Senator Ted Cruz spoke to a forced crowd at Liberty University's Convocation yesterday to announce his run for the presidency of the United States. A country that has been battered and beaten down by our last half American president, Barack Hussein Obama. To compare these two there are some stark differences. Obama's father was a communist polygamist who had an eye for underage poon. This man sired more children than the old man with that old woman in the shoe.
Ted Cruz's father, Raphael, fled a communist dictator in Cuba, worked hard in America and Canada and married one smart American woman and sired, Ted, who will perhaps be the greatest leader the western world has produced since Ronald Reagan.
Both Ted and Barack may have been born in another country. Ted in Canada, and Barack in Kenya. Both are American Citizens and are entitled to run for the presidency. Ted has an all American, conservative Christian upbringing, while Barack has Muslim training and communist leanings instilled in him by his elementary education in Indonesia, and his mentors Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, and Bernadette Dorhn, all enemies of America.
President Obama's advisors include many from the Muslim Brotherhood and they believe Islam is the religion of peace. They believe in the Caliphate and know the United States in its preBarack form was a huge obstacle to the dream of world domination.
Ted Cruz will not have advisors from the Caliphate and all these Obama transformations will be rejigged. Is that a word? I do not know but I like it anyway.
Obama attended Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School and graduated, without ever showing his transcripts. Supposedly the smartest man in the room.
Cruz attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School and graduated Magnum Cum Laude and his transcripts are open, definitely the smartest man in the room per his professors.
Obama cannot give a speech without a tele prompt. Cruz can speak for 24 hrs without a tele prompt.
Obama believes the constitution is a bill of negative rights for the government and it should be ignored and circumvented.
Cruz believes the constitution and the bill of rights are sacrosanct and must be strictly adhered to.
Obama is a big government big tax and spend communist mullah who believes the world would be a better place without Israel.
Cruz shares the same demeanor as Ben Netanyahu and supports Israel.
Obama believes America is a bully.
Cruz believes America is a force for good.
Obama believes in the destruction of America through open borders and executive orders which are unconstitutional.
Cruz is a conservationist who would close the borders and stop all the illegal orders from continuing in effect.
Obama is a petty petulant pissant lifted on his own petard by unseen forces hell bent on the destruction of America.
Cruz is a fine Christian who truly believes in the greatness and goodness that is in America.
Obama rules by fiat, Cruz will lead by example.
There is only Obama and his phone and pen, with Cruz there would be three equal but separate branches of government once again.
God bless Ted Cruz and keep him safe.
God please keep Obama from evil and deliver us from his trespasses.
I think Ted Cruz is going to be a great president. Can he run the liberal elite gauntlet of smears and half truths which will be fired at this truly remarkable and virtuous man? I hope so.
He is good on his feet and he really is the smartest man in the room.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Israel Wins! Obama, The Other Iranian Mullah, Looses! Team Obama Bombs Its Attempted Israeli Coup Against Netanyahu!
How can Barack Hussein Obama lead America when he has been wrong about every issue facing the United States and the world? In his latest gaffe, Obama decided to negotiate a unilateral treaty with the mullahs of Iran, who like the Obama administration, are not known for telling the truth. If you like your doctor/health insurance/job/bullets/coal-fired electricity/national identity/national security, you can keep your complaints to yourself.
We, your friendly, trustworthy Mullahs, are only interested in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We believe only the complete annihilation of Israel will bring peace to the world when every Jew's flesh is vaporized by our weapons grade Uranium and sent thousands of feet into the stratosphere to all four corners of the earth. May peaces be upon them.
President Obama acted foolishly when he sided with Iran against Israel's Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, who made a special trip to Washington, DC to school the Obama administration on the stupidity of his negotiation with terrorist in the Middle East and to give the US congress an example of real statesmanship and world leadership in the vacuum left by Hillary Clinton's tenure at the helm of State, a tradition which is regretably Kerried on by Long in the face, John, "genghus Kahn", Kerry.
Obama's very public snub of Netanyahu gave greater interest to a speech which may have otherwise been relegated to the usual "yawn" from the politically astute here in this country. I believe Mr. Netanyahu's speech before congress was viewed by more than three times the number of people who ever sat through all of Deer(in the headlights) Leader Obama's SOTU addresses.
It is not a secret Obama and his crack team of political agitators were dispatched to Israel in a bold coup attempt in a Chicago style mugging of Israel's political process. But voting in Israel is a serious matter and the sanctity of the vote is not as easily manipulated as it is here in the US with all its shenanigans. Hey, what about this ballot box I found in the back of my car, these votes weren't counted, for that senate fool from Minnesota, whose name I cannot recall for he is a total nincompoop. Senator Smalley? The Lefties, if they cannot win elections based on campaign lies and pie in the sky promises to the gullible, are not opposed to fraud. Forget True the Vote, it is Screw the Vote, the will of the people be damned. Bring out ye dead! Bring out ye undocumented's. Bring out ye ballot stuffers!
When your vote doesn't count you have lost your rights as a citizen. A nation devoid of citizens is neither free nor a nation. You are a subject, a slave to whomever is in power. Today Obama is the slave master, tomorrow, who knows. We have no say.
I wonder if charges could be brought against any of these outside agitators who funneled money and efforts to thwart the will of the Israeli voter and to change the election results? In America we have laws against foreign campaign contributions, but then we have many laws which are ignored by our current resident at 1600 Penn Ave. Immigration, the constitution is only a document of negative powers to Obama and Holder, record keeping, hello Lowest Lehrner, Hillary "deleted my email" Clinton, separation of powers, and the list goes on and on.
