Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Obama's Secretary of Defense and State Department Can Succeed.

Chuck Hagel, as Secretary of Defense, in the new Obama Administration insures American military hegemony will end.  And the band played on......

John Kerry as Secretary of State, in the new Obama Administration insures American foreign policy will continue on its losing course.  And the band played on......

President Obama, America's first Black president, seems only interested in filling his cabinet with affirmative action equivalencies in the "Whites Only" he surrounds himself with.  These positions in his cabinet are not important and therefore can be filled by bottom rung politicians like Hagel, Kerry, and Biden.  I am still befuddled that out going congressman Barney Frank has not landed that special council position on NAMBLA soon to be announced by the Obama Administration.

In a sense I believe President Obama needs to call back our military and concentrate more on domestic problems.  We do not have the means to bankroll our greatest force for good in the world because we refuse to plunder the riches of war.  Where is that Iraqi oil that President Bush spent a trillion dollars to secure?  Who is reaping the billion off the Afghan poppies?  Why must only the criminals become rich in our society?  What about that Kennedy, Rockefellar, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama and countless others who remain in the shadows?

Where is the American Pie?  Who is slicing it?  Who is eating it?  Who is baking it?

Warfare is historically fought to transfer wealth  from the losers to the winners.  Our big boys seem to have lost that tiny little bit of important information on the way to the middle east and beyond. 

As it stands we are transferring wealth from the winners to the losers.  The problem is it is our wealth we are losing. 

Perhaps Hagel and Kerry are just what the doctor ordered to get America's house back in order.

Obama may be a better qualified president that I have given him credit to date. 

Bring America home, President Obama.  Rebuild your nation right here right now!

Cut defense spending and cut taxes and wage a war on America where we the people can finally get some
relief.  Can I get special status as a refugee when you finally fight the war on Americans?  We need a new fire house in Cedar Grove and Highway 70 could use a wider foot print and our meth cookers need real jobs.

Just asking?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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