bar." I tried to explain to Cade, it didn't make no matter since she is no longer Secretary of State, but he was not swayed.
"Hillary is compromised," he continued. "She is running for the top office in the land. And all our enemies know her weaknesses and foibles!"
Well, old Cabe had me there, I did not know Cabe knew what foibles were and I dropped it.
Andrew Coumo, governor of New York City, has been seen on television directing his charges to stay off the streets or be arrested in his attempt not to look stupid like his father who completely flummoxed the last big snow storm in NYC. Even if Andy does everything perfectly with the storm, it will not change his impish looks nor will it make him a contender for President in 2020. Andrew looks like Charles Krauthamers sperm was used from the sperm bank by Andrew's mother all those years ago... not that there is anything wrong with Charlie's look, but Americans demand a handsome or beautiful commander in chief.
Cable demands nothing less, and the speaking voice must be pleasing to the ear, two reasons The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton will never win. Her looks have faded, and her voice is grating, and her political philosophy is out of step with working Americans. Americans know The Colossus is out for making The Colossus, more Colossal at the expense of your average American. From the looks of the attendance at her scripted events, The Colossus is in trouble. She is fading faster than middle America's savings accounts in a Bernie Sanders presidency.
The nonstop attacks against The Donald are bouncing off like bullets fired at Superman. Trump has hit a chord with native Americans. His take no prisoner and anti-Political Correct talk has energized and awoken the great unwashed masses who out number the smaller group of sophisticates who like to think because of their great intellect should decide what is best for the rest. Open borders, confiscatory tax rates, 21 trillion dollar deficits, carbon credits, plastic electric cars, gun control, sugary drink bans, staying inside in a snow storm, EPA, Dept of Education, and others with functional SWAT TEAMS, funneling billions of dollars to your enemies, and limiting the terms of engagement so your enemy on the battlefield is never killed or injured are not popular positions in Realville.
And I am spent.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Observations And Wisdom Rarely Seen On Trump, Germany, Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and Jeb!
If the State Department releases one more cache of Hillary Clinton's emails the string holding this colossus together will fail and she will fall through her own buttonhole and then Albert Gore, jr will have a twin.
Ironically, State has asked the judge for an extra month because of the snow storm which blanketed Washington, DC with pure white privileged snow. The Colossus and her feeble string are saved.
The mayor of Cologne, Germany, Henriette Reker, was quoted last week in a city council meeting: "We are going to need more goats!" in response to her city's problem with Muslim immigrant ongoing sexual attacks on Germany's native female population. Like Amsterdam, where sex for hire is legal, Frau Reker, plans to legalize "petting zoos" in Cologne, to take the pressure off Germany's newest citizens.
Bathhouses have closed across Germany where the new arrivals have been attempting to grope the female swimmers, defecating in the kiddy pools and masturbating in the jacuzzis.
Frau Merkel, dismisses these actions as "only temporary" since these young men will mature and once their levels of testosterone drop in 20 years or so, the atrocities will fall off, and the second generation of immigrants will have been socialized in German Schools. Meanwhile, that is probably not a Baby Ruth floating in the kiddy pool in Germany. The US State Department has recommended Americans avoid public bath houses in Germany for now.
Donald Trump has stated he could shoot Megyn Kelly on 5th avenue along with the entire editorial board and writing staff for The National Review and not lose any voters!
I agree!
The media never film the crowds at Donald Trump's political rallies and he has made this part of his stump speech. I have advised his campaign to buy a mirror and bring it up on stage and redirect the cameras to the audience using the power of reflective light. We will see if it happens.
Jeb!'s mother came out this past week in support of her child's presidential run. If however Jeb! is not the nominee she will vote for Trump as will a majority of American patriots.
And lastly, Bill Clinton is looking like he "may have pissed on his last campfire". In stumping for his Colossus, Misses Hillary Clinton, in Iowa last week his hand had a noticeable tremor. Add his gaunt new look, skeletor in a three piece suit, and his fumbling the recent public queries into his sexual misadventures and he is more of a liability than an asset to his "wino" (wife in name only), the Colossus. I expect we will be hearing less and less from Bill and more and more from Chelsea Clinton, who has announced she has taken something very seriously which was poked at her in fun, and expecting her second spawn later this year, and that she "has tried very very hard to emulate her parent's love of money", but has fallen short of their level of greed and lust for power, proving the apple can fall far from the tree, but only if the apple is honest and telling the truth.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Ironically, State has asked the judge for an extra month because of the snow storm which blanketed Washington, DC with pure white privileged snow. The Colossus and her feeble string are saved.
