Will the Whitehouse and President Trump mark the money demied to the sanctuary cities to build the wall?
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of liberal teeth all over the MSM.
My vote is "do it"!
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
Who Killed The Fake News Media, We Did!
The Fake News Media is dead and they don't even know it, or at least they are not willing to admit it as yet.
President Donald Trump has fingered them and the Trump supporters knew four years ago the fix was in to try to steal the presidency from President Trump.
We all know Donald Trump would never have been able to win the nomination and let alone the presidency if the Fake News Media had any pull. Americans are gullible, but only to a point, beyond which not even the dullards among us can be dragged kicking and screaming for the last three presidential candidates chosen for the republicans by the press.
I am speaking of Bob Dole who ran against Bill Clinton, the Harvey Weinstein like, politician from Arkansas with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, the terrible. Dole was picked by the media but he was not the best choice at the time, he was past his freshness label, and Dan Rather was still king.
W. Bush was nearly pushed off in 2000 by the Media with last minute drunken driving revelations and Rather's AWOL report.
That W. Bush prevailed against the Media titans and their puppet masters, which were W's masters as well was the first hint that the Media had a chink in its armour. A chink that would lead to the greatest fall ever for a "free press".
Bush faced the very effete John Kerry in his bid for reelection and Kerry was unable to throw a sitting president out of office even with a very compliant and cooperative press. The mainstream media was losing its mojo.
Along comes the Obama phenomenon! Finally someone America could get behind to bring the country together after the terrible Bush years. Hillary Clinton, the annointed one, her its my turn attitude put a shine on the turd in the political punch bowl, BHO, that could not be denied.
BHO swept into office with a convincing victory over his mainstream media chosen opponent, Senator John McCain. Again not the best choice from the field that year, but the press selected him and he lost to the great gifted possessor of the soothing baratone voice and an incomparable skill at reading from teleprompters.
Aside from those wonderful skills BHO was and is an empty Coke bottle, plastic not glass, not aluminum.
And what has the great BHO been spouting of late? He has taken credit for the Trump boom by starting it all off back in 2009 with a phony stimulus bill which was stolen by everyone with a relative in office in Washington at that time. Fly over America got bupkiss!
Fast forward to 2012, where 4 years of an inept BHO and his secretary of state, Hildie Bengahzi Clinton had completely trashed the middle east and ruined our economy. Americans were ready for a change.
The republican field was full of promise, and least among them was Mitt Romney, a former govenor of Massachusetts, and the father of Obamacare light which he put into his great state, thereby taking the strong arguing point against Obamacare off the table for this election.
But Mitt was selected by the media as the candidate most likely to fail against the great and formidable BHO. And the republican voting public were helpless to defeat this.
America was burdened by 4 more years of the most inept administration of all time. John Kerry moved into the SoS position, and Iran was given billions of dollars and euros, some in cash on pallets flown in on Airforce C 130's for a promise not to Nuke Israel for another 10 years. And the media cheered! And everyday Americans suffered the worst economic recovery ever, while insiders like Kerry, Pelosi, Biden's children were taking millions from the Ukraine, and many connected political families were enjoying lucrative government contracts.
And the American people in fly over country got bupkiss.
Was America ready in 2015 for a third Obama term which would be essentially what Hildur Clinton would represent or were they hankering for a third Bush in the WhiteHouse aka effete Jeb?
Fly over voters were pissed. Nothing for them for 16 years! Only quagmire wars in the middle east and higher taxes and lower wages if you could even get a job in this post-NAFTA nightmare economy.
Hillary Dud Clinton with the full backing and support of 100% of the mainstream media was a shoe-in as the 45th president of the United States. Nothing could stop her, the colosus!
Nothing that is but her awful personality, her shrill voice, and her unpopular positions on how to govern. Never mind she sold our uranium to the Russians and filled her Clinton Foundation with bribes while SoS under Obama 1.
