Thursday, May 31, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: The Wyoming Deer Catcher Works In All 57 States!

Many readers of these pages may not realize what a genius and gifted person the author is, but I know he is hesitant to brag so I will do it for him. He was born, he tells me to uninspiring parents in an uninspiring location in Western Tennessee. The second son of a marriage whose only purpose was to birth four children onto an already cowded world stage. His parents knew he was special since he would not speak until he was nearly 3 and a half years old. His older brother looked upon him as an abberation and an inconvenience to his otherwise cushey life and spent the better part of two decades trying to kill little Jack Maybolt and make it look like an accident. He failed. Jack lives.

His first recollections are of abandonment at Sunday School in a large white church in Nashville where he lived with his mother, father and brother and newly born sister. Being left in a room of strangers is terrifying to a nearly 2 yr old child. He recalls running from the room and screaming for his mother. He never did like church and feels these early experiences shaped his life for the better. He was a shy child who preferred walking unaccompanied from the house and crossing the street alone and exploring the creek on the otherside of the road unaware of the dangers imposed by traffic. He would walk Mr. Magoo-like but was never struck and killed by traffic.
At the creek he often picked up rocks and threw them into the pools of water and watched the splash with bemusement.
This activity occupied hours of his day until the adult of the house counted children and found this one to be missing, then she would retrieve him from his pleasures, and promise to watch the children closer next time.

The creek was way more interesting to him than the inside of the house. He feels that way today.

After an education which included High School, College, Graduate School, Medical School and an Emergency Medicine Residency, Jack Maybolt was released on the world at the age of 33. He remembers his first patient in the ER in Cheyenne, Wyoming was an nine month old little girl with a urinary tract infection in the early phase of sepsis.
The pediatrician came to the ER at his bequest to admit the patient, and thus a long and delightful career in medicine began.

The Nut: Jack's third son is attending the Colorado School of Mines to pursue his dreams of building automobile engines, and was traveling from Denver to Kansas City to exhange a good truck for a truck that needs a little work. Both trucks are Toyota T100 4 x 4's and both have Jack's signature "Wyoming Deer Catcher" Steel guards on the frontends. One hour into Tom's trip out of Denver, he calls Jack to report, "Well, the "Deer Catcher" works, I just hit a deer at 77 mph that came out of nowhere and it struck the "Deer Catcher" and was thrown down and away from the car."

"I pulled over and inspected the truck and there was no damage, not even any blood!"

My brain storm in the ER on a slow day 10 years earlier had saved much trouble and money. I will give it to you.

In 1993 I was traveling between my work in Southwestern Wyoming and Northern Colorado and the route was all back roads, about 200 miles and much of it was not used that much and in the winter time if you broke down, you could be a long time before help happened by and there was no cell service along much of the route. Add the remoteness with the road traversing the home to wintering herds of elk and deer caused me bother. I thought of the "Wyoming Deer Catcher" as a way to not have a disabled vehicle if and when the inevideble animal strike occurred. I knew the formula, 65 mph in a toyota truck vs 250 lb deer or 750 lb elk equals radiator smash up or worse and a vehcile disabled in a remote and often cold as hell spot in the back country between Colorado and Wyoming.

I will briefly describe the "Deer Catcher" which has saved my trucks from four strikes in 10 years. The design is simple. I used 1/4 inch square tubular steel which is square and cut a length for the top bar which is even with the end of the hood on the truck and sticks out about 15 inches from the hood away from the car. This top horizontal bar is bent to curve to the sides of the truck and goes to the edges of the head lights and turn signals to protect these from damage. It is mounted to the frame of the car on two verticle bars that slant outwards from the bumper to join the bar on top at 15 inches from the hood. These verticle bars are about 2 feet apart. The second horizontal bar is the same as the first and wraps below the head lights just above and out about 7 inches from the truck. The lowest verticle bar is short and straight and is just below the truck bumper and keeps the animal from rolling under the truck. It is about 2 inches out from the truck. This staggering of the bars top to bottom, out to in, causes what ever animal is struck to be thrown down and away from the truck. The bending of the bars from the center verticle mounts also launches any animals struck to the right or the left to be sent to that respective sides. It is in a word, brilliant.

