Words out, the decisive Hillary Clinton caucus victory in Nevada was contrived by a last minute union push to deny Bernie Sanders his due. That is pitiful given the poor turn out for the caucus in Nevada which portends a huge enthusiasm gap for the inevitable and unstoppable goliath, colossus, Secretary Clinton, whose sagging pole numbers are equaled only by her sagging facial epidermis. Her victories thus far are frauds. How far is the DNC willing to carry this fraud for a candidate who is clearly unpopular with her party and the regular people out in fly-over country? Will they stuff the vote in November?
The relationship between the fawning Clinton Press and her wooden, uninspiring campaign is like watching a sick beached whale floundering on the shores, and a bunch of PETA volunteers working feverishly to keep the whale wet by dousing it with buckets and buckets of fresh water and then hauling the beast out to deeper water only to have it beach again. The press cannot keep the colossus, Hillary, the Whale, afloat no matter how much fresh water it casts on the beast. She cannot be freshened up. She is too old and too stiff, and not hip enough to appeal to anyone but those born before 1965.
Her lies have cost her greatly. Her husband is an albatross around her wrinkled neck. His woman problem is her woman problem. Unlike Mrs. Crosby, Hillary does not enjoy plausible deniability for Billy's peccadilloes. She was and is the great enabler. It was their deal.
In sum, the campaign is beached and it will be a whale of a job to get it back on track. Is it time for the democrats to indite her and get this problem out of the way so Biden or Jeb can run in her place?
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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