Sunday, January 31, 2016

How Hillary Clinton's Stupidity With Mishandling America's Secrets Gave Away The Farm To Iran's Mullahs

Donald Trump is right about one thing. The negotiated agreement with Iran by team Obama, Kerry, and Hillary Clinton is the worst deal possible. Iran got $150 billion dollars, inspectionless inspections of its nuclear program, and they did not even release our citizens held in their jails! We got nothing!

The only plausable explanation for this is Iran had Closossus Clinton's State Department Top, Top Secret Emails, and were threatening to release all this information which would be very, very embarassing to the Big O-Hole administration. I suspect it had some rather unflattering comments about our Middle East allies including Israel and the Sauds, and other disparaging remarks about NATO.

And how does Putin walk all over the Middle East and Crimea without even a squeak of protest from Obamaland? He has the same documents as Iran. We cannot become great again until this current bunch of taffy makers is shown the door.

They have ruined America, brought back the cold war, and unleashed the horror of the caliphate which had laid dormant for over 1000 years. Can the genie be put back into the bottle again?

Trump will tell.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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