Enter Donald J. Trump, a common billionaire from Queens. A man so genuine and grounded he is comfortable with Kings and commoners. The Kings respect him and commoners love him. He is a no nonsense nonpolitician who ran a brilliant campaign to win the electoral college vote and the election against an unworthy opponent who did not even campaign in the rust belt.
Hildur's calculations were off by a mile. A majority of voters in the rust belt and fly over country held a very low opinion of Hildury. Most felt if she could be bought for what she was worth and sold for what she thought she was worth, we could retire the national debt, if we could keep the Bidens away from it.
The mainstream media pulled no punches to thwart Donald Trump's campaign. The first blow was from Megyn Kelly at the first debate about referring to women as dogs, sluts, prostitites, etc, etc, when Trump, off the cuff defused it with a rye, "Only Rosie O'donnell!
Try as they may the media's war on Trump only made him stronger. One by one his lesser competitors dropped out of the race. The media and the deep state were starting to panic. Then NBC pulls out the last minute tape where a younger Trump comments about "grabbing them by the pussy."
But middle America was buying none of it. Trump brought all the women Hildury's husband, Bill was accused of sexually assaulting out to the second debate and thereby pointed out the media's duplicity. One set of rules for the democrat and another higher, much higher standard for Trump.
It worked. Mojo mainsteam media-zero, candidate Donald Trump-100.
And now here we are three plus years into the Trump first term, with 95% negative stories out by the Fake News and he is stronger than ever. This man fights, and has turned the American economy around for the common man. He is one of us and not one of them, we, the American people love him and they loathe him.
The Fake News media is dead, long live he new news!
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center
President Donald Trump has fingered them and the Trump supporters knew four years ago the fix was in to try to steal the presidency from President Trump.
We all know Donald Trump would never have been able to win the nomination and let alone the presidency if the Fake News Media had any pull. Americans are gullible, but only to a point, beyond which not even the dullards among us can be dragged kicking and screaming for the last three presidential candidates chosen for the republicans by the press.
I am speaking of Bob Dole who ran against Bill Clinton, the Harvey Weinstein like, politician from Arkansas with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, the terrible. Dole was picked by the media but he was not the best choice at the time, he was past his freshness label, and Dan Rather was still king.
W. Bush was nearly pushed off in 2000 by the Media with last minute drunken driving revelations and Rather's AWOL report.
That W. Bush prevailed against the Media titans and their puppet masters, which were W's masters as well was the first hint that the Media had a chink in its armour. A chink that would lead to the greatest fall ever for a "free press".
Bush faced the very effete John Kerry in his bid for reelection and Kerry was unable to throw a sitting president out of office even with a very compliant and cooperative press. The mainstream media was losing its mojo.
Along comes the Obama phenomenon! Finally someone America could get behind to bring the country together after the terrible Bush years. Hillary Clinton, the annointed one, her its my turn attitude put a shine on the turd in the political punch bowl, BHO, that could not be denied.
BHO swept into office with a convincing victory over his mainstream media chosen opponent, Senator John McCain. Again not the best choice from the field that year, but the press selected him and he lost to the great gifted possessor of the soothing baratone voice and an incomparable skill at reading from teleprompters.
Aside from those wonderful skills BHO was and is an empty Coke bottle, plastic not glass, not aluminum.
And what has the great BHO been spouting of late? He has taken credit for the Trump boom by starting it all off back in 2009 with a phony stimulus bill which was stolen by everyone with a relative in office in Washington at that time. Fly over America got bupkiss!
Fast forward to 2012, where 4 years of an inept BHO and his secretary of state, Hildie Bengahzi Clinton had completely trashed the middle east and ruined our economy. Americans were ready for a change.
The republican field was full of promise, and least among them was Mitt Romney, a former govenor of Massachusetts, and the father of Obamacare light which he put into his great state, thereby taking the strong arguing point against Obamacare off the table for this election.
