Thursday, January 31, 2013

UPLC: BlogTweet Al-Qaeda Informant Spills Beans

This is bigger than President Obama's ego!  Larger than Jay Leno's chin!  Greater than the dip in the fourth quarter US GDP!

Al-Qaeda has decided to postpone any attacks on the American heartland until after the congress bans assault rifles!

Spokesperson for Al-Qaeda, Mohamet Al-Jizeer-Current TV, jr:  "After consultations with the Ayatollah Komeni and Bashar Assad, we feel it is better to attack Americans who have no hope of defending themselves.  Now that congress and the president are openly hostile to the American people and no longer have the people's best interests at heart, the old Arab adage, " the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is in play here." 

"There is dancing in the street in Tehran, but it is still forbidden."

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law center

Urban Poverty Law Center Interviews Secretary Of State, John Kerry

Here at UPLC our stock has risen.  We were granted an interview with newly confirmed US Secretary of State, the honorable John F. Kerry!  We sought a phone interview as our travel budget here at UPLC is rather limited and the nice lady at the State Department arranged for a "Tweet da Tweet".  They assured us the Secretary of State would be doing the tweeting.  Our Tweet follows:

"Secretary Kerry, you have assumed the role formerly filled by Hillary Rodham Clinton, and as such must fill some pretty large shoes..."

Too long!  Next Draft follows:

"Mr. Kerry, do you feel intimidated by the job before you with the mess HRC has left in the middle east, most notably Iran, North Korea, and China, and the real threats to Israel?"

Came his Reply:

"From the Office of the Secretary of State, the honorable John Frances Kerry, former member of the US Senate, a decorated veteran of the Viet Nam War, husband to Teresa Heinz, "Yes."

I can see this next four years is shaping up to be worse than the last four years.

I am going back to bed and see if I wake up from this national nightmare.

Did Romney win?

Did the Iranians land a drone on the forehead of the president of the United States which looked amazingly similar to a common house fly?

Is the Arab Spring in phase II in Egypt?

Are the Syrians ready for troubling times?

Can Americans be denied the right to self-defense?

Has President Obama halted the rise of the oceans and the US economy and are the two inextricably linked?

Where did I put my phone charger?

Will there be any room in the nursing homes when I turn 60?

If my doctor asks me if I have a gun do I have to shoot him to keep from being turned in to the folks at DHS?

Do you think I would be detained at the airport if I asked for a copy of my "Naked Scan" to post on face book?

Did Ernst Rahm ask banks not to do business with US gun manufacturers? 

If this last one is true, we must immediately demand congress pass a new amendment calling for the separation of Bank and State, and while at it call for the separation of Health and State.  Dangerous alliances in both cases.

From a basement somewhere in Cedar Grove, Tennessee, I wish you a good day and that I would win the lottery.

Jackson Delano Maybolt,  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: "Mayor Bloomberg, Tear Down This Airport!"

Yes, I did recently travel to Spain.  I caught a plane in Nashville which had been delayed enough so I missed my direct flight from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City and had some time to spend at  New York City's famous air terminal.

It was only after visiting the airports in Paris, Charles DeGaul, and in Barcelona did I realize our airport facility in New York was by far and away the worst of the three.  The bathrooms in New York were filthy, the decor old and dated, and the whole place was creepy.

Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, the 60's wants its airport back.  What if your pal in office, Barrack H. Obama, had the Federal Reserve Bank print off a few billions and billions more and you fellas get your union goons to come over to JFK and start a rebuild.  That facility is a national disgrace.

And while you are at it how about rebuilding the World Trade Centers, I hear the Chinese are interested in expanding their operation and would probably make a deal to take all the office space.

The airports in Paris and Barcelona were modern, clean, and spacious staffed with pleasant people, contrast New York where the terminals had that Gulag dungeon look going for it, with people who were mostly unpleasant.

I was barked at by a postmenopausal ticket agent when trying to board the plane in New York when I tried unsuccessfully to pass through a SkyMiles Member line to board my flight.  The line was unmarked and the place dark and dingy at the midnight hour and I dutifully trudged the 30 ft to the end of the other short line to by-pass the Delta Ticket Nazi so I could fly off to Paris and catch another flight to Barcelona.

Membership has its privilege!  

