Monday, July 25, 2016

A Few Disjointed Thoughts On The Democrat Convention And Its Leader And Why Black Lives Matter Is A Scam

I am a huge fan of Donald J Trumps. He is an American first, last and always. He indicated in his campaign he is not an open borders globalist pig like the Soros funded ass-hats currently in the occupy Washington movement. The Clintons represent with their insatiable greed and shake down political style the worst example of the American politician.

Since leaving the State Department in 2012, Mrs. Bill Clinton, gave enough 20 minute speeches at $600,000 a pop to every banking and Wall Street and foreign interest in the world to amassed $26,000,000, money that will not feed a single child, educate a single child, house a struggling family or create a single business. From the looks of it this fortune will be spent on Wall Street lawyers in an attempt to keep these two grifting graft artists out of the federal pen, which would be a fitting dissolution of their ill gotten gains.

Mr. Bill Clinton appears to have run out of telemers. These are the small packs of information on the end of your genes that allow your cells to replace and replenish the old with new cells. The ones on his face were the first to go. With out makeup he looks like yesterday's grits at Denny's restaurant.

Now Wikileaks has spilled the hacked emails from the Democrat National Committee, and Bernie and Donald were proven right in the belief the democrat party is rigged in HRC's favor. That almost 50% of the democrat voting block would rather have as its nominee, a burned out commie hippy over the despicable Vagaga for sale speaks volumes to what a poor candidate the pig in a pant suit is, and there is a portion of that party with some character who believe in the rule of law and are sick of being sold out to the highest bidder, aka the open border one world order loonies.

Clinton Cash and Hillary's America, both short documentaries, point out the short comings of the most famous political bandits since the Marcos of the Philippines.

And you fools who have fallen for the Black Lives Matter nonsense, it is only a tool of the democrat party to keep you on their plantation and voting for your continued oppression with failed schools,
drug addled neighborhoods, and prison for anyone who gets caught smoking a joint while jay-walking and black.

No my black friends, Black Lives do not Matter, only Black Votes Matter once every four years, then the platitudes and promises to you Black's are dropped quicker than Billy's pants in the Oval office. You are being duped. The Clintons do not believe Black Lives Matter. They do not believe White Lives Matter. They only believe Clinton Lives Matter! Don't you think the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama would have done something to improve your lot in the 8 years he had the presidency. Well, from what I see he has only let a lot of Muslims and Mexicans in to compete with your jobs.

To show these snakes that Black Lives Matter, really matter, stay at home on election or go the pols and vote for the one true American in the race. Vote your conscious and vote your pocketbook.

Trump will invigorate the economy and make not only Black Lives Better, he will make All Lives Better.

Disclaimer: I was not paid by any politician, the views expressed in the essay are mine and mine alone.

I am


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