But Mitt was selected by the media as the candidate most likely to fail against the great and formidable BHO. And the republican voting public were helpless to defeat this.
America was burdened by 4 more years of the most inept administration of all time. John Kerry moved into the SoS position, and Iran was given billions of dollars and euros, some in cash on pallets flown in on Airforce C 130's for a promise not to Nuke Israel for another 10 years. And the media cheered! And everyday Americans suffered the worst economic recovery ever, while insiders like Kerry, Pelosi, Biden's children were taking millions from the Ukraine, and many connected political families were enjoying lucrative government contracts.
And the American people in fly over country got bupkiss.
Was America ready in 2015 for a third Obama term which would be essentially what Hildur Clinton would represent or were they hankering for a third Bush in the WhiteHouse aka effete Jeb?
Fly over voters were pissed. Nothing for them for 16 years! Only quagmire wars in the middle east and higher taxes and lower wages if you could even get a job in this post-NAFTA nightmare economy.
Hillary Dud Clinton with the full backing and support of 100% of the mainstream media was a shoe-in as the 45th president of the United States. Nothing could stop her, the colosus!
Nothing that is but her awful personality, her shrill voice, and her unpopular positions on how to govern. Never mind she sold our uranium to the Russians and filled her Clinton Foundation with bribes while SoS under Obama 1.
Enter Donald J. Trump, a common billionaire from Queens. A man so genuine and grounded he is comfortable with Kings and commoners. The Kings respect him and commoners love him. He is a no nonsense nonpolitician who ran a brilliant campaign to win the electoral college vote and the election against an unworthy opponent who did not even campaign in the rust belt.
Hildur's calculations were off by a mile. A majority of voters in the rust belt and fly over country held a very low opinion of Hildury. Most felt if she could be bought for what she was worth and sold for what she thought she was worth, we could retire the national debt, if we could keep the Bidens away from it.
The mainstream media pulled no punches to thwart Donald Trump's campaign. The first blow was from Megyn Kelly at the first debate about referring to women as dogs, sluts, prostitites, etc, etc, when Trump, off the cuff defused it with a rye, "Only Rosie O'donnell!
Try as they may the media's war on Trump only made him stronger. One by one his lesser competitors dropped out of the race. The media and the deep state were starting to panic. Then NBC pulls out the last minute tape where a younger Trump comments about "grabbing them by the pussy."
But middle America was buying none of it. Trump brought all the women Hildury's husband, Bill was accused of sexually assaulting out to the second debate and thereby pointed out the media's duplicity. One set of rules for the democrat and another higher, much higher standard for Trump.
It worked. Mojo mainsteam media-zero, candidate Donald Trump-100.
And now here we are three plus years into the Trump first term, with 95% negative stories out by the Fake News and he is stronger than ever. This man fights, and has turned the American economy around for the common man. He is one of us and not one of them, we, the American people love him and they loathe him.
The Fake News media is dead, long live he new news!
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr fellow, Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, February 20, 2020
MiniMike Blumberg Was Scalped At The Debate
The only thing that could save MiniMike Blumberg's bacon is to dig up Gen. William T. Sherman spend a few million to breathe life back into him and point out the only Native American he did not subjugate.
I am referring to the scalp Pocahantas took from the man who was at her right at the debate. Poor MiniMike, he looked like a man without a party. A candidate withhout a voice, a goof trying to break into the most corrupt political party of all time with unlimited funds.
The party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow, grifters par excellante, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, with his stacked FBI and DOJ, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself, along with a supreme court justice who died in Texas under suspicious circumstances.
Well MM, the only way to beat these scallywags is to buy them off, each has a price. Pocahantas may settle for a few beads and smallpox riddled blankets, though corona virus may be easier to procure, Bernie may go for a small state in South America or buy Cuba and make him president there.
Buttigegieg, may settle for one billion dollars and his likeness on the dollar bill.
Klobuchar may settle for Secretary of State so she can vault into the next open presidential race with a leg up.
