Who is this man? The President?
Is he just as it seems the product of social engineering and a series of very fortunate twists of fate? Or is something more sinister at play?
How on earth does a man of limited talent, read intellect, get to what is perhaps the top leadership position of the greatest country of all time if you do not consider Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, or Justin Bieber as serious contenders? This is the tale of two Barrys.
White Barry did not have the grades to attend the prestigeous colleges, and this is where Black Barack pulled White Barry over the finish line thanks to a good helping of affirmative action brought on by some severe white guilt at the all white fraternity that Harvard was and is to this day, in spite of the token redman, Elizabeth Warren, and the black troglodyte professor who caused the stink in Cambridge by cursing at a white policeman, there to protect his property from a suspicious looking black man who was seen breaking into his own home. Who knew?
Next time leave a key with a trusted neighbor if you have one, or hide one in the flower pot or under the welcome matt, nobody looks there. Besides if a criminal wants in your house a locked door will not stop them.
Black Barack has hybrid vigor. White Barry is plain and average. Black Barack has ambition. White Barry only wants to get high. Black Barack is a quick learner and has a keen intellect. White Barry just wants to get high.
Black Barack has rage in his heart and hates the inequity the White man's world affords blacks. White Barry just wants to get high.
Black Barack is motivated to make a difference in the world. White Barry just wants to get high. Black Barack is comfortable talking to radicals like Bill Ayers, and the New Black Panthers and agrees that the White Man is keeping the brother down.
Capitalism is White. Socialism is Black.
White Barry is uncomfortable around the radicals and just wants to get high.
Black Barack thinks the C's and D's he earned at Harvard are embarassing, but he could not get White Barry to study harder since all he wanted to do was get high.
Black Barack is ashamed of White Barry. If it were not for White Barry, who he will blame for his failure to be re-elected, he could have ruled the world.
Barack Obama is a study in delicious affirmative action irony. Just think what he could have accomplished if his inner "White Man" would just stop opressing him!
I think I am beginning to take a liking to White Barry.
Lets get high, shall we?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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