I would not want to think the SkyMiles Members would have to board the plane from the same line as the riffraff!  Perhaps it is time to sue these bastards who run the airlines and charge them with wealthism.  The willful discrimination of the poor by making them ride in the back of the plane, board from different lines, not allow them access to special waiting rooms, and drink from different water fountains, and not serve them complimentary drinks on the flight, and keep them from using the facilities in the front of the airplane.  And the airlines announced on my flight from Paris back to New York,  it is a government regulation that economy class passengers cannot cross into the first class cabin.  Really, Delta, Really!

HEADLINE:  "Man seated in economy class arrested for taking a crap in first class and causing a stink on flight from New York to Paris."

Would I get the kind of accolades reserved for Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King?   Will I see Boulevards named for Jackson Delano Maybolt all over the world?

All I can figure is I must have reminded that Delta Ticket Nazi of her third ex-husband, because I was the only one targeted by her wrath.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  Maybe she just hates bald people, especially men.  Maybe it is the policy at Delta/Air France?

Your Honor, Mayor Bloomberg, take some of your millions and build or remodel your stinking airport!
It is an embarrassment.  Foreign travelers first glimpse of America is that crap repository?

What are you thinking?  Spend some tax monies on a public project.  Put some lipstick on that pig there at JFK.  Work a deal with your Union thugs to get them back on that great big old Bloomberg tax teat!
At least New York would get a modern airport out of the deal which is a good deal better than what we got with any of Obama's spending stimuli.

Next trip I will avoid your airport and fly out of Atlanta where the ticket agents are young and beautiful and polite.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and proud Non-Delta SkyMiles Member for 59 years and counting


Monday, January 28, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: You Wouldn't Strike A Woman With Glasses, Would You?

"What difference does it make!?"    Growled a be speckled Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to an impudent query from a senator.

The glasses are a good look for Henry Kissinger, but he had the nose to hold them up, I cannot say the same for our darling girl politician, Hillary Clinton.  Kissinger looked distinguished in his eyewear, Hillary has the look of that pitiful mentally challenged child you schooled with in the first grade who smelled funny.

I wonder if she and her handlers have thought of an eye patch like the one made infamous to my generation by Moshe Dayan, notable for wearing a black eye patch and being a tough Israeli politico.  

Great fellow who many mistakenly believe lost sight in the left eye in battle, but he really lost it when he forgot to remove the spoon from his iced tea before taking a large drink on a particularly hot hot day in Africa in 1941.  The sniper fire striking binoculars is a clever story to save his political career.  Errant iced tea spoons have blinded millions.  It is truly the most underestimated public health menace of a civilized society.

So far no celebrities have come forward to make the people aware of this danger.  It is just not as sexy as land mines, whales, or even breast cancer.

Hillary, lose the glasses and use a black eye patch instead.  Hell, even I would consider supporting you if you run in 2016 with that look.

Hillary spoke behind the protection of those awful looking spectacles creating an even more awful 5 hr spectacle.  The English have a word for almost everything.  The question which was like an 800 lb gorilla in the room was never broached, "Who made up the blame the video story line and for what cause?"

 "What difference does it make now!?"

When we have 20 dead children gunned down by a maniac who had access to an AR-15 style rifle in the trunk of his car!

While we have over 9,882 citizens gunned down in our country each year, the great majority of these are criminal v criminal a la gang v gang violence.  If we stop all gun killings watch for the unintended consequence of an increase in nonlethal violent crime since fewer bad guys will be killed and these fellows do not stop criminal activities to become accountants or lawyers or to play in the NBA or, sorry I was going to say run for public office, but that would be inaccurate.

Perhaps, we should rename Senator Feinstein's bill "The Gangland Criminal Protection Act."
Her bill would only make the streets safer for the criminals and less safe for the rest of us.

Now, I got  nothing against postmenopausal women who are intelligent and thoughtful, but in North American Plains Indian culture she would be long ago relegated to breaking camp and hauling all the hides and sticks to the next camp site.  Now that is a part of multiculturalism I can agree with.  California may get wise someday and send this ageless beauty back to private service where she can do no harm to the greater good.