You do not have tell her the Trumps are sure to be there for at least another 12 and perhaps 20 years if the children run dynasty style.
Middle America is through listening to the broken promises spewed by the preTrumpians on the left and right.
Once you have seen Trump it is hard to accept anything less.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
I am referring to the scalp Pocahantas took from the man who was at her right at the debate. Poor MiniMike, he looked like a man without a party. A candidate withhout a voice, a goof trying to break into the most corrupt political party of all time with unlimited funds.
The party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow, grifters par excellante, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, with his stacked FBI and DOJ, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself, along with a supreme court justice who died in Texas under suspicious circumstances.
Well MM, the only way to beat these scallywags is to buy them off, each has a price. Pocahantas may settle for a few beads and smallpox riddled blankets, though corona virus may be easier to procure, Bernie may go for a small state in South America or buy Cuba and make him president there.
Buttigegieg, may settle for one billion dollars and his likeness on the dollar bill.
Klobuchar may settle for Secretary of State so she can vault into the next open presidential race with a leg up.
You do not have tell her the Trumps are sure to be there for at least another 12 and perhaps 20 years if the children run dynasty style.
Middle America is through listening to the broken promises spewed by the preTrumpians on the left and right.
Once you have seen Trump it is hard to accept anything less.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Flash! Andrew McCabe Not Charged With Lying To Congress And Leaking Classified Materials To The Press! Or Will He?
Justice disappoints Forever Trumpers by declining to prosecute Andy McCabe for leaking and lying to congress. Ditto Comey, Page, Baker, Strzok, Brennan, Ohr, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Plentka.
What is the rush? The case against these lightweights should be delayed until all of the heavyweights can be included.
Like the Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII the Coup against Trump and his allies, AG Barr and his team of investigators lead by Jeff Durham need to line up the dominos from bottom to top so there are no gaps and when the first domino falls it leads up the food chain where it is certain to broadside old Hopey-Changie himself, former president, Barak Hussein Obama and his hand picked successor, old pantsuit/tent dress queen, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I suspect Durham and Barr have bigger fish to fry than the dupe McCabe. The thing all the above, but the last two, can claim is, they were only following orders.
The next few months are sure to be interesting.
The military motto, loose lips, sink ships will come into play as there are many, many lips involved in this wide ranging conspiracy.
I do not see President Trump and his administration letting the matter go. Not after what they tried to do to him, his family, and his political followers.
Revenge is a dish best served up cold.
Flynn and Stone will get the last laugh, just wait.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
What is the rush? The case against these lightweights should be delayed until all of the heavyweights can be included.
Like the Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII the Coup against Trump and his allies, AG Barr and his team of investigators lead by Jeff Durham need to line up the dominos from bottom to top so there are no gaps and when the first domino falls it leads up the food chain where it is certain to broadside old Hopey-Changie himself, former president, Barak Hussein Obama and his hand picked successor, old pantsuit/tent dress queen, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I suspect Durham and Barr have bigger fish to fry than the dupe McCabe. The thing all the above, but the last two, can claim is, they were only following orders.
The next few months are sure to be interesting.
The military motto, loose lips, sink ships will come into play as there are many, many lips involved in this wide ranging conspiracy.
I do not see President Trump and his administration letting the matter go. Not after what they tried to do to him, his family, and his political followers.
Revenge is a dish best served up cold.
Flynn and Stone will get the last laugh, just wait.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
Andrew McCabe,
lying to congress,
Trump Coup
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Like The Cheerleader Advised Her Football Player Paramour: "Pull Out!" Good Advice Then, Great Advice To Elizabeth Warren
Lizzie Warren took an axe and gave her supporters forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done she gave her country forty-one.
