Thursday, February 25, 2016

Summer Time, And The Easy Is Living! Recollections Of A Redneck.

When I was just a young boy my parents would drive the 6 hrs from our home in West Tennessee to Nashville to drop us kids for a week of fun with my father's parents who were by default my paternal grandparents. To say my grandmother payed attention to details would be a giant exaggeration. I was a very finicky eater when young and she knew I could eat tuna and very few other items which did not contain chocolate.

She was a wonderful grandmother who would tell stories, especially ghost stories to the three of us as we would try to fall asleep during the hot summer months upstairs in their modest home which had no air-conditioning so windows would be opened as widely as practicable without the benefit of screens to keep the flies out. Early in the evening the breeze would feel as though it had come strait from Hell.

Clean sheets feel wonderfully cool as you slide between them and the pillow seemed to trap a cool-well just under it and my older brother and I would compete to see which of us could steal the others cool from beneath the pillow by slipping one's arm very slowly and quietly under the others pillow. Getting caught was painful since the cool was protected like borders in Israel. The guilty party got an elbow to the errant arm and an admonition to cut it out.

With windows open in the summer and no screens, flies were numerous. Pancakes on Sunday morning with honey or maple syrup would draw these insects and trap them. Grandmother told us they were raisins and to just eat them, and I was a young man before I realized there was a variety of wingless raisins which were sweet!

I harbor fond feelings for my early years and had a very interesting and wonderful time.

Oh, the tuna she served me mixed with mayonnaise and placed on white bread was cat food. I noticed the difference with the first bite. Very fishy taste and bones galore! We shopped much more carefully after that incident.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Donald Trump Wins Nevada, Live Subsidy Free Or Die!

Nevada has spoken. The caucusing yesterday was not a repudiation of Trump but a confirmation of his broad based appeal to even hispanic voters. Looks like Jeb voters spilled into his winning 42% of the vote with the Jr senators each sharing about 20% of the vote. Experience and age will always Trump youth and inexperience. Reagan used this great one liner against one of his opponents in a debate with devastating results, right up there with Trump's conjoining Jeb Bush and "low energy".

It is looking more and more like a Trump victory on the republican side, and the SEC is poised to catapult Trump even further along in his quest. The support for Trump is wide based and spans all demographics. Women, men, low skilled workers, high skilled workers, low education levels, high education levels, the rich and the poor. The only demographic he does poorly with is the permanent parasite class which depends on government for its handout, be that small welfare checks or large contracts for government subsidies and favored contractees. Losing here is the country club elites of the GOP who have become more Pirates than Party. The pirates are not happy.

Trump threatens to end the business as usual between K Street and congress. The money will still be in Washington, but getting an unfair share will have just gotten a lot harder for some and easier for others...

No one is advocating ending welfare for those who truly need it because it is much easier to feed people than it is to jail them. But higher level insider dealings will be looked at as optional and perhaps the funding to say determine why many lesbians are so fat to the tune of a million and a half dollars, may be cut. Government backing for losing industries such as ethanol and solar may face greater scrutiny.

It has long been my contention that government is make work for the barely employable, but it has been taken to insufferable levels. And now the people in government are under the belief that they do not work for the people and in all honesty were the country a dog, the people and tax payers would be the body and the government would be the tail. That the tail is wagging, no beating the hell out of the dog is an understatement. The tea party uprising in 2010 was the uppity dog's attempt to stop the bleeding from the relentless beating, and the tail's response was to deny tax exemption status through Lois Lerner and the revenuers over at Treasury with the blessings of both parties. More proof the tail is above the dog and aloof.

If Trump's victory shakes up this upside down relationship and brings some honesty and accountability to these bad actors and can refocus on serving and protecting the people and the country, then it will have all been worth the trouble.

It is high time to crop this tail. The dog has finally had enough. A 13 trillion dollar economy with a 4.5 trillion dollar tail is ridiculous!

Mr. Trump, build that wall and trim that tail!

Trim the deficit by reducing each government worker's pay by what ever the percentage the deficit is of the gross revenues. This would give each department incentives to make government run more efficiently.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center 100 and 10 percent government subsidy free

Live Subsidy Free or Die!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How Hillary Clinton's Campaign And The Media's Backing Is Futile: Greatest Metaphor Ever!

Words out, the decisive Hillary Clinton caucus victory in Nevada was contrived by a last minute union push to deny Bernie Sanders his due. That is pitiful given the poor turn out for the caucus in Nevada which portends a huge enthusiasm gap for the inevitable and unstoppable goliath, colossus, Secretary Clinton, whose sagging pole numbers are equaled only by her sagging facial epidermis. Her victories thus far are frauds. How far is the DNC willing to carry this fraud for a candidate who is clearly unpopular with her party and the regular people out in fly-over country? Will they stuff the vote in November?