Finally, does anyone but me wonder where the debate on gun control was before the election?  I do not think even Obama could stuff the vote boxes with enough fraud to win against those odds if he had been truthful in his campaign, even against a weak republican opponent such as Mitt Romney.

2014 and those mid term elections cannot come soon enough for America.  Anyway to ask for a recall on 2012?

Let us vote now that we know what the parties really believe.

Deception in political campaigns should be considered treasonous, let me be the first patriot to ask for a recall or a reset.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, January 24, 2013

UPLC : Barcelona Is Not Spain

Barcelona, Spain

Spain is like a whole nother county.  Barcelona is wanting to break away from Spain as the people of this Spanish province believe they are sending more to Madrid in taxes than they get back in government services.

I was caught up in a free Catalonia rally in front of the presidential palace two nights ago and at 60 I was one of the younger in attendance.  Three hundred rebels singing and chanting loudly what my interpreter said was " Free Catalonia"!

I have never been to Spain, but now I have.  The people are fit and happy here.   A typical work day is 10am to 2pm, close shop for a 2 hr lunch break, back from 4pm to 8pm, close for the day and head out to eat from 9-11pm.    I am already acclimated to Barcelonia ways.

The young workers race about the streets on motos, their term for motorcycles and scooters!  They race fearlessly in and around traffic wide open!  It is a sight to behold.

And the food is plentiful, fresh and cheap.

Spain has a revenue problem.  The people participate in a black underground economy to avoid the high taxation.  What else would a thinking man do?

Listen up politicians!

If people avoid taxes, taxes are too high.  Ask Vlad Putin how to raise revenues.

It is called a flat tax with a reasonable rate.  Thirteen percent in Russia and he has a good sized government and army.  He just doesn't have a people with hope enough to reproduce a child or two under his way of life.

Children are put positions on the futures market.  Politicians should look hard when birth rates plummet and quickly enact reforms to change the conditions that discourage children.

Sure, people cause problems for politicians, but the politicians create far more problems for the people.  More people feel they could get along better with fewer politicians, but the same is not true of politicians.  The fuel of politics is people.

Happy people fuel the politics of the modern country state.

Catalonia is not happy.  Are you listening, Spain?

Yes, I know Hillary testified in front of congress and the Iranians landed a drone which looked very similar to a common house fly on President Obama's face, and brought it home again.

What next, John Kerry paying his fair share of yacht taxes?

Jackson Delano Maybolt President.Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Wishes President Obama A Happy Inauguration Day

I look back over the past four years and even with the inflation, joblessness, high energy costs, and reckless government spending, illegal gun sales to Mexico, global warming, drought, and seriously I do not have that much to complain about.

I have not had a serious flare up of hemorrhoids in over four years.  My chickens have gotten too old to lay eggs, but that is my fault for not buying younger hens.  The bull died from a foot infection back last summer during the heat wave and drought, but we got another one yesterday who looks to be ready for the challenge.  We were able to put enough hay up to feed all the cows for the winter and our cold weather has been sparing and only one ice storm as yet this winter.  My crops all turned profits even with the drought.

All in all, President Obama has done pretty well.  His gun control directives seem as well thought out as one would expect from this bunch of former lefty high school student council members.  Americans will survive this latest assault and come back stronger.

Al Gore,Jr has given up on global warming in his corpulent lifetime and sold out to the Jihadists.  Hillary Clinton has looked at geezerdom and decided to slow down these next four years and reset.
Bill Clinton's latest love interest is a young blond bombshell who is known to be a human Pez dispenser of Viagra.  Some fellas have all the luck!

Anyway, I could not let the occasion of President Obama's second inauguration date go unsaluted.

I salute you and honor you on your achievements, Mr. President.

Sir,I will drink a shot of metamucil in your honor today and hope and pray that the next four years under your direction pass as smoothly for our country as the fiber in my colon.

God Bless America and keep her safe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gun Control, And Other Idiocities Brought To US By Our High School Student Councils

Let's face it.  Politicians are surely born and not groomed.  Truth be known most greatness in life is nature and not nurture. 

Mark Twain was born with his literary talents.  No one groomed or taught him to be the greatest wordsmith of American literature.  Likewise, Adolph Hitler was hatched and grew into the monster of the middle 20th century.  Warren Buffett, born a business man with all the savy necessary to know exactly what to do to make the deal profitable.