I spent about $300 for each "Deer Catcher" including labor and I believe it has saved me thousands of dollars and inconvenience of having a vehicle down for repairs.

You see Jack is a genius. But his is not the habit to crow about it. Caw, caw, caw---the crow's warning cry.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Not Fit to Read In Any Tongue

Syria in the international crosshairs of public opinion is a fair target as it's main export aside from weak-kneed terrorism is dates. Those plump and juicy tree borne fruits that are inedible to all westerners and given the choice between eating camel turds or a date, most middle easterners would choose a camel dung burger provided it was roasted, not boiled to the date. If NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, nannies have set sites on Syria, Bashad, or Omar, or what ever the current president, king, czar, ruler, dictator is called these days should take my offer of clemency and move his operation to peaceful and beautiful Cedar Grove.

Heads of states recently fallen who did not take my offer include: M. Gadaffi, deceased,
Hugo Chavez, checking out with cancer of the nether region, Mubarak of Egypt, watching jail rats fight over the crumbs in his jail slop pot somewhere in the desert, and Kim Jung Ill who secumbed to that old genetic time bomb, death. .

As mayor of Cedar Grove, I am proud to be the first city in the world to offer amnesty to despots. We have even started a scholarship fund to see to it the children of these despots get the opportunity to attend the University of Tennessee at Martin so they can take advantage of what this great country offers its college graduates, up until this current crop, a job with the man, but now it is home and living in the basement of parents who resent your idleness, but still love you.

Adolf Hitler sent his great nephew and niece here from his hide out in Spain where he has been teaching home economics for the past 67 years. It was a natural transition for a man who enjoyed baking so much. He is not quite ready to retire and owes his longevity to clean living, not smoking, no alcohol, and vegetables. He was 124 on this past April 25.
He still rides his bicycle to work and swims a mile each afternoon. His wife, Eva will be ninety in August and they are expecting their first child. The Hitler's put off children until they were a bit more financially secure. Eva writes an advice column for the Spanish Globe which has taken off in the past year and a half. This and a sometimes awkward alliance with Mr. Mark Zuckerberg on FaceBook has netted the Hitlers a million euros a chapter for Adolf's memoirs of the "early years".

You can follow Adolf and Eva on twitter. They are in talks with MTV about a reality show which will be part advice and part cooking in which Adolph and Eva will share some of their favorite vegetarian recipes and promise to reveal some of their secrets of intimacy that have kept them together and happy for the past 57 years.

The only requirement for NATO to strike is for the target to have no viable means to retaliate. NATO wisely only picks on the weak and indefensible. Once a nation has nuclear capabilities NATO backs down. Despots without nuclear weapons beware. What natural resource could NATO be eying in Syria. Can't be the dates, they are all but inedible, but Adolf Hitler has a recipe for dates to die for! Watch for stock in dates to rise.

Syria is just the next feather to be plucked for one world order. Eighth century goat-herds and the English can not be subjugated without much loss of life and treasure, and then once you have them what are you going to do with them? Both have horrible personal hygiene and dental expenditures would be sufficient to break the bank in any universal health care package. I do not think the One World Order people have carefully thought this thing through.

Diversity is best served up in small packages. There is a reason people eat dates. The only other option is the olive. What a choice!

Last great ironies. President Obama is running against his own record for re-election.
He is running as the jobs creator and the budget slasher. He should come clean and admit he believes work is over rated and is the root of all evil. Work involves competing for limited resources and this leads to conflicts and fighting and nothing good comes of work.
Idleness is the key to peace. Beat your swords into play stations. Change water into wine. Harness the wind, the sun, the seas, plant date trees not hatred. Abandon the atom.

The Japanese have sent radioactive tuna to America's West coast where they will swim head on into one another and their collisions will cause small nuclear explosions. I wonder if Nagasaki was the straw that broke the camel's back with Japan?