The mayor of Cologne, Germany, Henriette Reker, was quoted last week in a city council meeting: "We are going to need more goats!" in response to her city's problem with Muslim immigrant ongoing sexual attacks on Germany's native female population. Like Amsterdam, where sex for hire is legal, Frau Reker, plans to legalize "petting zoos" in Cologne, to take the pressure off Germany's newest citizens.
Bathhouses have closed across Germany where the new arrivals have been attempting to grope the female swimmers, defecating in the kiddy pools and masturbating in the jacuzzis.
Frau Merkel, dismisses these actions as "only temporary" since these young men will mature and once their levels of testosterone drop in 20 years or so, the atrocities will fall off, and the second generation of immigrants will have been socialized in German Schools. Meanwhile, that is probably not a Baby Ruth floating in the kiddy pool in Germany. The US State Department has recommended Americans avoid public bath houses in Germany for now.
Donald Trump has stated he could shoot Megyn Kelly on 5th avenue along with the entire editorial board and writing staff for The National Review and not lose any voters!
I agree!
The media never film the crowds at Donald Trump's political rallies and he has made this part of his stump speech. I have advised his campaign to buy a mirror and bring it up on stage and redirect the cameras to the audience using the power of reflective light. We will see if it happens.
Jeb!'s mother came out this past week in support of her child's presidential run. If however Jeb! is not the nominee she will vote for Trump as will a majority of American patriots.
And lastly, Bill Clinton is looking like he "may have pissed on his last campfire". In stumping for his Colossus, Misses Hillary Clinton, in Iowa last week his hand had a noticeable tremor. Add his gaunt new look, skeletor in a three piece suit, and his fumbling the recent public queries into his sexual misadventures and he is more of a liability than an asset to his "wino" (wife in name only), the Colossus. I expect we will be hearing less and less from Bill and more and more from Chelsea Clinton, who has announced she has taken something very seriously which was poked at her in fun, and expecting her second spawn later this year, and that she "has tried very very hard to emulate her parent's love of money", but has fallen short of their level of greed and lust for power, proving the apple can fall far from the tree, but only if the apple is honest and telling the truth.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Donald J. Trump, Ralfael Edward Cruz and Sarah Palin, Oh My!
The three political heavy weights mentioned in the title are not operating independently. Governor Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump last night in Ames, Iowa was part of the plan to give Trump the lead spot on the ticket. And Senator Cruz's opposition to Ethanol subsidies in the Iowa farm belt is part of the plan to keep Trump on top and Cruz in second place.
If the plan hatched out by these three comes to fruition, they will have pulled the nomination away from the GOP elites who as we all know now are out for power and money and not at all interested in what the common voter, tax payer, citizen desires, but only kow to those bitter clingers who are desperately clinging to the basket of governmental handouts and insider favors, purchased with campaign contributions.
Donald Trump, self-funding billionaire, marching to no other man's drumbeat is a populist, red blooded American Male, who brings a refreshingly honest style of campaigning which has the self-serving media elites fuming and the American people cheering. His catapulting of political correctness up the behinds of the media who so viciously berated a good and decent American politician, Sarah Palin, is beautiful. And Americans cheered him on.
Trumps call for a wall and closing America's borders and stopping the endless march of undereducated and criminal immigrants, made Megyn Kelly's nose bleed and bloodied the media elites once again, and Americans cheered.
Trump calls out the media for dishonesty at every political event, and the Americans cheer.
Cruz knows he is a young man and Trump has 20 years of experience on him and Cruz will be wonderful as number 2.
Trump, Palin, and Cruz are the new trifecta. I hope their plan works because it is America's best chance to return to greatness and fiscal solvency.
The looting of the American treasury and its workers is about to end.
We will be lucky to get these three in place without having to bailout the bankers with one last trillion dollar stimulus/theft.
With the financial collapse watch Obama tear up and print up a few trillion for his swan dance, lame duck performance.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
If the plan hatched out by these three comes to fruition, they will have pulled the nomination away from the GOP elites who as we all know now are out for power and money and not at all interested in what the common voter, tax payer, citizen desires, but only kow to those bitter clingers who are desperately clinging to the basket of governmental handouts and insider favors, purchased with campaign contributions.
Donald Trump, self-funding billionaire, marching to no other man's drumbeat is a populist, red blooded American Male, who brings a refreshingly honest style of campaigning which has the self-serving media elites fuming and the American people cheering. His catapulting of political correctness up the behinds of the media who so viciously berated a good and decent American politician, Sarah Palin, is beautiful. And Americans cheered him on.