I am not saying a person cannot work hard and become mediocre and get along fairly well in life.  I did, but true greatness, Michael Jordan, greatness is in the genes.  Good looks are also nature and not nurture.  What does that leave us with if we agree with my premise as stated so eloquently above?

Every member of congress, the senate, and major politician we have ever known was a student council wannabe in high school, and if your school was anything like mine, I wouldn't follow a single one of these goofs around the block with any hope to arrive back at the starting point.

But now, we have these same power hungry harpies setting policy and making laws that effect all of us who chose to work for a living in America. 

Take Albert Gore, Jr, please!  As a fine Son of the South his daddy aligned himself with the Soviets through old Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum and got himself a rare earths mineral mine in Tennessee and by his associations with Armand bought this valuable property from a poor farmer for peanuts and turned it into gold by leasing the mining rights to Armand for $100,000 a year, a lot of money back in the 40's when this was going down.  This deal smells as fishy as grandma's girdle after a hot August Church of Christ picnic.

Al  tried his best to drum up fear in the public for global warming and saddle the world with a carbon tax, another of his get rich quick schemes.  Gore by imperial fiat declared he owns all the carbon credits industry needs to do business in the world.  He has failed so far, but it is coming unless the people rise up and push back against the corruption infesting our governmental institutions.  I would not trust Al Gore, Jr to watch my cats over the weekend.  Same with most of congress and the senate.

When Al Gore, Jr was blocked on the carbon tax, he and a pal developed a Television product, Current TV, dedicated to "do-goodism" and the environment, but mostly dedicated to enriching his bank account as it turns out.  He just sold this product to a group of Middle East businessmen for half a billion dollars, and I believe they will be upset when they realize they just bought snake oil from an unemployed former high school student council member who has zero prospects in American politics.  He shot his wad against W Bush in the 2000 presidential election, and lost his chance to be president over his unpopular stance on GUN CONTROL!

Here is the nut in this piece.  Politicians fear a well armed populace. Interestingly, homicidal maniacs, when polled, prefer to only attack the unarmed and those who cannot fight back.  Witness the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Gun Free zones are catnip for kooks who want to make a public cry for help by killing innocents.

Are these politicians who scream for and demand an end to gun related violence through stricter gun controls only using the Sandy Hook corpses as cover?  Have they reached the point where they view the voting public not as their masters, but as their slaves whose properties and wealth can be legislated away from one pocket and placed into another, most often theirs or one of their close colleagues?  I fear this is the case.

The fleecing of the American Sheep will be easier if the government controls all the weapons.  We must not fall prey to this nonsense...  God given rights include the will and the right to fight by what ever means necessary to survive.  If guns make us equals then guns are what we must have in our daily lives.

It is no different with nations.  If nuclear bombs make Iran equal to the US, then I see why they want them.  When our politicians find there is no other country to exploit, they will turn their focus inwardly upon us.  Then, the problems in America begin.  If the greatest army in the history of the world cannot contain 8th century goatherds armed only with no fear of dying in battle and nitrogen based fertilizers in ten years and at a cost of a trillion dollars, how can they succeed against a modern with a defense rifle.  Notice I did not use the term, assault rifle, as this implies aggression.

I believe it is in society's best interest to keep weapons away from aggressive kooky people, but to disarm the great majority of peace loving patriot citizens serves no purpose but to subjugate them to tomorrow's tyrant today.

Freedom in a competitive world is better kept weaponized.  The weakest man or woman with a gun at a gun fight is not to be trivialized.  The strongest man without a gun at a gun fight is its first casualty.

This truth of human nature is not lost on the Iranians.  Americans also know this to be true.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center


Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Obama's Secretary of Defense and State Department Can Succeed.

Chuck Hagel, as Secretary of Defense, in the new Obama Administration insures American military hegemony will end.  And the band played on......

John Kerry as Secretary of State, in the new Obama Administration insures American foreign policy will continue on its losing course.  And the band played on......

President Obama, America's first Black president, seems only interested in filling his cabinet with affirmative action equivalencies in the "Whites Only" he surrounds himself with.  These positions in his cabinet are not important and therefore can be filled by bottom rung politicians like Hagel, Kerry, and Biden.  I am still befuddled that out going congressman Barney Frank has not landed that special council position on NAMBLA soon to be announced by the Obama Administration.

