Saturday, July 9, 2016

What Do Assault Rifles And Personal Email Servers Have In Common

Hillary Clinton will screech from the hilltops that assault weapons must be banned because a few sick self-centered sociopaths misuse these devices. As an aside, could we not make the same argument against emails and personal servers?

Should all servers be banned because Hillary Clinton misused one in her basement and her bathroom. Should we accept her lies and Comey's great windy that even though she did break the laws concerning handling top top secret documents and the use of personal servers, she is innocent because she did not intend to break any laws?

It would be like Micha X pleading he did not even know his SKS assault rifle was loaded and it surprised him each time it fired when he pulled the trigger while aiming at the next innocent policeman on those Dallas streets.

I am not saying Micha X is as much a criminal as our Hillary, but they just used different tools to commit their crimes.

As a thought experiment, let us suppose we can corner Mrs. Clinton and ask her to present to the world what it is that she is selling that is so valuable such that kingdoms, and banking fiefdoms will willingly dole out millions of dollars for her product. I dare say one could place Hillary's product on the head of a pin and still entertain an angel square dancing troupe with plenty of room to spare.

Truth is Hillary produces nothing, she is selling favors to quench her unfettered greed to all those kingdoms and businesses that could not succeed without her product.

Hillary Clinton represents all the worst human traits. Of the seven deadly sins, she surely has all eight.

Ask Donald Trump what he sells and he can point to a vast real estate empire. There can be no greater difference in what the candidates bring to the presidency.

Personally I will choose honor over dishonor anytime. And honesty should always trump dishonesty, especially in politics.


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