The relationship between the fawning Clinton Press and her wooden, uninspiring campaign is like watching a sick beached whale floundering on the shores, and a bunch of PETA volunteers working feverishly to keep the whale wet by dousing it with buckets and buckets of fresh water and then hauling the beast out to deeper water only to have it beach again. The press cannot keep the colossus, Hillary, the Whale, afloat no matter how much fresh water it casts on the beast. She cannot be freshened up. She is too old and too stiff, and not hip enough to appeal to anyone but those born before 1965.

Her lies have cost her greatly. Her husband is an albatross around her wrinkled neck. His woman problem is her woman problem. Unlike Mrs. Crosby, Hillary does not enjoy plausible deniability for Billy's peccadilloes. She was and is the great enabler. It was their deal.

In sum, the campaign is beached and it will be a whale of a job to get it back on track. Is it time for the democrats to indite her and get this problem out of the way so Biden or Jeb can run in her place?

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, February 22, 2016

Can Donald Trump Beat Hillary Clinton, Is The Pope A Communist?

The blather on the network and cable news channels is nonstop whinning about this fellow, this uncouth creature, this New York City, born and bred, populist, self-promoting, fake, Donald Trump. Granted, Mr. Trump is not your typical politician. He is unfettered by popular political culture with all its unspoken rules on how one is to speak in public and where nary a word of disrespect shall be uttered towards the protected classes, which these days extends the freakshow that makes up the left and to everyone with a grievance but ordinary tax paying middle Americans.

Illegal immigrants, protected! Women, protected! Americans with disabilities and who lie about their media reports, protected! Radical Islamist terrorists, protected! Insiders and crony capitalist, protected. Meanwhile it has been open season on everyday Americans who happen to like this country and want to keep it great for the benefit if its natural born citizens.

The GOP elite, who have chosen every presidential candidate but for Ronald Reagan since 1960, has outlived its usefulness.
The American voter has wised up to the pablum it has been fed throughout the years and is ready for revolution. And Donald Trump, America's golden boy, with that golden crop of hair, and his no-nonsense campaign style has struck a chord.

Obama proved the voters could be swayed with empty slogans such as "hope and change" and the promise "to fundamentally change America", not pressing Obama for any specifics, the electorate trusted the smooth baratone teleprompt propped up candidate and chose him over a grumpy old POW who hasn't served Americans honorably since his stay at the Hanoi Hilton four decades ago. McCain, retire. Do America a favor.

Trump is not stupid, he talks to Americans as an American, and though he is nobody's equal with his billions, he is comfortable chatting with Americans of all walks of life. He knows the only difference between him and the Americans he speaks to at his events is the success the capitalism in America has helped him achieve and he knows the voter is tatamount in keeping America safe from those who would harm her.

Trump realizes the threat posed by Obama and Hillary Clinton and the freakazoid, Bernie Sanders is real. He knows America cannot stand without borders. His call for a wall is brilliant. His call and promise to make America great, again, is brilliant.

Donald Trump can read the tea leaves. He knows the press in America is not trusted and neither is its political class. He has taken his campaign directly to the people and it is not filtered by the nattering nabob class for whom middle America has lost all respect.

That the media attacks Trump and despises him is a badge of honor for Mr. Trump because the dirty little secret the populace is catching onto is the press holds this same low opinion of middle America. They despise the traditional American family, and forced gay marriage down our collective throats, when everybody knows marriage is between one man and one woman and is there to protect the children who are born from this union. The children who will ultimately grow up and become contributing citizens of our nation state.

The media gave us abortion which has unfairly robbed millions of our children of a life in America, and now these same idiots want open borders for people who do not share our heritage and our religion and will never assimilate and will only add to the problems in this country. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. We must not let everyone come into this country which was built by the founders to be a model of fairness and opportunity. And Donald Trump knows this to be true.

Bill Clinton was dragged into office in the 90's by a willing and fawning press that ignored his woman problem because he was on the right side of abortion and gay rights. Now Hillary, with all her charms and warts is proving harder to carry.

She has a Bill Clinton problem because rape on college campuses has reached hysterical levels, and one person's rape victim cannot be another persons "bimbo". The under 40's women are not buying what Hillary Clinton is selling. That they would go for a senile old socialist from Vermont over the hipest hipster from the 60's who burned her training bra when Lawrence Welk was striking up his orchestra every Sunday on NBC is telling.

Donald Trump will trounce Hillary Clinton, if Bernie does not do it for him, as sure as the Pope is a communist!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

It's the wall, stupid!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Why Donald Trump Must Become President

I have been around the block and I honestly believe Donald J. Trump is the medicine and America has a fever. He is a marvelous communicator, he has the timing of a well conditioned comedian, and unlike Jeb he is high energy. He is a brilliant man. He thinks faster than Hillary Clinton can wipe servers. He really does know what needs to be done in order to Make America Great Again!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president of the Urban Poverty Law Center does hereby declare my support for Donald J. Trump for president of the United States of America.