And with Pocahontas' poor showing in New Hampshire under Sanders, Buttigieggeggeggegge (you know who I mean) and Klobuchar( you know) and barely hovering only a tommyhawk above the criminal Biden, who is having trouble stringing two cogent thoughts together, Warren has lost to a Commie, a Gay, and Strait White woman and barely eeked out a win over a creepy politician in his 8th decade of life, with 6 decades into a political career of graft and bribes.
Now her campaign is breaking into student piggy banks to stay in the game which has moved to the Gamecock's state of South Carolina.
Voters are not interested in a whisp with a whinney voice and an annoying speaking cadence to lead our great nation for the next four years.
Can anyone see Warren lasting until the first commercial break were she featured on "The Apprentice"?
She has no gravitas, or gravity, or gravy, or goulash but she drips with inexperience. I see why she could not hold a public school teachers position because she could not garner the respect of her pupils.
Enter the questionable Cherokee heritage and Harvard is willing to ignore her short comings and she is hired! A woman of color on Harvard's faculty, wow!
Well, apparently, even the American democrat voter is not impressed by her annoyingly sing-songie falsetto voice and her Gumby waif walk.
Pocahantas, tell America what you have done in your life of any note that helped others? Where is the pedigree? What makes you believe you could sit down with Putin, Xi, the Iranian Mullahs, or even Boris Johnson and negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag? Sure you would be president, but what's in it for us, other than higher taxes, open borders, gun control, and more crime?
Were you captain of the debate team in high school? How many pay checks have you signed and how many businesses have you started. What is the greatest number of people on the payroll you have managed excluding campaigns?
On second thought, it would be best if you folded up like an accordian and threw in the towel and let the other lack luster democrat candidates battle it out. Go back to the senate and investigate Trump, vote against his judicial nominees, obstruct his great plans for America. Join ranks with Schumer to see how you can interfere in Trump's next four years.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr. Urban Poverty Law Center
And with Pocahontas' poor showing in New Hampshire under Sanders, Buttigieggeggeggegge (you know who I mean) and Klobuchar( you know) and barely hovering only a tommyhawk above the criminal Biden, who is having trouble stringing two cogent thoughts together, Warren has lost to a Commie, a Gay, and Strait White woman and barely eeked out a win over a creepy politician in his 8th decade of life, with 6 decades into a political career of graft and bribes.
Now her campaign is breaking into student piggy banks to stay in the game which has moved to the Gamecock's state of South Carolina.
Voters are not interested in a whisp with a whinney voice and an annoying speaking cadence to lead our great nation for the next four years.
Can anyone see Warren lasting until the first commercial break were she featured on "The Apprentice"?
She has no gravitas, or gravity, or gravy, or goulash but she drips with inexperience. I see why she could not hold a public school teachers position because she could not garner the respect of her pupils.
Enter the questionable Cherokee heritage and Harvard is willing to ignore her short comings and she is hired! A woman of color on Harvard's faculty, wow!
Well, apparently, even the American democrat voter is not impressed by her annoyingly sing-songie falsetto voice and her Gumby waif walk.
Pocahantas, tell America what you have done in your life of any note that helped others? Where is the pedigree? What makes you believe you could sit down with Putin, Xi, the Iranian Mullahs, or even Boris Johnson and negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag? Sure you would be president, but what's in it for us, other than higher taxes, open borders, gun control, and more crime?
Were you captain of the debate team in high school? How many pay checks have you signed and how many businesses have you started. What is the greatest number of people on the payroll you have managed excluding campaigns?
On second thought, it would be best if you folded up like an accordian and threw in the towel and let the other lack luster democrat candidates battle it out. Go back to the senate and investigate Trump, vote against his judicial nominees, obstruct his great plans for America. Join ranks with Schumer to see how you can interfere in Trump's next four years.
- Then maybe in 2024 you can take another shot at that which you are not qualified. Voters can smell leadership and you, my dear, are odorless.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr. Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, February 7, 2020
Open Letter To Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, (Peers To Be A Fool!)