Take solace. It can only get worse.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: A Communist Dictatorship, If You Can Keep It.

When Barack Hussein Obama was elected president on hope and change, the American people did not realize that it was Obama and his handlers' hope to change America from a republic into a socialist state. He saw the change from "out of many, one" as a simple transition to "from each according to his ability, and to each according to his needs."

Communist are so predictable. What the people quickly learn under communism is their output does not directly affect their quality of life. That is taken care of by the apparachiks who along with the leaders live the life of oppulence while the commoners live like peasants on welfare. It does not take long for the peasantry to pare back their work ethics to match their perceived benefits. Productivity falters and everyone's standard of living falls except the leadership's.

Americans have seen slavery and it was rejected by our culture soundly in the 1860's. Americans know communism and socialism is slavery dressed in a pretty pettycoat brandishing a nice pair of legs. Lift up the pettycoat and the pretty legs give way to a putrid and a horribly diseased pudenda. A sick pudenda which sucks up all the resources just to maintain it in its sickness. The smell eminating from under that form of governance is enough to keep most Americans at bay.

Every generation or two a group of leaders form a cabal and seek to lead America into the ranks of the communist.
They talk pretty, they dress the dreadful, rotting torso up in a pretty slip and spice it up with some beautiful hosery with a frilly garter belt or two, but after the wedding when the last guest leaves, America undresses its new bride to find the same old bucket of warm spit hiding out underneath all those fine underthingees. And then we do what every red-blooded American has done for the past 200 plus years. We run and put as much space between us and communism as land and sea will allow. We vote the bastards out of office who tried to slip this rotten system into our beautiful constitution and destroy us from within.

Most of the American electorate smelled the foulness of the Obama Administration with the stench that was ObamaCare soon after he took office. The elections in 2010 were the curtain call for the communist infiltrators who have surrounded our beloved baratoned voiced silver tongued teleprompter reading leader. We will be leaving his brand of dung on somebody else's front porch. We do not want it here in America. President Obama and his handlers are finding that America and the Statue of Liberty don't rape all that easily. Our constitution is our protection, locked tighter than a 12th century chastity belt, and President Obama cannot find the key. No one can.

The communist loving American press will try to save his presidency by demonizing the Romney's and citing pols that have Obama ahead, but in a tight race, but it will be all for naught. Americans are so over Obama and the rotting corpse that world communism has become our rejection of all things Obama will be overwhelming and the willing press will feign shock and disbelief just as they did when all things Clinton were rejected in 1994.

I believe 2012 will put 1994 to shame. You recall, President Clinton was personable. President Obama comes across as petty and petchulant and has way too many traits of that son of a politically frustrated African finance minister, and a leftist leaning social anthropologist, who was born in Kenya for 16 of his first 43 years.

He only moved his birthplace out of expediency.

America needs honesty to meet the financial problems facing it and the world. We do not need anymore of Brand Obama. His ship has sailed and most Americans will abandon him in his lonely journey to that bankrupt political landscape put together by the failed teaching of 19th century western Europeans.

Americans will compare Marx and Ingles to Jefferson, Monroe, Adams and Franklin and rightly decide to stick with our guys.

Good bye President Obama. Have you considered a run for office in Kenya after you leave office here?

You would be very successful with your promising looking dolls legs there. See they have no history of brilliant men who came together and crafted the most beautiful constitution ever. They are a blank slate just as you are.

You would razzle and dazzle the Kenyan and your economic policies have a chance of improving daily lives there.

Wouldn't it be better to improve the average Kenyan's life instead of lowering the average Americans lot? I belived you will find it way easier.

Just say the word and you were Kenyan born.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Lights Up For President Obama

Who is this man? The President?

Is he just as it seems the product of social engineering and a series of very fortunate twists of fate? Or is something more sinister at play?

How on earth does a man of limited talent, read intellect, get to what is perhaps the top leadership position of the greatest country of all time if you do not consider Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, or Justin Bieber as serious contenders? This is the tale of two Barrys.