Trumps call for a wall and closing America's borders and stopping the endless march of undereducated and criminal immigrants, made Megyn Kelly's nose bleed and bloodied the media elites once again, and Americans cheered.
Trump calls out the media for dishonesty at every political event, and the Americans cheer.
Cruz knows he is a young man and Trump has 20 years of experience on him and Cruz will be wonderful as number 2.
Trump, Palin, and Cruz are the new trifecta. I hope their plan works because it is America's best chance to return to greatness and fiscal solvency.
The looting of the American treasury and its workers is about to end.
We will be lucky to get these three in place without having to bailout the bankers with one last trillion dollar stimulus/theft.
With the financial collapse watch Obama tear up and print up a few trillion for his swan dance, lame duck performance.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
In The Race Of Donald Trump Vs Hillary Frump, Whom Will Triumph On Election Day? Trumphy Vs Frumpy, Why Donald Wins
Americans have never voted an ugly president into office, especially since the dawn of the television age. Kennedy, with his dapper looks and Northeastern charm rolled over Tricky Dick Nixon who was too unctuous to beat JFK whose handlers knew to keep him fresh for the debate which was televised for all to see Nixon sweating like a whore in a Selma, Alabama Baptist retreat in August. Nixon bested Hubert Humphrey in 1968 after his people learned about make-up and air-conditioning. Nixon bested McGovern in 1972 because he was a hawk and McGovern appeared weak. Looks were about a tie in the Nixon-McGovern race.
In 1976 Jimmy Carter, with better hair, and his smooth Southern style offed the balding galoot, Gerald Ford, who had to his credit pardoned Nixon, whom by todays standards was a saint while in office and was only drummed out by the relentless beating he took from the out of control press who lost all credibility with that little act and have fallen from grace and even today are held in contempt by middle America.
Reagan v Carter, no contest, Hollywood won. After the problems Jimmy Carter's low testosterone levels wrought America was ready for a man to take the reigns and balls up our nation. Iran noticed Reagan right away by placing all the American hostages on a plane in almost enough time to make his inauguration. Gaddafi got a taste of Reagan's testicles and played quiet mouse still mouse until Hillary and Obama colluded to throw the balance of power in the middle east into chaos in an attempt to keep American hegemony in place.
In 1984, Mondale, a handsome fellow, was bested by Reagan by the shear weight of those enormous Ronald Reagan balls. And Mical G. tore down the wall crushed by the ball.
1988 saw Bush upend the goofy little politician with the ill-advised ride in the tank in that helmet! Again beauty bested goof.
Now we are up to Bill Clinton, perhaps the best looking President of our modern era. He is irresistible to all but his wife Hillary. Even men have thrown themselves at him. And the women all want to taste his man gravy, only one silly young intern has ever spilt even more than a few drops of it ever! Then Bob Sour Dole was up against the charmer Clinton and was beat so badly his left arm did not work for a few months.
Next we have Al Gore, another goofy fellow, just trying to have others release his middle chakra for him in a contest against W. Bush. W's bigger balls won out over Albert's feminized little testicles after the chad wars of Florida.
W verses the horse faced John Kerry whom historians will note has no balls and very little sense, note his disastrous Iran agreement, which has not yet exploded fully in the worlds face, was a no contest.
And now we come to Obama, that cool, baritone babbler just black enough and clean enough to mesmerize 50.24% of the voters and beat the shit out of Johnny "no nuts" McCain, who swallowed up more Vietnamese semen than the South China Sea. And whom did the Black Baratone Obama beat to win the democrat nomination? Hillary Rodham Clinton, albeit a much less frumpy Hillary.
Todays Hillary if nominated, will face the daunting task of becoming the frumpiest President of the United States ever, though portraits of Martin Van Buren, look pretty bad in good light.
Hillary's looks are gone. Her thyroid problem has soured her hair and sagged her face, her skin mites get lost in the wrinkles. Long whiskers are making their way onto that aged face and must be plucked daily. Small children if hugged would be poked by these monstrous whiskers, some more like porcupine quills, and scream. Her teats have fallen below her umbilicus which has retreated deep into her adipose laden belly. Huma once found a complete bagel in there after a night of partying. She can no longer reach her aft and needs help cleaning up after a toxic dump. The stroke has taken some of the intellect and it ain't coming back folks.
And this is the main reason Trump, if he is the nominee, will mop up against the Corps, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The only things about Hillary that have not changed are greed and lust for power, and her incredibly poor judgement when it comes to accepting bribes and sending top secret emails on personal servers.
I do not doubt her resolve to win at all costs, but time, as they say, waits for no one. And time has been a poor influence on Hillary Clinton. It has ravaged her health and looks, and as Trump comments at each of his well attended campaign events, she does not have the stamina to be president!
