Thursday, May 10, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Awards First Ever Sheriff Of The Century To Sheriff Joe Arpaio Of Arizona

As President of the Urban Poverty Law Center it gives me great pleasure to award "Sheriff Of The Century" to one of America's greatest law enforcement officials of all time, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. This man needs no introduction and causes liberal bowels all over Washington DC and New York to explode with fits of farting interspersed with watery diarrhea with the very mention of his name. It is rumored he was abandoned as a young boy and raised by rattlesnakes in the Superstition Mountains. He is a true-blue law and order constitution respecting officer of the court.

He recently determined that President Barack Obama's birth certificate released in April of 2011 is a forgery. He has refused to allow illegal immigrants to overrun his county. He is being sued by Eric Holder, the worst US attorney general ever, for his refusal to let our country's borders be porous to those that would enter illegally. He has refused to cede his authority to the Federal Government and for his courageous stance against the limp wrist liberal commie-bastards who have infested our highest reaches of government, I honor him with this Award and a check for $500.

Sheriff Arpaio, millions of law abiding Americans applaud you for your courage to stand against this terrible institutional tyranny that has been focused on you like a liberal laser beam by these petulant pols who would be more at home in the former Soviet Union than here in America.

We all know why these people want millions of illegals here in America. It takes the vote away from the natives and aids in the implementation of their plan for the destruction of America. One World Government cannot proceed without America first being taken to her knees. It seems, my friend, that Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is one good man who refuses to stand by idly when bad men are making their move against America.

Joe, if I can call you that? Joe, millions of patriots are ready to stand with you and will pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors. This country is that important and we are proud to have a leader of your character and strength of will in these very troubling times. Hold on just a little longer, the tea party will vote these miscreants out of office on November 6, 2012, and we will hold our noses for the next 2 and a half months until this anti-American administration leaves Washington DC for ever.

It will take a lot of work to get all the traitorous bureaucrats out of this dysfunctional government, but it will be done. And then life will be good.

Congratulations Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of the Century!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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