When Barack Hussein Obama was elected president on hope and change, the American people did not realize that it was Obama and his handlers' hope to change America from a republic into a socialist state. He saw the change from "out of many, one" as a simple transition to "from each according to his ability, and to each according to his needs."
Communist are so predictable. What the people quickly learn under communism is their output does not directly affect their quality of life. That is taken care of by the apparachiks who along with the leaders live the life of oppulence while the commoners live like peasants on welfare. It does not take long for the peasantry to pare back their work ethics to match their perceived benefits. Productivity falters and everyone's standard of living falls except the leadership's.
Americans have seen slavery and it was rejected by our culture soundly in the 1860's. Americans know communism and socialism is slavery dressed in a pretty pettycoat brandishing a nice pair of legs. Lift up the pettycoat and the pretty legs give way to a putrid and a horribly diseased pudenda. A sick pudenda which sucks up all the resources just to maintain it in its sickness. The smell eminating from under that form of governance is enough to keep most Americans at bay.
Every generation or two a group of leaders form a cabal and seek to lead America into the ranks of the communist.
They talk pretty, they dress the dreadful, rotting torso up in a pretty slip and spice it up with some beautiful hosery with a frilly garter belt or two, but after the wedding when the last guest leaves, America undresses its new bride to find the same old bucket of warm spit hiding out underneath all those fine underthingees. And then we do what every red-blooded American has done for the past 200 plus years. We run and put as much space between us and communism as land and sea will allow. We vote the bastards out of office who tried to slip this rotten system into our beautiful constitution and destroy us from within.
Most of the American electorate smelled the foulness of the Obama Administration with the stench that was ObamaCare soon after he took office. The elections in 2010 were the curtain call for the communist infiltrators who have surrounded our beloved baratoned voiced silver tongued teleprompter reading leader. We will be leaving his brand of dung on somebody else's front porch. We do not want it here in America. President Obama and his handlers are finding that America and the Statue of Liberty don't rape all that easily. Our constitution is our protection, locked tighter than a 12th century chastity belt, and President Obama cannot find the key. No one can.
The communist loving American press will try to save his presidency by demonizing the Romney's and citing pols that have Obama ahead, but in a tight race, but it will be all for naught. Americans are so over Obama and the rotting corpse that world communism has become our rejection of all things Obama will be overwhelming and the willing press will feign shock and disbelief just as they did when all things Clinton were rejected in 1994.
I believe 2012 will put 1994 to shame. You recall, President Clinton was personable. President Obama comes across as petty and petchulant and has way too many traits of that son of a politically frustrated African finance minister, and a leftist leaning social anthropologist, who was born in Kenya for 16 of his first 43 years.
He only moved his birthplace out of expediency.
America needs honesty to meet the financial problems facing it and the world. We do not need anymore of Brand Obama. His ship has sailed and most Americans will abandon him in his lonely journey to that bankrupt political landscape put together by the failed teaching of 19th century western Europeans.
Americans will compare Marx and Ingles to Jefferson, Monroe, Adams and Franklin and rightly decide to stick with our guys.
Good bye President Obama. Have you considered a run for office in Kenya after you leave office here?
You would be very successful with your promising looking dolls legs there. See they have no history of brilliant men who came together and crafted the most beautiful constitution ever. They are a blank slate just as you are.
You would razzle and dazzle the Kenyan and your economic policies have a chance of improving daily lives there.
Wouldn't it be better to improve the average Kenyan's life instead of lowering the average Americans lot? I belived you will find it way easier.
Just say the word and you were Kenyan born.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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