In a sense I believe President Obama needs to call back our military and concentrate more on domestic problems.  We do not have the means to bankroll our greatest force for good in the world because we refuse to plunder the riches of war.  Where is that Iraqi oil that President Bush spent a trillion dollars to secure?  Who is reaping the billion off the Afghan poppies?  Why must only the criminals become rich in our society?  What about that Kennedy, Rockefellar, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama and countless others who remain in the shadows?

Where is the American Pie?  Who is slicing it?  Who is eating it?  Who is baking it?

Warfare is historically fought to transfer wealth  from the losers to the winners.  Our big boys seem to have lost that tiny little bit of important information on the way to the middle east and beyond. 

As it stands we are transferring wealth from the winners to the losers.  The problem is it is our wealth we are losing. 

Perhaps Hagel and Kerry are just what the doctor ordered to get America's house back in order.

Obama may be a better qualified president that I have given him credit to date. 

Bring America home, President Obama.  Rebuild your nation right here right now!

Cut defense spending and cut taxes and wage a war on America where we the people can finally get some
relief.  Can I get special status as a refugee when you finally fight the war on Americans?  We need a new fire house in Cedar Grove and Highway 70 could use a wider foot print and our meth cookers need real jobs.

Just asking?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest

I do not have any background in the health sciences in any large way.  If I attended medical school as a younger man, I feel quite certain I would have frittered my medical education away in much the same fashion I spent my youth behind the desk in High School:  day dreaming about time spent out of the classroom.  This being said I have no background or expertise in what I am about to write, but as astute readers of this page already know,  when has that ever stopped me?

As I see it, public water treatment and proper sewers have done more to keep the public health than billions of flu shots could ever hope to achieve.  The world is at war.  Microbes live on and in us in numbers no one can fathom.  Some are beneficial, like the noninvasive staph organisms, who like dogs co-exhist with humans to both's benefit.  Throw out the good staph organism and apply the methacillin resistant staph and it takes every opportunity to infect and sicken its host, talk about the dog that bites the hand that feeds it!

The flu is an organism that invades it's host and takes over its functions to replicate itself causing illness in the host and sometimes even death.  The host actually kills itself trying to kill the virus through an exaggerated immune response or develops a secondary infection such as a bacterial pneumonia.

I am told that my grandfather on my father's side contracted Smallpox when he was a toddler in rural Alabama around the turn of the last century.  There was no Center for Disease Control back then.  But our forefathers and mothers knew what to do even without governmental help.  I haven't looked up Smallpox lately, but it does not kill all of its unfortunate hosts.  He was taken to an abandoned sharecropper's house with a known smallpox survivor and cared for until his eventual death or recovery and the good news for my father and me was he recovered.   When both the caregiver and my grandfather came out of the sick house, it was burned to the ground with all its contents including the clothing.  I have a decent immune system on my father's side.

When my father was 7 years old he had a stomach ailment which turned out to be a ruptured appendix.
He was hospitalized in Nashville before antibiotics with a veritable death sentence.  His parents and his little sister would spend the day with him crying and hugging and kissing him good-bye and leave for the night not expecting to see him the next day, alive anyway.  But he just did not die.  An old surgeon finally thought best to open him up after a week and wash the abscess out and sew him back up.  He survived even this insult, and passed these superior genes to me, or so my mother says he was my father, but how can anyone be certain of lineage, as honesty between the sheets is not always what it is cracked up to be.  Some studies suggest that about one child in seven is not sired by the husband in marriage.  Nature will alway insist on genetic diversity.

I am fond of saying, "all women are whores, except for your mother; but her mother was a whore!"

Most people take it well and if you consider what that says, it says it all.  We should not get too worked up over those things we cannot change, which brings me back to the flu.

Infections constantly challenge us and our immune systems.  I contracted the Hong Kong Flu in 1968 and spent a couple of days in a stupor.  I recall how hard it was to concentrate and think.  I lived through it and wonder if my immune system was tested and trained for worse insults because of it.

Could it be the flu tunes up our immune system from time to time so it does not become lazy and in some way this could protect us from cancer?  Are these vaccinations against non lethal illnesses harming us?

