Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gun Control, And Other Idiocities Brought To US By Our High School Student Councils

Let's face it.  Politicians are surely born and not groomed.  Truth be known most greatness in life is nature and not nurture. 

Mark Twain was born with his literary talents.  No one groomed or taught him to be the greatest wordsmith of American literature.  Likewise, Adolph Hitler was hatched and grew into the monster of the middle 20th century.  Warren Buffett, born a business man with all the savy necessary to know exactly what to do to make the deal profitable.

I am not saying a person cannot work hard and become mediocre and get along fairly well in life.  I did, but true greatness, Michael Jordan, greatness is in the genes.  Good looks are also nature and not nurture.  What does that leave us with if we agree with my premise as stated so eloquently above?

Every member of congress, the senate, and major politician we have ever known was a student council wannabe in high school, and if your school was anything like mine, I wouldn't follow a single one of these goofs around the block with any hope to arrive back at the starting point.

But now, we have these same power hungry harpies setting policy and making laws that effect all of us who chose to work for a living in America. 

Take Albert Gore, Jr, please!  As a fine Son of the South his daddy aligned himself with the Soviets through old Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum and got himself a rare earths mineral mine in Tennessee and by his associations with Armand bought this valuable property from a poor farmer for peanuts and turned it into gold by leasing the mining rights to Armand for $100,000 a year, a lot of money back in the 40's when this was going down.  This deal smells as fishy as grandma's girdle after a hot August Church of Christ picnic.

Al  tried his best to drum up fear in the public for global warming and saddle the world with a carbon tax, another of his get rich quick schemes.  Gore by imperial fiat declared he owns all the carbon credits industry needs to do business in the world.  He has failed so far, but it is coming unless the people rise up and push back against the corruption infesting our governmental institutions.  I would not trust Al Gore, Jr to watch my cats over the weekend.  Same with most of congress and the senate.

When Al Gore, Jr was blocked on the carbon tax, he and a pal developed a Television product, Current TV, dedicated to "do-goodism" and the environment, but mostly dedicated to enriching his bank account as it turns out.  He just sold this product to a group of Middle East businessmen for half a billion dollars, and I believe they will be upset when they realize they just bought snake oil from an unemployed former high school student council member who has zero prospects in American politics.  He shot his wad against W Bush in the 2000 presidential election, and lost his chance to be president over his unpopular stance on GUN CONTROL!

Here is the nut in this piece.  Politicians fear a well armed populace. Interestingly, homicidal maniacs, when polled, prefer to only attack the unarmed and those who cannot fight back.  Witness the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Gun Free zones are catnip for kooks who want to make a public cry for help by killing innocents.

Are these politicians who scream for and demand an end to gun related violence through stricter gun controls only using the Sandy Hook corpses as cover?  Have they reached the point where they view the voting public not as their masters, but as their slaves whose properties and wealth can be legislated away from one pocket and placed into another, most often theirs or one of their close colleagues?  I fear this is the case.

The fleecing of the American Sheep will be easier if the government controls all the weapons.  We must not fall prey to this nonsense...  God given rights include the will and the right to fight by what ever means necessary to survive.  If guns make us equals then guns are what we must have in our daily lives.

It is no different with nations.  If nuclear bombs make Iran equal to the US, then I see why they want them.  When our politicians find there is no other country to exploit, they will turn their focus inwardly upon us.  Then, the problems in America begin.  If the greatest army in the history of the world cannot contain 8th century goatherds armed only with no fear of dying in battle and nitrogen based fertilizers in ten years and at a cost of a trillion dollars, how can they succeed against a modern with a defense rifle.  Notice I did not use the term, assault rifle, as this implies aggression.

I believe it is in society's best interest to keep weapons away from aggressive kooky people, but to disarm the great majority of peace loving patriot citizens serves no purpose but to subjugate them to tomorrow's tyrant today.

Freedom in a competitive world is better kept weaponized.  The weakest man or woman with a gun at a gun fight is not to be trivialized.  The strongest man without a gun at a gun fight is its first casualty.

This truth of human nature is not lost on the Iranians.  Americans also know this to be true.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center


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