I am going to buy a tee shirt from the Trump for President web site now.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Bernie Sanders Feel The Spurn, How Hilllary Clinton Will Steal The Nomination: The V-Card

Bernie Sanders, the throw away candidate, chosen as a nominal rival to Hillary Rodham Clinton's run for the democrat nomination for president, is feeling the spurn. Spurned by the powerful insider interests who have propped up this very stale and wooden throwback to the 60's who came of age when Lawrence Welk was the most popular show on NBC. Most of the democrat electorate have never heard of Mr. Welk or his variety show, but this has not stopped this dinosour of the radical 60's from seeking her turn in the White House. Aside from being the wife of a nominally successful president back in the 90's, her portfolio is rather slim.

Sure she worked for a second rate law firm in Little Rock, was kicked off the committee to impeach President Nixon for unlawful acts back when honor was not just a word but guided men's actions. As a senator from New York, she sponsored three pieces of legislation that were passed, two of which were to name post offices and the third was of lesser consequence. As secretary of State, she logged more air miles than the space station, and managed to destabalize the middle east, Crimea, the Ukrane, and now her ineptness has spilled into Europe. Never has one woman causes so much world disorder and war since Helen of Troy.

Her slipshod handling of Top Secret and Top Top Secret emails at state has left us vulnerable to our enemies and probably is one of the reasons the Iran Treaty and Putin's parlances in Crimea, the Ukrane, and the Middle East have not been met with any real resistance. Blackmail is still a valuable tool in international games of chess. Mrs. Clinton is a fool. She is unable to see herself as others see her. A pompous aging power starved political harpie with a love of money only dwarfed by her large backside. She is out of touch with middle Americans whom she considers her inferiors.

She wears her vagina like a badge of courage. She is stuck in the 60's fighting the old, stale feminist battles which were won in the 80's and 90's by all the women save the ones sexually assaulted by her bimbo riding hubby, Bill.

When it is politically expedient, she has no problem denigrating her sisters of the vaginahood. Ask Juanita, Paula, Monica, Jennifer, or Kathleen what kind of support Hillary provided these victims of Bill and his super special pocket shark.

Hillary Clinton has nothing but contempt for Senator Sanders and his supporters. How dare they stand in the way of her coronation. It is pitiful that first your plans to be president are thwarted by a smooth talking first term senator from Illinois, and then a bonifided socialist from Vermont has been moping up against the most powerful vagina in the world.

Sometimes it takes more than a vagina to win an election. Yes, we can all agree vaginas are important, and our mothers all had one. Why my sisters also have one apiece, as does my wife, but a sexual organ does not qualify nor disqualify one from holding the highest office in the land.

Perhaps Mrs. Clinton Vagina will talk and let us know what her plans for the United States of America are? I am sure the press would love to interview her vagina and would splash it on the front page of every national newspaper.

One word of caution to Mrs. Clinton's Vagina. Loose lips sink ships. Use the secure email servers next time you are in a position to send or receive top secrets, lives depend upon it.

To most people vaginas are playgrounds, but to some twisted politicians from the 60's it is a political platform and forgive me if I think that is getting rather stale.

Bernie, you can't beat what you can't see. You are in for a tough fight with a candidate who will play the V-card against you.

Good luck.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Headline New Hampshire Primary: Hillary Beats Trump, 38% to 35%!

Well our Yankee candle burning cousins to the far Northeast have spoken. They have Hillary ,the Colossus, Clinton besting Trump by 3 percentage points. It is clear from these results that the Vajaja slipped by in a heated race to the finish line winning by a hair, one pantsuit worn grey kinky hair.

Many pundits state Trump fell into the New Hampshire "pussy trap" at the last minute which angered enough New Hampshire voters with split-shots in their shorts to pull the lever for America's former first Vajaja, Hillary Rodham Clinton!

As Rush Limbaugh so eloquently opined "We thank you for your cervix!"

Congratulations go out to the Colossus.

Trump and his supporters must now regroup after this defeat in New Hampshire and learn what they can from being bested by not "a pussy", but the woman whose loins support the world's grandest "political pussy" ever!

Trump and his campaign must learn never to get into a stink match with a campaign that purchases feminine hygiene products by the railcar load.

And watching former president Bill Clinton pimp his political pussy in its and his current condition is laughably sad. He looks as though some young intern successfully drained him of his precious bodily fluids. His voice is craggy and his hands shake like a madman at the crap table.

The former first daughter, Chelsea, pregnant again at 35, has inherited, not only her mother's powerful Vajage, but also her wooden and stiff public persona. I predict she will go far in politics if she could get off her back and stop dropping children out of her fun box long enough to chose a position other than missionary or doggie on the issues.

I admire this woman who recently admitted though she has tried and tried she cannot find the will to harbor her parent's "love of money!" For this I am grateful.

I am just waiting for the Clinton Foundation to give it all to charity not just the 14%.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center