Thursday, January 7, 2016

All You Need To Read Today Is Right Here, Wisdom From The Urban Poverty Law Center

Hillary Clinton draws nearly 200 supporters at a Nevada event. Is that counting the flies?

Germany's newest citizens celebrate the New Year sexually assaulting the host's country's young women. The Germans need more goats.

Germany's migrants doing the sexual assaults the Germans are unwilling to do.

Obama issues new EO's for gun control. These new orders will do as much for reducing gun violence as the Paris Accord will for Global Warming.

Biden is second guessing his decision not to run for the democrat nomination. I beg to disagree. Stay put, Biden.

Bill Cosby faces formal rape charges for 20 yr old events, Bill Clinton skates on his behavior. White Privilege?

If Trump has his way the only Clinton we will get for 2016 will be coming out of Chelsea's uterus.

Now that things have heated up in the Middle East, Obama has pulled us out of the way, Iran v Saudi Arabia.

Kim, of North Korea, in a seismic event, detonated an H Bomb to celebrate the New Year. Bill Clinton is shocked.

Hillary Clinton dropped an H-bomb during the last debate, its late detonation causing her tardy reappearance on stage.

The Chinese stock market is crashing. Bill Clinton is shocked.

Trump has resurrected the Reagan coalition. Rednecks, blue collar democrats, independents, and other white folks. Bill Clinton is shocked.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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