Monday, January 25, 2016

The Empty Missive, Urban Poverty On Display In NYC

Broncos and Panthers will be playing in Superbowl #Who knows, and Tom Brady will have to sit this one out. Peyton Manning has a chance to win another Superbowl and Papa Johns Pizza and Nationwide Insurance have picked a winner.

The voices calling for The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton's inditement for crimes against our nation in her mishandling super top secret emissives on her personal server have grown in numbers and volume with Cade Mulcaskie of Cedar Grove, Tennessee adding his voice just last week at the Lavinia Diner.

"What she done was irresponsible! She give Iran, the Ruskies, and the Chinks free access to all our state secrets. Now they know where and when Hillary Clinton goes to the bar." I tried to explain to Cade, it didn't make no matter since she is no longer Secretary of State, but he was not swayed.

"Hillary is compromised," he continued. "She is running for the top office in the land. And all our enemies know her weaknesses and foibles!"

Well, old Cabe had me there, I did not know Cabe knew what foibles were and I dropped it.

Andrew Coumo, governor of New York City, has been seen on television directing his charges to stay off the streets or be arrested in his attempt not to look stupid like his father who completely flummoxed the last big snow storm in NYC. Even if Andy does everything perfectly with the storm, it will not change his impish looks nor will it make him a contender for President in 2020. Andrew looks like Charles Krauthamers sperm was used from the sperm bank by Andrew's mother all those years ago... not that there is anything wrong with Charlie's look, but Americans demand a handsome or beautiful commander in chief.

Cable demands nothing less, and the speaking voice must be pleasing to the ear, two reasons The Colossus, Hillary Rodham Clinton will never win. Her looks have faded, and her voice is grating, and her political philosophy is out of step with working Americans. Americans know The Colossus is out for making The Colossus, more Colossal at the expense of your average American. From the looks of the attendance at her scripted events, The Colossus is in trouble. She is fading faster than middle America's savings accounts in a Bernie Sanders presidency.

The nonstop attacks against The Donald are bouncing off like bullets fired at Superman. Trump has hit a chord with native Americans. His take no prisoner and anti-Political Correct talk has energized and awoken the great unwashed masses who out number the smaller group of sophisticates who like to think because of their great intellect should decide what is best for the rest. Open borders, confiscatory tax rates, 21 trillion dollar deficits, carbon credits, plastic electric cars, gun control, sugary drink bans, staying inside in a snow storm, EPA, Dept of Education, and others with functional SWAT TEAMS, funneling billions of dollars to your enemies, and limiting the terms of engagement so your enemy on the battlefield is never killed or injured are not popular positions in Realville.

And I am spent.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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