Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Donald J. Trump, Ralfael Edward Cruz and Sarah Palin, Oh My!

The three political heavy weights mentioned in the title are not operating independently. Governor Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump last night in Ames, Iowa was part of the plan to give Trump the lead spot on the ticket. And Senator Cruz's opposition to Ethanol subsidies in the Iowa farm belt is part of the plan to keep Trump on top and Cruz in second place.

If the plan hatched out by these three comes to fruition, they will have pulled the nomination away from the GOP elites who as we all know now are out for power and money and not at all interested in what the common voter, tax payer, citizen desires, but only kow to those bitter clingers who are desperately clinging to the basket of governmental handouts and insider favors, purchased with campaign contributions.

Donald Trump, self-funding billionaire, marching to no other man's drumbeat is a populist, red blooded American Male, who brings a refreshingly honest style of campaigning which has the self-serving media elites fuming and the American people cheering. His catapulting of political correctness up the behinds of the media who so viciously berated a good and decent American politician, Sarah Palin, is beautiful. And Americans cheered him on.

Trumps call for a wall and closing America's borders and stopping the endless march of undereducated and criminal immigrants, made Megyn Kelly's nose bleed and bloodied the media elites once again, and Americans cheered.

Trump calls out the media for dishonesty at every political event, and the Americans cheer.

Cruz knows he is a young man and Trump has 20 years of experience on him and Cruz will be wonderful as number 2.

Trump, Palin, and Cruz are the new trifecta. I hope their plan works because it is America's best chance to return to greatness and fiscal solvency.

The looting of the American treasury and its workers is about to end.

We will be lucky to get these three in place without having to bailout the bankers with one last trillion dollar stimulus/theft.

With the financial collapse watch Obama tear up and print up a few trillion for his swan dance, lame duck performance.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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