I am not trying to be a kook here, but just wondering if an immune system needs to be worked over from time to time to make sure it is functioning properly like an athlete trains and a student studies.
Does the old adage apply,  "if you don't use it, you lose it?" to our immune systems.  Is the immune response to a vaccination really a test of the full force of a body challenged?

Every year the great public health officials stress the flu shot, and every few years we have a flu epidemic.

Thankfully we have not seen one like the strain that killed millions in 1918, but odds are we will see it again some day.

Flu shots are associated with Guillian Barre syndrome, again a disease where the immune process harms itself.   I wonder what the trade off is for the flu vaccinations.  Does it make our immune systems weak?

I challenge someone to run the numbers.

I need to go blow my nose as it has begun to run and itch.  Now where did I put that penicillin?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Wishes All Of Mankind A Happy New Year: My Gift Is My Blog

If I make another year this will be my 60th as a human bean.  I am still somewhat fuzzy on what I was before my entrance when mother shot me halfway across the room that cold August night.  You see my mother was in the change of life when I was conceived and was fearful I might be a malignancy or something causing her to swell up down there.  On the night I was born, they called for Doc Taylor, fully thinking he would come over to the farmhouse my great grandfather built just after the Civil War, just in time to ease her passing with a big shot of morphine.  Old Doc Taylor was good at taking the suffering out of dying like that.

Folks all over prayed Doc Taylor would make it over to see them off when the time come.  All his patients had the mask of comedy and not the mask of tragedy when they passed.  Doc Taylor made death pleasant for both the witnesses and the patient.  Nobody ever complained after one of Doc Taylor's final treatments.

And best of all he only charged $1.25 for a house call, shot of morphine included!

OK, I did not plan on reminessing about mother's mistake at the change of life, but that is where I started out.  Doc Taylor immediately knew she was not dying, but delivering and by the time they got momma's panties down to her knees, I shot out like a rocket and got tangled up in her panties which according to all in attendance probably saved my life, you see, because momma and daddy slept on a bed that was about 5 ft off the floor.  Funny my life was spared by a pair of cotton white panties when I came into the world, but there ends my luck with panties.

Panties have caused me great joy and grief in my time since.  I have come to the conclusion that if it wears panties and you start fooling with it, trouble is coming your way.  There is no way to predict what a panty is going to think, do or say.  You can never be certain if the panty is exclusively yours or if it is being shared.  If you marry a pair, and they come down from time to time, it is going to cost you in the long run. 

Now don't get me wrong here, I believe in panties and the strength of the bond one can make with a pair.
I have eight lovely children through three pair of panties and funny as it may seem, all the children favor each other.  And the panties are different, each and every one of them.

Panties may not rule the world, but they control an awful lot of it. 

If one googles famous personages who wore panties one is struck by the diversity of results.  I will not impune those still living or those so infirmed to be unable to protest or sue for defamation of charactor. 

Napoleon wore panties, once confessed to an aide he liked the way it made him feel in battle.  Just the other side of naughty.  Also felt it made him fight harder so as not to be killed in battle and having his "little secret get out" as it would when he was undressed on the battle field by souvineer and relic hunters.

Adolf Hitler wore panties, a habit he acquired during the First World War, when he was a runner.  He found panties gave him more flexibility in the girdle and hip area and made his climbing in and out of the trenches easier.  He also liked that they did not crawl into his crack like the standard issue woolen german under trouser.  He thought it uncouth to always be picking at his rear with his thumb and index fingers.  It was not the image he was looking for in his life.

Abraham Lincoln had a pair of Mary Todd's bloomers on when he was shot at Ford's Theater. 

I could go on and on on this crazy list of who in the world wears panties.  But I will stop after one more famous pantier.  Picasso, the painter was a pantier!

The way I look at it, panties are just underwear without the legs. 

The panty is greatly maligned and misunderstood and underestimated as a force for good.

What else could one say about panties that hasn't already been said? 

Ok, I will try one more.  "Do these panties make my ass look big?"

No, Adolf, your ass does not look big in panties.

I better stop this now.  I have a load of panties in the dryer that need to be folded and put away.

Happy New Year!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center, President

And yeah, I made all that up.  Just poppycock.  jdm