7 Feb, 2020
Puddin Head, Lt Col. A Vindman:
Dear Sir:
Some advice if you get employment in government ever again. The military is a hierarchy.
Lt Col. is much much further down the ladder than Commander in Chief.
Conspiracy to overthrow the government is serious business. Making false claims against the Commander in Chief is treason and real bad if your claims lead to a bogus impeachment.
Lincoln would have stretched your neck to the point of breaking. Thankfully for you, you are only looking at a court martial and with good behavior out in 30 years.
If you are not the brains behind the impeachment you need to spill the beans soon so your co-conspirators do not have the time and means to end your proir relationship, if you know what I mean, Jeff Epstein, Seth Rich?
You are looking at making some lawyers very rich.
Turn states witness and avoid the hardship you are in for.
Your Go-fund-me may net a million but your legal fees could run into the 10's of millions.
If you were the headwaters of this plan to start the impeachment of President Trump you made a mistake, throw yourself on the mercy of the courts and hope for the best, if you are a small cog in the bigger wheel, squeal like a pig, before you take the perp walk to Gitmo.
We all make mistakes, your's is not a small one.
Love is never having to say you are sorry, but if you are not now you will be soon.
Good luck, Mr. Vindman. I say "Mr." because you will lose your rank after your court martial.
These are not the best of times for the Obama-Clinton brainwashed sycophants.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr. Urban Poverty Law Center
Puddin Head, Lt Col. A Vindman:
Dear Sir:
Some advice if you get employment in government ever again. The military is a hierarchy.
Lt Col. is much much further down the ladder than Commander in Chief.
Conspiracy to overthrow the government is serious business. Making false claims against the Commander in Chief is treason and real bad if your claims lead to a bogus impeachment.
Lincoln would have stretched your neck to the point of breaking. Thankfully for you, you are only looking at a court martial and with good behavior out in 30 years.
If you are not the brains behind the impeachment you need to spill the beans soon so your co-conspirators do not have the time and means to end your proir relationship, if you know what I mean, Jeff Epstein, Seth Rich?
You are looking at making some lawyers very rich.
Turn states witness and avoid the hardship you are in for.
Your Go-fund-me may net a million but your legal fees could run into the 10's of millions.
If you were the headwaters of this plan to start the impeachment of President Trump you made a mistake, throw yourself on the mercy of the courts and hope for the best, if you are a small cog in the bigger wheel, squeal like a pig, before you take the perp walk to Gitmo.
We all make mistakes, your's is not a small one.
Love is never having to say you are sorry, but if you are not now you will be soon.
Good luck, Mr. Vindman. I say "Mr." because you will lose your rank after your court martial.
These are not the best of times for the Obama-Clinton brainwashed sycophants.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr. Urban Poverty Law Center
How Different The Past Three Years Would Have Been Without An Honest Man In The White House.
What could stop a behemoth like our federal government in its tracks for almost 3 years?
Answer: Send in an honest man to the highest office in that government.
What must the swamp think of this man? Egads! An honest public servant!
Weaker men and women would have secumbed to the siren song Hunter Bidens kinda money tempts.
Wonder how many of our career pols who were not drawn into politics to serve, but were drawn there by the money are on the Ukraine take? We may soon find out.
Hunter Biden, Frank Biden, Billie Bob Biden, Sindylew Biden and Paul Pelosi, Jr now have been accused of hands in the Ukranian cookie jar of free money. Mitt Romney is in it up to his attitude with his former campaign manager on the Ukranian dole.
Things were going along swimmingly until Americans got sick of the game and wisely sent in a spoiler. A man, who like most Americans who voted for him, were fed up with the dishonesty and corruption which in some cases was not even hidden from public view.
The Clinton foundation comes to mind as well as Obama and his delicious book deal.
We need to hire all the accountants fired from Arthur Anderson by Weinstein who investigated Enron and who also investigated the Russian hoax under Robert Mueller's watchful eye. Turn them loose to see where all the money has gone.
