Thursday, January 24, 2013

UPLC : Barcelona Is Not Spain

Barcelona, Spain

Spain is like a whole nother county.  Barcelona is wanting to break away from Spain as the people of this Spanish province believe they are sending more to Madrid in taxes than they get back in government services.

I was caught up in a free Catalonia rally in front of the presidential palace two nights ago and at 60 I was one of the younger in attendance.  Three hundred rebels singing and chanting loudly what my interpreter said was " Free Catalonia"!

I have never been to Spain, but now I have.  The people are fit and happy here.   A typical work day is 10am to 2pm, close shop for a 2 hr lunch break, back from 4pm to 8pm, close for the day and head out to eat from 9-11pm.    I am already acclimated to Barcelonia ways.

The young workers race about the streets on motos, their term for motorcycles and scooters!  They race fearlessly in and around traffic wide open!  It is a sight to behold.

And the food is plentiful, fresh and cheap.

Spain has a revenue problem.  The people participate in a black underground economy to avoid the high taxation.  What else would a thinking man do?

Listen up politicians!

If people avoid taxes, taxes are too high.  Ask Vlad Putin how to raise revenues.

It is called a flat tax with a reasonable rate.  Thirteen percent in Russia and he has a good sized government and army.  He just doesn't have a people with hope enough to reproduce a child or two under his way of life.

Children are put positions on the futures market.  Politicians should look hard when birth rates plummet and quickly enact reforms to change the conditions that discourage children.

Sure, people cause problems for politicians, but the politicians create far more problems for the people.  More people feel they could get along better with fewer politicians, but the same is not true of politicians.  The fuel of politics is people.

Happy people fuel the politics of the modern country state.

Catalonia is not happy.  Are you listening, Spain?

Yes, I know Hillary testified in front of congress and the Iranians landed a drone which looked very similar to a common house fly on President Obama's face, and brought it home again.

What next, John Kerry paying his fair share of yacht taxes?

Jackson Delano Maybolt President.Urban Poverty Law Center

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