Now Donald Trump, on the other hand is a year older than Madame Hillary and with that beautiful crop of prematurely golden hair will have no trouble besting the beast.
So has Hillary Rodham Clinton passed her freshness date? Sadly for her and her supporters, yes, she is way too frumpy to win. Even Bernie Sanders, 10 years her senior, is more fit for the job.
Will Hillary quit? In a word, no! I suspect she will run again in 2020 even if she is in a chair like that physicist, Hawkins, speaking from a talking keyboard. Hillary is a fighter, but with a lot, a lot of disgusting traits, dishonesty, greed, power lust, and poor judgement. Clean her up a little bit, knock off a couple of decades and you'd have something there.
Right now, nothing. Hillary Clinton is an aged Hall Monitor without a hall. Her flowers have wilted. She is right where we need her to be, pathetic in a pant-suit.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
In 1976 Jimmy Carter, with better hair, and his smooth Southern style offed the balding galoot, Gerald Ford, who had to his credit pardoned Nixon, whom by todays standards was a saint while in office and was only drummed out by the relentless beating he took from the out of control press who lost all credibility with that little act and have fallen from grace and even today are held in contempt by middle America.
Reagan v Carter, no contest, Hollywood won. After the problems Jimmy Carter's low testosterone levels wrought America was ready for a man to take the reigns and balls up our nation. Iran noticed Reagan right away by placing all the American hostages on a plane in almost enough time to make his inauguration. Gaddafi got a taste of Reagan's testicles and played quiet mouse still mouse until Hillary and Obama colluded to throw the balance of power in the middle east into chaos in an attempt to keep American hegemony in place.
In 1984, Mondale, a handsome fellow, was bested by Reagan by the shear weight of those enormous Ronald Reagan balls. And Mical G. tore down the wall crushed by the ball.
1988 saw Bush upend the goofy little politician with the ill-advised ride in the tank in that helmet! Again beauty bested goof.
Now we are up to Bill Clinton, perhaps the best looking President of our modern era. He is irresistible to all but his wife Hillary. Even men have thrown themselves at him. And the women all want to taste his man gravy, only one silly young intern has ever spilt even more than a few drops of it ever! Then Bob Sour Dole was up against the charmer Clinton and was beat so badly his left arm did not work for a few months.
Next we have Al Gore, another goofy fellow, just trying to have others release his middle chakra for him in a contest against W. Bush. W's bigger balls won out over Albert's feminized little testicles after the chad wars of Florida.
W verses the horse faced John Kerry whom historians will note has no balls and very little sense, note his disastrous Iran agreement, which has not yet exploded fully in the worlds face, was a no contest.
And now we come to Obama, that cool, baritone babbler just black enough and clean enough to mesmerize 50.24% of the voters and beat the shit out of Johnny "no nuts" McCain, who swallowed up more Vietnamese semen than the South China Sea. And whom did the Black Baratone Obama beat to win the democrat nomination? Hillary Rodham Clinton, albeit a much less frumpy Hillary.
Todays Hillary if nominated, will face the daunting task of becoming the frumpiest President of the United States ever, though portraits of Martin Van Buren, look pretty bad in good light.
Hillary's looks are gone. Her thyroid problem has soured her hair and sagged her face, her skin mites get lost in the wrinkles. Long whiskers are making their way onto that aged face and must be plucked daily. Small children if hugged would be poked by these monstrous whiskers, some more like porcupine quills, and scream. Her teats have fallen below her umbilicus which has retreated deep into her adipose laden belly. Huma once found a complete bagel in there after a night of partying. She can no longer reach her aft and needs help cleaning up after a toxic dump. The stroke has taken some of the intellect and it ain't coming back folks.
And this is the main reason Trump, if he is the nominee, will mop up against the Corps, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The only things about Hillary that have not changed are greed and lust for power, and her incredibly poor judgement when it comes to accepting bribes and sending top secret emails on personal servers.
I do not doubt her resolve to win at all costs, but time, as they say, waits for no one. And time has been a poor influence on Hillary Clinton. It has ravaged her health and looks, and as Trump comments at each of his well attended campaign events, she does not have the stamina to be president!
Now Donald Trump, on the other hand is a year older than Madame Hillary and with that beautiful crop of prematurely golden hair will have no trouble besting the beast.
So has Hillary Rodham Clinton passed her freshness date? Sadly for her and her supporters, yes, she is way too frumpy to win. Even Bernie Sanders, 10 years her senior, is more fit for the job.
