Sunday, January 20, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Wishes President Obama A Happy Inauguration Day

I look back over the past four years and even with the inflation, joblessness, high energy costs, and reckless government spending, illegal gun sales to Mexico, global warming, drought, and seriously I do not have that much to complain about.

I have not had a serious flare up of hemorrhoids in over four years.  My chickens have gotten too old to lay eggs, but that is my fault for not buying younger hens.  The bull died from a foot infection back last summer during the heat wave and drought, but we got another one yesterday who looks to be ready for the challenge.  We were able to put enough hay up to feed all the cows for the winter and our cold weather has been sparing and only one ice storm as yet this winter.  My crops all turned profits even with the drought.

All in all, President Obama has done pretty well.  His gun control directives seem as well thought out as one would expect from this bunch of former lefty high school student council members.  Americans will survive this latest assault and come back stronger.

Al Gore,Jr has given up on global warming in his corpulent lifetime and sold out to the Jihadists.  Hillary Clinton has looked at geezerdom and decided to slow down these next four years and reset.
Bill Clinton's latest love interest is a young blond bombshell who is known to be a human Pez dispenser of Viagra.  Some fellas have all the luck!

Anyway, I could not let the occasion of President Obama's second inauguration date go unsaluted.

I salute you and honor you on your achievements, Mr. President.

Sir,I will drink a shot of metamucil in your honor today and hope and pray that the next four years under your direction pass as smoothly for our country as the fiber in my colon.

God Bless America and keep her safe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center


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