The blather on the network and cable news channels is nonstop whinning about this fellow, this uncouth creature, this New York City, born and bred, populist, self-promoting, fake, Donald Trump. Granted, Mr. Trump is not your typical politician. He is unfettered by popular political culture with all its unspoken rules on how one is to speak in public and where nary a word of disrespect shall be uttered towards the protected classes, which these days extends the freakshow that makes up the left and to everyone with a grievance but ordinary tax paying middle Americans.
Illegal immigrants, protected! Women, protected! Americans with disabilities and who lie about their media reports, protected! Radical Islamist terrorists, protected! Insiders and crony capitalist, protected. Meanwhile it has been open season on everyday Americans who happen to like this country and want to keep it great for the benefit if its natural born citizens.
The GOP elite, who have chosen every presidential candidate but for Ronald Reagan since 1960, has outlived its usefulness.
The American voter has wised up to the pablum it has been fed throughout the years and is ready for revolution. And Donald Trump, America's golden boy, with that golden crop of hair, and his no-nonsense campaign style has struck a chord.
Obama proved the voters could be swayed with empty slogans such as "hope and change" and the promise "to fundamentally change America", not pressing Obama for any specifics, the electorate trusted the smooth baratone teleprompt propped up candidate and chose him over a grumpy old POW who hasn't served Americans honorably since his stay at the Hanoi Hilton four decades ago. McCain, retire. Do America a favor.
Trump is not stupid, he talks to Americans as an American, and though he is nobody's equal with his billions, he is comfortable chatting with Americans of all walks of life. He knows the only difference between him and the Americans he speaks to at his events is the success the capitalism in America has helped him achieve and he knows the voter is tatamount in keeping America safe from those who would harm her.
Trump realizes the threat posed by Obama and Hillary Clinton and the freakazoid, Bernie Sanders is real. He knows America cannot stand without borders. His call for a wall is brilliant. His call and promise to make America great, again, is brilliant.
Donald Trump can read the tea leaves. He knows the press in America is not trusted and neither is its political class. He has taken his campaign directly to the people and it is not filtered by the nattering nabob class for whom middle America has lost all respect.
That the media attacks Trump and despises him is a badge of honor for Mr. Trump because the dirty little secret the populace is catching onto is the press holds this same low opinion of middle America. They despise the traditional American family, and forced gay marriage down our collective throats, when everybody knows marriage is between one man and one woman and is there to protect the children who are born from this union. The children who will ultimately grow up and become contributing citizens of our nation state.
The media gave us abortion which has unfairly robbed millions of our children of a life in America, and now these same idiots want open borders for people who do not share our heritage and our religion and will never assimilate and will only add to the problems in this country. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. We must not let everyone come into this country which was built by the founders to be a model of fairness and opportunity. And Donald Trump knows this to be true.
Bill Clinton was dragged into office in the 90's by a willing and fawning press that ignored his woman problem because he was on the right side of abortion and gay rights. Now Hillary, with all her charms and warts is proving harder to carry.
She has a Bill Clinton problem because rape on college campuses has reached hysterical levels, and one person's rape victim cannot be another persons "bimbo". The under 40's women are not buying what Hillary Clinton is selling. That they would go for a senile old socialist from Vermont over the hipest hipster from the 60's who burned her training bra when Lawrence Welk was striking up his orchestra every Sunday on NBC is telling.
Donald Trump will trounce Hillary Clinton, if Bernie does not do it for him, as sure as the Pope is a communist!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
It's the wall, stupid!
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