Like John Lennon once crooned: "All I want is some truth!"
Last thought: If the evil ones can normalize infantacide, the next step is a form of what the Norwegians term Attestupa, which we learn was a Vikings era custom of having the old commit suicide rather than draw social security. Net flix "Norsemen" a great and funny series.
Another last thought: And now Lewtennant Kernal Vindman and his evil twin are out of the White House. This is how an honest man deals with dishonesty.
Track it down, remove it, and punish it to the fullest extent of the law.
The only people happy about this are the lawyers. Their stock just went up!
Good luck, Kernel Vindman!
You are going to need it!
Next time align yourself with honest people and do not try to destroy honest men in high positions of power.
Your life would have been much easier.
No offense, but nobody thinks you are the headwaters of this impeachment conspiracy. You are a smart guy, but not take out the president smart.
Warning! You are a clear and present danger to your puppet masters. If you are part of a larger conspiracy, and I believe you are, spill your guts early and turn on your co-conspirators, the sooner the better, otherwise you will be terminated, or perhaps worse spend the rest of your life in prison as somebody's, strike that, everybodies bitch!
Hurry, Kernal, hurry.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
Answer: Send in an honest man to the highest office in that government.
What must the swamp think of this man? Egads! An honest public servant!
Weaker men and women would have secumbed to the siren song Hunter Bidens kinda money tempts.
Wonder how many of our career pols who were not drawn into politics to serve, but were drawn there by the money are on the Ukraine take? We may soon find out.
Hunter Biden, Frank Biden, Billie Bob Biden, Sindylew Biden and Paul Pelosi, Jr now have been accused of hands in the Ukranian cookie jar of free money. Mitt Romney is in it up to his attitude with his former campaign manager on the Ukranian dole.
Things were going along swimmingly until Americans got sick of the game and wisely sent in a spoiler. A man, who like most Americans who voted for him, were fed up with the dishonesty and corruption which in some cases was not even hidden from public view.
The Clinton foundation comes to mind as well as Obama and his delicious book deal.
We need to hire all the accountants fired from Arthur Anderson by Weinstein who investigated Enron and who also investigated the Russian hoax under Robert Mueller's watchful eye. Turn them loose to see where all the money has gone.
Like John Lennon once crooned: "All I want is some truth!"
Last thought: If the evil ones can normalize infantacide, the next step is a form of what the Norwegians term Attestupa, which we learn was a Vikings era custom of having the old commit suicide rather than draw social security. Net flix "Norsemen" a great and funny series.
Another last thought: And now Lewtennant Kernal Vindman and his evil twin are out of the White House. This is how an honest man deals with dishonesty.
Track it down, remove it, and punish it to the fullest extent of the law.
The only people happy about this are the lawyers. Their stock just went up!
Good luck, Kernel Vindman!
You are going to need it!
Next time align yourself with honest people and do not try to destroy honest men in high positions of power.
Your life would have been much easier.
No offense, but nobody thinks you are the headwaters of this impeachment conspiracy. You are a smart guy, but not take out the president smart.
Warning! You are a clear and present danger to your puppet masters. If you are part of a larger conspiracy, and I believe you are, spill your guts early and turn on your co-conspirators, the sooner the better, otherwise you will be terminated, or perhaps worse spend the rest of your life in prison as somebody's, strike that, everybodies bitch!
Hurry, Kernal, hurry.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Iowa, They Came, They Campaigned, They Flopped! Why The Democrat Stall In Iowa Will Fail
The democrat's Iowa carcasses is beginning to smell less than fresh. The longer the democrat power brokers hold off on reporting the results, the less credible their reports will be.
Is it Trump and Russia at it again? The App? Or more likely the democrat deep staters not knowing what to do now that Bernie has probably come in first place and Biden has made his swan call official.