Will Hillary quit? In a word, no! I suspect she will run again in 2020 even if she is in a chair like that physicist, Hawkins, speaking from a talking keyboard. Hillary is a fighter, but with a lot, a lot of disgusting traits, dishonesty, greed, power lust, and poor judgement. Clean her up a little bit, knock off a couple of decades and you'd have something there.
Right now, nothing. Hillary Clinton is an aged Hall Monitor without a hall. Her flowers have wilted. She is right where we need her to be, pathetic in a pant-suit.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Donald Trump,
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Jimmy Carter,
John Kerry,
Thursday, January 7, 2016
All You Need To Read Today Is Right Here, Wisdom From The Urban Poverty Law Center
Hillary Clinton draws nearly 200 supporters at a Nevada event. Is that counting the flies?
Germany's newest citizens celebrate the New Year sexually assaulting the host's country's young women. The Germans need more goats.
Germany's migrants doing the sexual assaults the Germans are unwilling to do.
Obama issues new EO's for gun control. These new orders will do as much for reducing gun violence as the Paris Accord will for Global Warming.
Biden is second guessing his decision not to run for the democrat nomination. I beg to disagree. Stay put, Biden.
Bill Cosby faces formal rape charges for 20 yr old events, Bill Clinton skates on his behavior. White Privilege?
If Trump has his way the only Clinton we will get for 2016 will be coming out of Chelsea's uterus.
Now that things have heated up in the Middle East, Obama has pulled us out of the way, Iran v Saudi Arabia.
Kim, of North Korea, in a seismic event, detonated an H Bomb to celebrate the New Year. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Hillary Clinton dropped an H-bomb during the last debate, its late detonation causing her tardy reappearance on stage.
The Chinese stock market is crashing. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Trump has resurrected the Reagan coalition. Rednecks, blue collar democrats, independents, and other white folks. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Germany's newest citizens celebrate the New Year sexually assaulting the host's country's young women. The Germans need more goats.
Germany's migrants doing the sexual assaults the Germans are unwilling to do.
Obama issues new EO's for gun control. These new orders will do as much for reducing gun violence as the Paris Accord will for Global Warming.
Biden is second guessing his decision not to run for the democrat nomination. I beg to disagree. Stay put, Biden.
Bill Cosby faces formal rape charges for 20 yr old events, Bill Clinton skates on his behavior. White Privilege?
If Trump has his way the only Clinton we will get for 2016 will be coming out of Chelsea's uterus.
Now that things have heated up in the Middle East, Obama has pulled us out of the way, Iran v Saudi Arabia.
Kim, of North Korea, in a seismic event, detonated an H Bomb to celebrate the New Year. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Hillary Clinton dropped an H-bomb during the last debate, its late detonation causing her tardy reappearance on stage.
The Chinese stock market is crashing. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Trump has resurrected the Reagan coalition. Rednecks, blue collar democrats, independents, and other white folks. Bill Clinton is shocked.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Urban Poverty Law Center: Why The Sudden Rush To Get Moslem Refugees Out Of The Middle East?
The Middle East has been war ravaged for 20 or so of the past 25 years, and only recently have refugees been a priority. Why? ISIS has risen to fill the void left by the hapless Obama/Clinton/Kerry Middle East foreign policy. Iran and Russia have joined the fray, confident the gays at the pentagon and state do not have the wrists or big boy pants necessary to challenge Russian Straight Man, Vladimir Putin or the Mad Mullah's to a shooting war.
Is Syria soon to become a nuclear wasteland? Are the few million "refugees" who fled to Europe and America part of the New World Order's veiled plan to preserve the genetic material of these noble desert nomads? I hope I am only being fanciful in my thinking.
Another year with President Obama and his rudderless ship of state with our do nothing congress and the worthless collegial collection of political inbreds occupying the senate will not hinder a nuclear conflict around Israel. After all, Iran now has $150 billion of Obama-cash to spend on weapons of mass destruction thanks to that well thought out agreement John Kerry worked out last year.
And what would Hillary Clinton do? Someone should wake her from her nap and ask her.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Is Syria soon to become a nuclear wasteland? Are the few million "refugees" who fled to Europe and America part of the New World Order's veiled plan to preserve the genetic material of these noble desert nomads? I hope I am only being fanciful in my thinking.
Another year with President Obama and his rudderless ship of state with our do nothing congress and the worthless collegial collection of political inbreds occupying the senate will not hinder a nuclear conflict around Israel. After all, Iran now has $150 billion of Obama-cash to spend on weapons of mass destruction thanks to that well thought out agreement John Kerry worked out last year.
And what would Hillary Clinton do? Someone should wake her from her nap and ask her.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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