Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: "Mayor Bloomberg, Tear Down This Airport!"

Yes, I did recently travel to Spain.  I caught a plane in Nashville which had been delayed enough so I missed my direct flight from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City and had some time to spend at  New York City's famous air terminal.

It was only after visiting the airports in Paris, Charles DeGaul, and in Barcelona did I realize our airport facility in New York was by far and away the worst of the three.  The bathrooms in New York were filthy, the decor old and dated, and the whole place was creepy.

Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, the 60's wants its airport back.  What if your pal in office, Barrack H. Obama, had the Federal Reserve Bank print off a few billions and billions more and you fellas get your union goons to come over to JFK and start a rebuild.  That facility is a national disgrace.

And while you are at it how about rebuilding the World Trade Centers, I hear the Chinese are interested in expanding their operation and would probably make a deal to take all the office space.

The airports in Paris and Barcelona were modern, clean, and spacious staffed with pleasant people, contrast New York where the terminals had that Gulag dungeon look going for it, with people who were mostly unpleasant.

I was barked at by a postmenopausal ticket agent when trying to board the plane in New York when I tried unsuccessfully to pass through a SkyMiles Member line to board my flight.  The line was unmarked and the place dark and dingy at the midnight hour and I dutifully trudged the 30 ft to the end of the other short line to by-pass the Delta Ticket Nazi so I could fly off to Paris and catch another flight to Barcelona.

Membership has its privilege!  

I would not want to think the SkyMiles Members would have to board the plane from the same line as the riffraff!  Perhaps it is time to sue these bastards who run the airlines and charge them with wealthism.  The willful discrimination of the poor by making them ride in the back of the plane, board from different lines, not allow them access to special waiting rooms, and drink from different water fountains, and not serve them complimentary drinks on the flight, and keep them from using the facilities in the front of the airplane.  And the airlines announced on my flight from Paris back to New York,  it is a government regulation that economy class passengers cannot cross into the first class cabin.  Really, Delta, Really!

HEADLINE:  "Man seated in economy class arrested for taking a crap in first class and causing a stink on flight from New York to Paris."

Would I get the kind of accolades reserved for Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King?   Will I see Boulevards named for Jackson Delano Maybolt all over the world?

All I can figure is I must have reminded that Delta Ticket Nazi of her third ex-husband, because I was the only one targeted by her wrath.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  Maybe she just hates bald people, especially men.  Maybe it is the policy at Delta/Air France?

Your Honor, Mayor Bloomberg, take some of your millions and build or remodel your stinking airport!
It is an embarrassment.  Foreign travelers first glimpse of America is that crap repository?

What are you thinking?  Spend some tax monies on a public project.  Put some lipstick on that pig there at JFK.  Work a deal with your Union thugs to get them back on that great big old Bloomberg tax teat!
At least New York would get a modern airport out of the deal which is a good deal better than what we got with any of Obama's spending stimuli.

Next trip I will avoid your airport and fly out of Atlanta where the ticket agents are young and beautiful and polite.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and proud Non-Delta SkyMiles Member for 59 years and counting


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