White Barry did not have the grades to attend the prestigeous colleges, and this is where Black Barack pulled White Barry over the finish line thanks to a good helping of affirmative action brought on by some severe white guilt at the all white fraternity that Harvard was and is to this day, in spite of the token redman, Elizabeth Warren, and the black troglodyte professor who caused the stink in Cambridge by cursing at a white policeman, there to protect his property from a suspicious looking black man who was seen breaking into his own home. Who knew?

Next time leave a key with a trusted neighbor if you have one, or hide one in the flower pot or under the welcome matt, nobody looks there. Besides if a criminal wants in your house a locked door will not stop them.

Black Barack has hybrid vigor. White Barry is plain and average. Black Barack has ambition. White Barry only wants to get high. Black Barack is a quick learner and has a keen intellect. White Barry just wants to get high.

Black Barack has rage in his heart and hates the inequity the White man's world affords blacks. White Barry just wants to get high.

Black Barack is motivated to make a difference in the world. White Barry just wants to get high. Black Barack is comfortable talking to radicals like Bill Ayers, and the New Black Panthers and agrees that the White Man is keeping the brother down.

Capitalism is White. Socialism is Black.

White Barry is uncomfortable around the radicals and just wants to get high.

Black Barack thinks the C's and D's he earned at Harvard are embarassing, but he could not get White Barry to study harder since all he wanted to do was get high.

Black Barack is ashamed of White Barry. If it were not for White Barry, who he will blame for his failure to be re-elected, he could have ruled the world.

Barack Obama is a study in delicious affirmative action irony. Just think what he could have accomplished if his inner "White Man" would just stop opressing him!

I think I am beginning to take a liking to White Barry.

Lets get high, shall we?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, May 18, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center And J P Morgan

J P Morgan and Company lost 2 or 3 billion dollars in the financial markets. They reported profits of 20 billion dollars and lost 2 billion. Hum?

Now the political class wants to investigate why the big loss? With Frank-Dodd they made losing money illegal in all 50 states and Guam. How did J P Morgan side step the law and lose money?

The fine print has the details. The two billion dollar loss is in complying with Frank-Dodd regulations and the paperwork necessary to report the compliance to the Feds. It is a drop in the bucket compared with the losses this nation incurs keeping the fluff and the stuff our government deems necessary to function.

Half a million dollars to have First Baby Girl, Malia Obama, whose father was born in Kenya, a spring break out in Old Mexico this year accompanied only by 28 alcohol swigging and call girl pumping horned up Secret Service agents who are willing to give their lives to protect the president and his family even if it means contracting Aids, or some other intractable venereal disease famous in places where men and monkeys have consensual sex after a few too many beers, and all the women are down at the river cleaning last nights stains out of their underwear by rubbing them with a hard rock.

Half a billion dollars for green energy friends who open a shell Solar Energy panel making company called Solyndra, which is Kenyan for "Suckers".

A trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs and the only shovels were the ones shoveling the loot over to the democrat kleptocrats in the labor unions and what happened to the other 900 billion dollars is anybody's guess.

England's new bloke and "Primie" as Obama called him, comes to Washington and Obama fires up Air Force 1 and half a million dollars later they are court side watching some hoops in Ohio.

I am not to bothered when an investment firm looses a few billion dollars in a scheme which has a chance of making money. I am bothered by a government whose schemes have no chance of turning a profit. But the purpose of government is not to make profits it is to make work for the otherwise unemployable.

I get this, I traveled by plane a lot since 9/11 and have seen the TSA in action. I watch the tranquil lives of the park rangers in my trips to Yellowstone with my heart all a flutter with envy. And the biggest waste of talent is the press which has not been vigilant since they caught Richard Nixon covering up a third rate burglary at the Watergate Motel.

Where is the fire in the belly. Get out and report you hacks!

Why does a sheriff in Arizona have to tell us Obama has no credible papers?

Where is Obama's paper trail?

Sure Mitt Romney was a high school prankster in 1965, and I went to see the Beatles in Memphis in 1966, and since then my life has been a series of set backs and disappointments.

