Thursday, January 31, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Interviews Secretary Of State, John Kerry

Here at UPLC our stock has risen.  We were granted an interview with newly confirmed US Secretary of State, the honorable John F. Kerry!  We sought a phone interview as our travel budget here at UPLC is rather limited and the nice lady at the State Department arranged for a "Tweet da Tweet".  They assured us the Secretary of State would be doing the tweeting.  Our Tweet follows:

"Secretary Kerry, you have assumed the role formerly filled by Hillary Rodham Clinton, and as such must fill some pretty large shoes..."

Too long!  Next Draft follows:

"Mr. Kerry, do you feel intimidated by the job before you with the mess HRC has left in the middle east, most notably Iran, North Korea, and China, and the real threats to Israel?"

Came his Reply:

"From the Office of the Secretary of State, the honorable John Frances Kerry, former member of the US Senate, a decorated veteran of the Viet Nam War, husband to Teresa Heinz, "Yes."

I can see this next four years is shaping up to be worse than the last four years.

I am going back to bed and see if I wake up from this national nightmare.

Did Romney win?

Did the Iranians land a drone on the forehead of the president of the United States which looked amazingly similar to a common house fly?

Is the Arab Spring in phase II in Egypt?

Are the Syrians ready for troubling times?

Can Americans be denied the right to self-defense?

Has President Obama halted the rise of the oceans and the US economy and are the two inextricably linked?

Where did I put my phone charger?

Will there be any room in the nursing homes when I turn 60?

If my doctor asks me if I have a gun do I have to shoot him to keep from being turned in to the folks at DHS?

Do you think I would be detained at the airport if I asked for a copy of my "Naked Scan" to post on face book?

Did Ernst Rahm ask banks not to do business with US gun manufacturers? 

If this last one is true, we must immediately demand congress pass a new amendment calling for the separation of Bank and State, and while at it call for the separation of Health and State.  Dangerous alliances in both cases.

From a basement somewhere in Cedar Grove, Tennessee, I wish you a good day and that I would win the lottery.

Jackson Delano Maybolt,  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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