Friday, July 15, 2016

Snakes And Spiders Are Better Than Terrorists At Self Identifying, Nice

I have been a naturalist from the time I could open a door and walk outside, many times without parental supervision. My early recollections include walks to the creek in front of our house in a Nashville suburb and marveling at the inhabitants.

I had a book of reptiles, birds, and fishes and looked at them endlessly. My father knew I had a great affinity for reptiles, turtles and snakes, and warned me of some problems I may have if I treat the garter snake with the same caution as a rattle snake or a cotton mouth.

He also taught me how a snapping turtle should be treated differently than a red eared slider or a box turtle.

Is it possible that people and snakes are not that different? Could our current bunch of leaders who hope to treat all peoples as one great amorphous blob of humanity with no differences unless you have a large fortune, then you are special and owed special considerations.

Are there certain people that should be handled like snappers or venomous snakes and be avoided? Are we inviting into our neighborhoods scads of brown mambas from the middle east?

A green snake is green and because it is green I know it is harmless. A man from the middle east is brown as are many from other parts of the world, and God has given them no markings to make him identifiable as a danger to others, but for his religion. If he turns to the east and prays 5 x a day he should be handled very carefully.

Yellow on black venom lack. Black on yellow, kill a fellow. Slit in the eye, you will die.

Can we come up with a short catchy rhyme to teach our children about the terrorist? I will try.

Pray to the east, this ones a beast. Rag on the head, you'll soon be dead.

After the tragic events in Nice, it is time for the world, the civilized world, to band together and seriously defund these trouble makers. Trump has stated he would take their oil. This needs to be seriously considered as a means to curtail their horrible plans.

Money is the grease that keeps that bunch of ass-hats fed, armed, and motivated to spread their ignorant teachings to all corners of the world....they need a serious beat down, and soon. Something like Sherman's march to the sea to break the will of the moderates in their midst.

It is high time we admit that no one but ourselves is perfect and we need to discriminate against those people that mean us harm. To do otherwise is not in God's law.

If we do not take definitive action against this subspecies of peoples who many have proven to be as dangerous or more dangerous than the most venomous snake, then they will make Nice on many more of us. A poisonous snake cannot be taught manners, it must be avoided or killed. We cannot avoid those who wish to destroy us.

If you wish to dominate me you are my enemy. I am the king of my kingdom but I have no subjects, nor do I want any.

The king is dead, long live the king! Does that make sense?

I am,


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