I peaked in this life way too soon. But it is not too late for some of you young reporters. Get out and report!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center, Untitled Ambivalance

I wake up from my nap and I have chest pains. I can not decide whether to go to my doctor. Can somebody please call me an ambivalence.

That is what I dream of when I sleep the furtive sleep of a life wasted on academics for 28 of my first 33 years. When I had my 33 rd birthday my father was fond of saying to me at every opportunity: "You do realize that Christ died at 33."

To which I replied, "Yeah." Then there was no follow up, just his cold statement at the age of Christ's death.

I still wonder why he said that. And now my nephews will wonder why I say it to them when they turn 33. The first is set to hit that mark next year. I cannot wait to spring this mind teaser on them... maybe they will understand what the reference was about. To me it was just like the cartoons in the New Yorker which never seemed funny to me when I was a child and looked at them.

Well, I got out of my emergency medical residency at age 33 and was in a way raised from the dead. The medical education system in America exacts a rather large chunk out of your life and you only realize you have not done anything but live, eat, sleep, breathe, and breed medicine for almost a decade by the time they are done with you. That was 25 years ago and I still hear songs from the 80's that were hits then for the first time now.

Two of my nephews are following in my path, one is out of medical school and is doing a medicine residency in Knoxville Tn, and the other has begun his third year of medical school at the University of Colorado in Denver. They are too busy to answer my calls. I will be able to catch up with them in another few years and we will have a lot to talk about. Poor Devils! They don't know whether Obama Care is going to take all the financial benefits away from the people who dedicate say 4/5ths of their first three and a half decades of life to care for the sick and injured in a caring and competent fashion.

This will not be the first time someone has decided that the other group makes too much money. Mark Twain said it best. "No man can stand success, another's that is."

So the politics of greed and envy are practiced with great zeal and fortissimo under our current bunch of Communist aggitators. I hope the good people who like the quality of care they now get in medicine have the good sense to turn these bastards out come November. Time will tell, now where is the number for that ambivalence?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, May 12, 2012

President Obama Is Un-American: Urban Poverty Law Center's Proof!

President Barack Hussein Obama is as Un-American as sour kraut. His administration is smelling more and more like the aging cabbage patches I was fond of avoiding in my misspent youth here in the USA. I can guarantee you President Obama has no clue what the reference to cabbage patches and smell refer to as well as his inability to recite even one verse of the Beverly Hillbillies theme song.

You see, he was not raised as an American. He was Indonesian reared in the 60's while Americans my age and older were being shot to death in the war in Vietnam. He did not grow up reciting the pledge of allegiance as we did and missed all those neat "duck and cover drills" in grade school, but he instead listened for the Muslim call to prayer and recalls this as "one of the most beautiful sounds". I personally like the Gilligan's Island theme music just as well. I''ll bet if they had a presidential debate where only American trivia was asked, Romney would clean his clock.

Hey, President Obama, is not one of us. His campaign tactics bear this out. His behavior is more like a Kenyan dictator than the President of the United States when his thugs call out for ridicule $1,000,000 contributors to Political Action Committees that back Romney. He has threatened the Supremes if they rule against his health care

Petulance and low class are his hallmarks. His first days in office saw the passage of the all important Tanning Tax, which was a direct assault on the pigmentedly challenged majority of US citizens and still gives Obama and Rev. Wright the giggles each time they bring it up. They call it the "Honky Tax". I call it racism, pure and simple, as evil as the poll tax enacted against the poor blacks in an effort to keep them from voting. I would not be surprised if even Eric Holder is in on the Tanning Tax joke. How utterly transparent of these princes of pigmentation. I would be ashamed.

The worst Un-American decisions by this Third Worlder's organization was to attack a private US citizen and seven others like him who happen to believe America's future would be better served by real American leadership. Frank VanderSloot has been called out by the thugs in Obama's committee to re-elect the president. Could you tell us when you plan to send in the machete welding outlaws to hack Mr. VanderSloot into submission? I bet you are waiting to see what is left after the IRS is done with him.