With the impeachment winding down and President Trump's popularity spiraling upward only equaled by our new Space Force's reach into the heavens, the ultimate democrat nominee will likely be a place holder and a throw away candidate to be cast onto the heap of has-been pols with Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, and do not forget, least we want to, Hillary Clinton, America's most disgruntled failed Presidential Candidate of all time.
It has been three plus years since that jubilant November day in 2016 when she was spanked by the Orange Man from Queens. And still the excuses and shill retorts flow from her mouth like third world sewage into the rivers of our world.
Is she trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election? Will she pay Christopher Steele to dig up more dirt on Trump from Russia or the Ukraine? What does Hillary have on Bernie, Mayor Pete, Pocahontas, and Biden? Did Hillary hope Sleepy Joe would be the nominee and choose her to be the vice president? And Sleepy would fall and break a hip and die soon after taking the oath of office?
No bets as to whether she is still cankle deep in the DNC inner workings?
She needs to regain political power for the foundation.
The bundles of cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from donations from all over the world have all but ended. Only real philanthropist who have not looked closely at the Foundation's books would dare throw money away like that.
Only 6% to charitable causes and a 94% overhead is not believable under the worst of circumstances.
The republican Iowa Caucuses reported President Trump at 97%.
That is a breath of fresh air, compared to the fetid democrat stall out on Iowa.
My prediction, this continuing democrat primary season will continue to be a clown show.
Their party disarray is alarming to American who have become accustom to the steady hand President Trump demonstrates on dealing with China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Climate issue, our economy, taxes, and our military.
The clear choice in November is between chaos and calm.
America don't need no chaos.
Americans already know Orange Man Good!
Only the democrats and our other competitors around the globe believe President Trump is Bad, yes bad for them, but good for US!
God Bless President Trump and his family, and God Bless America.
Joseph Biden Chancre, SR President Urban Poverty Law Center
Is it Trump and Russia at it again? The App? Or more likely the democrat deep staters not knowing what to do now that Bernie has probably come in first place and Biden has made his swan call official.
With the impeachment winding down and President Trump's popularity spiraling upward only equaled by our new Space Force's reach into the heavens, the ultimate democrat nominee will likely be a place holder and a throw away candidate to be cast onto the heap of has-been pols with Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, and do not forget, least we want to, Hillary Clinton, America's most disgruntled failed Presidential Candidate of all time.
It has been three plus years since that jubilant November day in 2016 when she was spanked by the Orange Man from Queens. And still the excuses and shill retorts flow from her mouth like third world sewage into the rivers of our world.
Is she trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election? Will she pay Christopher Steele to dig up more dirt on Trump from Russia or the Ukraine? What does Hillary have on Bernie, Mayor Pete, Pocahontas, and Biden? Did Hillary hope Sleepy Joe would be the nominee and choose her to be the vice president? And Sleepy would fall and break a hip and die soon after taking the oath of office?
No bets as to whether she is still cankle deep in the DNC inner workings?
She needs to regain political power for the foundation.
The bundles of cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from donations from all over the world have all but ended. Only real philanthropist who have not looked closely at the Foundation's books would dare throw money away like that.
Only 6% to charitable causes and a 94% overhead is not believable under the worst of circumstances.
The republican Iowa Caucuses reported President Trump at 97%.
That is a breath of fresh air, compared to the fetid democrat stall out on Iowa.
My prediction, this continuing democrat primary season will continue to be a clown show.
Their party disarray is alarming to American who have become accustom to the steady hand President Trump demonstrates on dealing with China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Climate issue, our economy, taxes, and our military.
The clear choice in November is between chaos and calm.
America don't need no chaos.
Americans already know Orange Man Good!
Only the democrats and our other competitors around the globe believe President Trump is Bad, yes bad for them, but good for US!
God Bless President Trump and his family, and God Bless America.
Joseph Biden Chancre, SR President Urban Poverty Law Center
bernie sanders,
Hillary Clinton,
Iowa Caucus,
Joe Biden,
President Trump
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