Tuesday, January 12, 2016

In The Race Of Donald Trump Vs Hillary Frump, Whom Will Triumph On Election Day? Trumphy Vs Frumpy, Why Donald Wins

Americans have never voted an ugly president into office, especially since the dawn of the television age. Kennedy, with his dapper looks and Northeastern charm rolled over Tricky Dick Nixon who was too unctuous to beat JFK whose handlers knew to keep him fresh for the debate which was televised for all to see Nixon sweating like a whore in a Selma, Alabama Baptist retreat in August. Nixon bested Hubert Humphrey in 1968 after his people learned about make-up and air-conditioning. Nixon bested McGovern in 1972 because he was a hawk and McGovern appeared weak. Looks were about a tie in the Nixon-McGovern race.

In 1976 Jimmy Carter, with better hair, and his smooth Southern style offed the balding galoot, Gerald Ford, who had to his credit pardoned Nixon, whom by todays standards was a saint while in office and was only drummed out by the relentless beating he took from the out of control press who lost all credibility with that little act and have fallen from grace and even today are held in contempt by middle America.

Reagan v Carter, no contest, Hollywood won. After the problems Jimmy Carter's low testosterone levels wrought America was ready for a man to take the reigns and balls up our nation. Iran noticed Reagan right away by placing all the American hostages on a plane in almost enough time to make his inauguration. Gaddafi got a taste of Reagan's testicles and played quiet mouse still mouse until Hillary and Obama colluded to throw the balance of power in the middle east into chaos in an attempt to keep American hegemony in place.

In 1984, Mondale, a handsome fellow, was bested by Reagan by the shear weight of those enormous Ronald Reagan balls. And Mical G. tore down the wall crushed by the ball.

1988 saw Bush upend the goofy little politician with the ill-advised ride in the tank in that helmet! Again beauty bested goof.

Now we are up to Bill Clinton, perhaps the best looking President of our modern era. He is irresistible to all but his wife Hillary. Even men have thrown themselves at him. And the women all want to taste his man gravy, only one silly young intern has ever spilt even more than a few drops of it ever! Then Bob Sour Dole was up against the charmer Clinton and was beat so badly his left arm did not work for a few months.

Next we have Al Gore, another goofy fellow, just trying to have others release his middle chakra for him in a contest against W. Bush. W's bigger balls won out over Albert's feminized little testicles after the chad wars of Florida.

W verses the horse faced John Kerry whom historians will note has no balls and very little sense, note his disastrous Iran agreement, which has not yet exploded fully in the worlds face, was a no contest.

And now we come to Obama, that cool, baritone babbler just black enough and clean enough to mesmerize 50.24% of the voters and beat the shit out of Johnny "no nuts" McCain, who swallowed up more Vietnamese semen than the South China Sea. And whom did the Black Baratone Obama beat to win the democrat nomination? Hillary Rodham Clinton, albeit a much less frumpy Hillary.

Todays Hillary if nominated, will face the daunting task of becoming the frumpiest President of the United States ever, though portraits of Martin Van Buren, look pretty bad in good light.

Hillary's looks are gone. Her thyroid problem has soured her hair and sagged her face, her skin mites get lost in the wrinkles. Long whiskers are making their way onto that aged face and must be plucked daily. Small children if hugged would be poked by these monstrous whiskers, some more like porcupine quills, and scream. Her teats have fallen below her umbilicus which has retreated deep into her adipose laden belly. Huma once found a complete bagel in there after a night of partying. She can no longer reach her aft and needs help cleaning up after a toxic dump. The stroke has taken some of the intellect and it ain't coming back folks.

And this is the main reason Trump, if he is the nominee, will mop up against the Corps, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The only things about Hillary that have not changed are greed and lust for power, and her incredibly poor judgement when it comes to accepting bribes and sending top secret emails on personal servers.

I do not doubt her resolve to win at all costs, but time, as they say, waits for no one. And time has been a poor influence on Hillary Clinton. It has ravaged her health and looks, and as Trump comments at each of his well attended campaign events, she does not have the stamina to be president!

Now Donald Trump, on the other hand is a year older than Madame Hillary and with that beautiful crop of prematurely golden hair will have no trouble besting the beast.

So has Hillary Rodham Clinton passed her freshness date? Sadly for her and her supporters, yes, she is way too frumpy to win. Even Bernie Sanders, 10 years her senior, is more fit for the job.

Will Hillary quit? In a word, no! I suspect she will run again in 2020 even if she is in a chair like that physicist, Hawkins, speaking from a talking keyboard. Hillary is a fighter, but with a lot, a lot of disgusting traits, dishonesty, greed, power lust, and poor judgement. Clean her up a little bit, knock off a couple of decades and you'd have something there.

Right now, nothing. Hillary Clinton is an aged Hall Monitor without a hall. Her flowers have wilted. She is right where we need her to be, pathetic in a pant-suit.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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