These tactics only reinforce our need to expunge your group of despots who are intent upon making America over in the image of the banana republics. These same poor banana republics where half of your gene pool simmered and slithered along in the heat of the dark continent for a million years only to be unleashed on America through happen-chance after a one night stand following a Russian studies class..... the rest is, as they say history, and the saddest moment in American History ever!

Hey, Mr. President, this ain't a third world country. I suggest you get started on your American Studies by watching all the episodes of "The Beverly Hillbillies" and "Gilligan's Island" little buddy so you can compete head to head with the real American in this election. We have been civilized here for well over 200 yrs and do not need your tinkering with our laws and customs. America's poorest are rich compared to your brothers in Kenya. Get over it. We already know about fresh water and dealing with sewage and you will be voted out along with your handlers in November.

You will fail in your attempt to divide us by race, religion, sex, wealth or party! We should have paid more attention the the founder's requirement for natural born citizenry than we did when you were elected. Thanks in no small part to you and your actions this oversight will not soon, if ever, be repeated in our country. We are on to you and what you stand for. Nice try, President Obama. As they say at the carnival, "Close, but no cigar!"

"Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed" know the rest, or do you?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Awards First Ever Sheriff Of The Century To Sheriff Joe Arpaio Of Arizona

As President of the Urban Poverty Law Center it gives me great pleasure to award "Sheriff Of The Century" to one of America's greatest law enforcement officials of all time, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. This man needs no introduction and causes liberal bowels all over Washington DC and New York to explode with fits of farting interspersed with watery diarrhea with the very mention of his name. It is rumored he was abandoned as a young boy and raised by rattlesnakes in the Superstition Mountains. He is a true-blue law and order constitution respecting officer of the court.

He recently determined that President Barack Obama's birth certificate released in April of 2011 is a forgery. He has refused to allow illegal immigrants to overrun his county. He is being sued by Eric Holder, the worst US attorney general ever, for his refusal to let our country's borders be porous to those that would enter illegally. He has refused to cede his authority to the Federal Government and for his courageous stance against the limp wrist liberal commie-bastards who have infested our highest reaches of government, I honor him with this Award and a check for $500.

Sheriff Arpaio, millions of law abiding Americans applaud you for your courage to stand against this terrible institutional tyranny that has been focused on you like a liberal laser beam by these petulant pols who would be more at home in the former Soviet Union than here in America.

We all know why these people want millions of illegals here in America. It takes the vote away from the natives and aids in the implementation of their plan for the destruction of America. One World Government cannot proceed without America first being taken to her knees. It seems, my friend, that Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is one good man who refuses to stand by idly when bad men are making their move against America.

Joe, if I can call you that? Joe, millions of patriots are ready to stand with you and will pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors. This country is that important and we are proud to have a leader of your character and strength of will in these very troubling times. Hold on just a little longer, the tea party will vote these miscreants out of office on November 6, 2012, and we will hold our noses for the next 2 and a half months until this anti-American administration leaves Washington DC for ever.

It will take a lot of work to get all the traitorous bureaucrats out of this dysfunctional government, but it will be done. And then life will be good.

Congratulations Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of the Century!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Urban Poverty Law Center: The Mind Is A Terrible Thing. Gay Marriage, Yes. Gay Tax, Hell Yes!

With 88 million Americans out of work seems President Barack Obama could support a jobs bill or a tax break or something to help the struggling economy along, no?

Instead of some wonderful ideas springing from that ginormous head of his framed by those clown-like pair of oversized ears which should place him in the top one percent of listeners, now he has come out to support marriage between two men, two women, and two anythings, will soon be next, followed by one something and three something else's. The permutations on this are endless and some are delightfully titillating to contemplate.

Gay marriage will fall from favor when unemployment reaches 100% among the homosexuals.
I wonder what the homosexual unemployment rate is today. They or we, who knows my real predilection for sexual partners since every bedroom in America has a closet, tend to be educated and professionals and flock to cities and make a good living in jobs with benefits for wives and husbands, and not for same sex partners.

