Monday, January 28, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: You Wouldn't Strike A Woman With Glasses, Would You?

"What difference does it make!?"    Growled a be speckled Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to an impudent query from a senator.

The glasses are a good look for Henry Kissinger, but he had the nose to hold them up, I cannot say the same for our darling girl politician, Hillary Clinton.  Kissinger looked distinguished in his eyewear, Hillary has the look of that pitiful mentally challenged child you schooled with in the first grade who smelled funny.

I wonder if she and her handlers have thought of an eye patch like the one made infamous to my generation by Moshe Dayan, notable for wearing a black eye patch and being a tough Israeli politico.  

Great fellow who many mistakenly believe lost sight in the left eye in battle, but he really lost it when he forgot to remove the spoon from his iced tea before taking a large drink on a particularly hot hot day in Africa in 1941.  The sniper fire striking binoculars is a clever story to save his political career.  Errant iced tea spoons have blinded millions.  It is truly the most underestimated public health menace of a civilized society.

So far no celebrities have come forward to make the people aware of this danger.  It is just not as sexy as land mines, whales, or even breast cancer.

Hillary, lose the glasses and use a black eye patch instead.  Hell, even I would consider supporting you if you run in 2016 with that look.

Hillary spoke behind the protection of those awful looking spectacles creating an even more awful 5 hr spectacle.  The English have a word for almost everything.  The question which was like an 800 lb gorilla in the room was never broached, "Who made up the blame the video story line and for what cause?"

 "What difference does it make now!?"

When we have 20 dead children gunned down by a maniac who had access to an AR-15 style rifle in the trunk of his car!

While we have over 9,882 citizens gunned down in our country each year, the great majority of these are criminal v criminal a la gang v gang violence.  If we stop all gun killings watch for the unintended consequence of an increase in nonlethal violent crime since fewer bad guys will be killed and these fellows do not stop criminal activities to become accountants or lawyers or to play in the NBA or, sorry I was going to say run for public office, but that would be inaccurate.

Perhaps, we should rename Senator Feinstein's bill "The Gangland Criminal Protection Act."
Her bill would only make the streets safer for the criminals and less safe for the rest of us.

Now, I got  nothing against postmenopausal women who are intelligent and thoughtful, but in North American Plains Indian culture she would be long ago relegated to breaking camp and hauling all the hides and sticks to the next camp site.  Now that is a part of multiculturalism I can agree with.  California may get wise someday and send this ageless beauty back to private service where she can do no harm to the greater good.

Finally, does anyone but me wonder where the debate on gun control was before the election?  I do not think even Obama could stuff the vote boxes with enough fraud to win against those odds if he had been truthful in his campaign, even against a weak republican opponent such as Mitt Romney.

2014 and those mid term elections cannot come soon enough for America.  Anyway to ask for a recall on 2012?

Let us vote now that we know what the parties really believe.

Deception in political campaigns should be considered treasonous, let me be the first patriot to ask for a recall or a reset.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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