Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Obama Secrets $1.7 Billion To Iran, Payments To Keep His Former SOS's Email Breaches From Coming Down Around Her Cankles Before The Vote In November

Well, well, hells bells has done it again. The Iranians have Hillary's emails and are using them to great advantage to open up our treasury to their treasury. The latest is Obama's payola of cash by the transport load purportedly as a refund on parts not supplied but paid for in advance when the Shah was keeping watch on this advanced civilization, you know before the Americans were taken hostage on Jimmy Carter's watch.

And all the feckless Jimmy could muster was watching for 444 days as the Iranians danced and chanted "death to America", and then Reagan won the presidency and he dispatched his VP elect to let the goat riders of Tehran know the new kid in town would be taking names and kicking asses if our people were still on their soil when he was sworn in as president. The Iranian's stepped out from behind their goats, blinked and our people were out of there without a shot being fired. Islam respects strength and abhors women and weakness, both prominent features of President Obama.

If Iran can build a bomb and have America pay for it, it is not such a stretch to believe Trump can build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. It depends on what you got on the other party. The art of the deal, and bribery is just a deal under the law, right Clinton Foundation, wink, wink.

If Obama admits to $1.7 billion, you can probably multiply this figure by 10 to 50 to get the real payout.

The pond in Washington needs to be drained and the best and freshest water with true American patriots needs to be used to fill the void left by these leftist, corrupt, Islamocentric, traitors. The Clintons sent packing would be a great start, with Obama and his MB following off the Mexico or Hawaii.

America has cozy'd up to some really bad actors on the world stage. Time for an American awakening and an end to this foreign influence. Can Trump deliver us from evil? I hope we get the chance to see.

Hillary Can't keep her breaches up, and that imagery is too disgusting to leave you with. So think of Melania Trump as a young model in a revealing swimsuit and vote your hormones. Men and women, LGPGANFLNBAHHL can all agree she is some serious eye candy.

The Clintons both are to the point where they suck my will to live. If Trump wins perhaps he can clean out the corruption in the Justice Department and a new look at the shenanigans that is the MO of the Clinton Crime Syndicate will lead to some prosecutions.

I am.


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