This is the rub. It is all about the money. Is anyone so naive to believe it is about the romance and the love and the disappointment in not being given the respect the homosexual bitter clingers to their sodomic rights under the constitution demand from the rest of the country?

My father was a liberal. He believed gays should be allowed to marry and have the same financial benefits married heterosexuals enjoy, but he thought the gays should pay a tax to pay for what problems their life style has caused in the public health of this country and for not raising children from their union.

Billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars has been spent on HIV research and drugs over the past three decades and now with the new antiviral drugs Aids is no longer a death sentence for these practitioners of the peculiar.

His other argument for higher taxes on gay couples is based on not having to raise children born of the marriage, which leaves them with a lot more expendable income than Bob and Margaret who are caring for the next generation, while Teddy and Barack, to pick a couple of gayish names at random, are worried where they will jet off to on the next overly indulgent vacation. Teddy and Barack, by opting out of the hidden child care tax, some say is now about $137,432 per child by the time you get them out of your basement and off your health insurance, are rich compared to Bob and Margaret.

This means if Teddy and Barack did not raise 2 children each, they have an extra $10,000 per year to subsidize Bob and Margaret so Bob and Margaret's four children can subsidize Teddy and Barack's social security as they nurtured no next generation to carry that burden, when age and gieserdom hit Teddy and Barack.

In summation: get married but be prepared to pay the gay tax. Be honest, it costs society something to support your takers only lifestyle. So be man enough to pay for it! Is there any doubt this money strapped congress of mostly heterosexuals will have any qualms taxing you and me brother? They just need an excuse. Fairness is what every politico harps on these days and the Gay Tax sounds fair. Beats the hell out of the carbon tax which was hard for the average person to sink his teeth into.

I wonder if congress would investigate these vocal complainers and tax them if life would settle down a bit for the rest of us and these dolts would join us in the silent majority. Hum?

Do you know why divorces and the gay taxes cost so much? Because they are worth it!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"If you desire more of something, declare war on it, if you desire less of something, tax it!" Mother Maybolt, 1924-2008

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lessons From A Wasted Life: Urban Poverty Law Center

I am not very smart in the classical sense. Oh sure, I have a PhD in something or other, but that is not where life is lived. Life must be outside the mind. It is getting dirty after a rain shower by taking a swim in your neighbor's freshly dug rose bed complete with footers. It is lying on the steps of the playground after a summer shower and have the warm water flowing off the solar heated asphalt and cascading off those steps to warm and delight you. It is pinching your 14 month old sister during church and offering to take her across the street to a lake to catch green turtles instead of listening to a sermon you can't understand when she gets fussy. It is spending time lying with your big dog on the front porch as you both take a nap when it is too hot to move around and play.

It is riding your bike fast down the hills in the local cemetery and crashing and laughing when you find to your amazement that it didn't hurt. It is loving the black woman who took care of you when your parents were off fighting, loving or what ever parents did when you were growing up. It is lying on the floor of your grandmother's Cadillac
automobile in the back to eek out any warmth from the hump in the middle that the drive shaft runs through. It is exploring the swamps and seeing many wonderful animals, carp, alligator gar, bream, bass, snakes, turtles, and frogs. It is swimming at the lake and being called out to shore every time a turtle swims across the cove by the woman who has a deathly fear of snakes. Then having to feign sincere gratitude for her saving your life for the fifth time that day.

It is sailing on a Star class sailboat with a father who drinks whiskey all day and has the good sense to let you drive the VW bug home at night while he naps when you are only 10 yrs old. He taught us to drive when we were six because he, being ahead of his time, knew he would need designated drivers before it became fashionable. Father's only weaknesses were whiskey and the ladies. Mother never got comfortable with that side of him. I am fond of saying that "My father was irresistible, and that is where I get my charm and good looks."

It is swimming with your siblings and father in that cove on a hot summer's afternoon, sliding your feet along the cool muddy bottom to find sharp muscles and then digging them up by the scores and looking for freshwater pearls and finding two in one day and giving them to a delighted mother.

