Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Cankles Is Exonerated By Obama's Homey, FBI Director Comey

Who did not see this coming? There is no legal controlling authority in effect when democrats are in charge. Cankles should be in shackles instead of collecting shekels from every tinhorn dictate in the world.

Lois Lerner was the first to skate the legal system because she was interfering in voter's rights to assemble and struggle for their cause. Now Hillary Clinton is set to become America's first email president. As I have said before, if she breached State Department protocol for email communications because she was stupid or to hide her criminal enterprise over at the Clinton Foundation, either disqualifies her as a contender. Loretta Lynch, another Obama Homey, is complicit with this greatest of injustices. Once the people have lost faith in government and its fairness, the game is over. America is at that point.

Everything voters have done since the mad mullah, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected has been to undo the greatest mistake ever made. Only fraud kept this fraud in office in 2012 along with Lerner's stifling of the Tea Party organizations. Even Vlad Putin has called out the fraud in American elections. Pitiful!

Did Bill Clinton threaten Loretta Lynch in his tarmac tryst? "You know what happened to old Scalia?" And did Comey, the Homey, get the same warning from the most despicable collection of politico's since Adolf Hitler? One could hope something caused his poor judgement giving him no choice, otherwise he is just another paid political hack who is head of America's greatest investigative body. (laughter)

Where are these gum shoes when Terrorists are pointed out by the citizens and many of them still carry out the terror? Where were these brilliant investigators when the wife of Omar, the Orlando hitman, disappeared? Are they only interested in shooting people who protest BLM's heavy handed approach to Nevada ranchers who have land on minerals Harry Reid's Chinese pals want?

The last time I was this disappointed in this country was when the Clinton's burned down the Church at Waco.

What was once good has become evil, and what was once evil has become good.

These are end times.

Only God can save us now and I pray He is paying attention.

It is time for a good old fashion smiting.

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