Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hillary Clinton Has A Seizure Disorder With A Neuropace Brain Implant Designed To Abort Seizures: Her Odd Actions At Convention Explained

If you google Clinton and Seizure you get a couple of shots of a very strange contortion the former SOS undertook after a sip of icy Starbucks. It was totally unexpected and uncontrolled and my feeling is Mrs. Clinton has a post CVA(cerebral vascular accident) seizure disorder and is trying to control the seizures with a new implantable device which can determine if one is about to have a convulsion by reading the brain waves and then delivers a series of small electrical impulses to interrupt the seizure.

These impulses are transmitted from the brain to the nervous system and result in bizarre tics and other involuntary reactions.

This is a serious draw back for Hillary. She cannot know when this electrical bomb is going to shock her brain out of a convulsion, and it is such a new device scientists cannot say one is safe installed in the keeper of the nuclear football codes.

If my hunch is correct, she needs to forfeit the race to Donald J. Trump and retire from political office. The health and safety of the nation is too precious to risk on one of Frankenstein's brain choices, abnormal.

I am,


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