It is also waking up to find the box turtle collection you had in the back yard in half a burn barrel destroyed when the surrogate baby sitter took the trash out at dusk, threw it on the turtles and dropped a match on it and burned them alive. It is the disappointment in chasing a baby sparrow too young to fly, around the playground and stepping on it with your big old five yr old feet and killing it, knowing you had broken a commandment and were going to hell. Only some kind words and counseling from the black babysitter saved that day and got me off my death bed.

Life is funny that way.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mitt R'Money: Urban Poverty Law Center To Advise On Tax Cutting

An article in Forbes Magazine about Mitt R'Money's vision for America verses that of our current President, starkly contrasts Obama's plan to raise taxes to unseen heights with Mitt's plan for an across the board 20% cut in all income tax rates. Big difference!

Mr. Mitt R'Money: please consider my proposal to have each working American work tax free 1 year in every five of their working career which would be better than a 20% tax cut because the productivity of those workers working for themselves would skyrocket! You are a fool if you do not propose this as a solution to our economic stagnation brought about by Obama's unenlightened grasp of economics 101.

I am not a vain man. I am a simple one with a PhD in Women's Studies from Radcliffe. My mother always wanted a girl and as the youngest of five sons, I was dressed and treated as the daughter she never had. Some say I am a bit effeminate and walk with the hint of a sashay, but it gets me where I want to go.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Offer: $10,000 Award To Midstream Photojournalist Pic Of Smoking Obama

We all know it. Why hide it? President Obama is a smoker. Is this news to anyone?

Is this another example of the liberal media unable to factually report on this beautiful man so as not to upset the already toppling apple cart? The cart is tipping from Obama's mealy mouthed pettiness and petulance and his communist leanings and yearnings for this country are not going over well with the natives.

I can understand hiding Woodrow Wilson's gambling habit from the public for the good of the public, and FDR's gimpy legs and his being wheelchair bound which would give some Americans cause for alarm knowing the president could not jump up and run when and if ever "Fire!" was shouted illegally in a crowded theater. And if the public had learned of JFK's need to plant his seed daily or he would suffer from severe headaches, how could little Johnny and little Suzy be kept from trying this headache remedy themselves?

But what I can not understand is what difference would a picture of 'Obama bin Smoking' make in the larger scheme of the world politique? He is not a very formidable photographic subject with his slight build and hairless chest. Not the sort of black man his late "typical white person" grandmother would even cross the street to avoid. He is an effete and effeminate man, in a Michael Jackson body with a beautiful a Barry White baritone voice. He should be playing "Chef" on South Park instead of leading the world's only superpower.

My offer is to award $10,000 cash to the best journalistic photograph of President Obama smoking a cigarette. These must be submitted with the negative so I have control over the print in its entirety. My contention is that he is so protected by his handlers there is not a chance this photograph could ever be made. We know he is doing it.

Maybe he could use the cigarette as a prop to make himself more manly like the Marlboro Man of the 60's who died of lung cancer in the 80's.

Bush thought. Does anyone doubt unflattering photo's would have been plastered all over the news if George W. Bush smoked just one cigarette?

This offer is good until he leaves office in January of 2013.

Prediction: if he looses in November he will smoke up the White House and party nightly at our expense like it is 1999. I wonder if it may be best to keep the results of the election secret and have security escort him out on January 21, 2013 to avoid all the messy partying.

I once had a tenant in a small farm house who stopped paying rent for 5 months and evictions in Colorado were impossible. It was worth the small fortune to get rid of them. I am afraid this is how the public will feel when this current lefty closet smoker departs for greener pastures.

Shouldn't a commie leave for redder pastures to keep our color codes consistent?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

The blood and brain spattered Keffiyeh, the Arab headdress, worn by Osama Bin Laden when he got his "double tap" to the head was presented to President Obama by the Navy Seal Team 6. Rumor is Obama wears it around the White House at night when he smokes. JDM