Is it espionage if our state department funnels money and effort into a sovereign land to affects its political process? There needs to be an investigation of this sort of activity by the oversight committees in congress. Where is the money and effort to overthrow Iran's mullahs. Who is in charge of that? Crickets.
I hope congress changes its tenor towards the lawless administration and takes back the power of the purse as spelled out in the constitution. The republic can only stand if good men demand it be followed. Bending the rules for any despot is a mistake. We are a nation of laws where citizens are promised fairness and due process. Compromises cannot be made. Opening our nations borders is a dangerous precedence. Offering free stuff is a mistake.
Once our nation is broken and the rule of law is traded in for tyranny it would be easier to get John Kerry to double pay the luxury tax on his million dollar yacht than to put the republic back together.
On a lighter note, we are only where we are because Lincoln refused to let the Union splinter back a hundred and fifty or so years ago. Perhaps the glue that holds this nation together is cracking. I for one see the problems in Europe and our problem here in the states with a very divergent view, right v left as a clarion call to work out an agreement of separation where states that want rule of law and the constitution followed to the letter could join and form a nation out of a nation.
The states and the people of the states have this right to decide. The federal government has a role, but not the only one. All politics is local.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
We, your friendly, trustworthy Mullahs, are only interested in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We believe only the complete annihilation of Israel will bring peace to the world when every Jew's flesh is vaporized by our weapons grade Uranium and sent thousands of feet into the stratosphere to all four corners of the earth. May peaces be upon them.
President Obama acted foolishly when he sided with Iran against Israel's Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, who made a special trip to Washington, DC to school the Obama administration on the stupidity of his negotiation with terrorist in the Middle East and to give the US congress an example of real statesmanship and world leadership in the vacuum left by Hillary Clinton's tenure at the helm of State, a tradition which is regretably Kerried on by Long in the face, John, "genghus Kahn", Kerry.
Obama's very public snub of Netanyahu gave greater interest to a speech which may have otherwise been relegated to the usual "yawn" from the politically astute here in this country. I believe Mr. Netanyahu's speech before congress was viewed by more than three times the number of people who ever sat through all of Deer(in the headlights) Leader Obama's SOTU addresses.
It is not a secret Obama and his crack team of political agitators were dispatched to Israel in a bold coup attempt in a Chicago style mugging of Israel's political process. But voting in Israel is a serious matter and the sanctity of the vote is not as easily manipulated as it is here in the US with all its shenanigans. Hey, what about this ballot box I found in the back of my car, these votes weren't counted, for that senate fool from Minnesota, whose name I cannot recall for he is a total nincompoop. Senator Smalley? The Lefties, if they cannot win elections based on campaign lies and pie in the sky promises to the gullible, are not opposed to fraud. Forget True the Vote, it is Screw the Vote, the will of the people be damned. Bring out ye dead! Bring out ye undocumented's. Bring out ye ballot stuffers!
When your vote doesn't count you have lost your rights as a citizen. A nation devoid of citizens is neither free nor a nation. You are a subject, a slave to whomever is in power. Today Obama is the slave master, tomorrow, who knows. We have no say.
I wonder if charges could be brought against any of these outside agitators who funneled money and efforts to thwart the will of the Israeli voter and to change the election results? In America we have laws against foreign campaign contributions, but then we have many laws which are ignored by our current resident at 1600 Penn Ave. Immigration, the constitution is only a document of negative powers to Obama and Holder, record keeping, hello Lowest Lehrner, Hillary "deleted my email" Clinton, separation of powers, and the list goes on and on.
Is it espionage if our state department funnels money and effort into a sovereign land to affects its political process? There needs to be an investigation of this sort of activity by the oversight committees in congress. Where is the money and effort to overthrow Iran's mullahs. Who is in charge of that? Crickets.
I hope congress changes its tenor towards the lawless administration and takes back the power of the purse as spelled out in the constitution. The republic can only stand if good men demand it be followed. Bending the rules for any despot is a mistake. We are a nation of laws where citizens are promised fairness and due process. Compromises cannot be made. Opening our nations borders is a dangerous precedence. Offering free stuff is a mistake.
Once our nation is broken and the rule of law is traded in for tyranny it would be easier to get John Kerry to double pay the luxury tax on his million dollar yacht than to put the republic back together.
On a lighter note, we are only where we are because Lincoln refused to let the Union splinter back a hundred and fifty or so years ago. Perhaps the glue that holds this nation together is cracking. I for one see the problems in Europe and our problem here in the states with a very divergent view, right v left as a clarion call to work out an agreement of separation where states that want rule of law and the constitution followed to the letter could join and form a nation out of a nation.
The states and the people of the states have this right to decide. The federal government has a role, but not the only one. All politics is local.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Random Observations In A Mad Mad World. The Urban Poverty Law Center For Wisdom And Progress In American Hopelessness
Perhaps Attorney General Holder is happy his harping on and on about a non racial issue in Ferguson, Mo has now paid off in spades. Two policemen assassinated over night after the police chief announces his resignation. No mention of the color of the shooter or color of the victims. Is this what Obama's promised fundamental transformation of America is going to look like? A whipped up underclass, jobless because of the policies of its ruling class by and for the privileged, and a middle class abandoned by the law where self protection will be the new norm. Welcome to Tombstone!
And where does Holder, who will soon be off at his new gig for JP Morgan and Elites, for a mind boggling $77 million a year, stand on racial slurs screamed outside the synagogue? Sure, freedom of speech is right there in the Bill of Rights, but does that permit someone to shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater, or "Allah Akbar, we will cut your heads off!" at a Jewish synagogue? If these first two are acceptable, then why not the singing of frat songs in Oklahoma? I do not see the difference. All are people being people. We have been people since the first steps out of the swamps.
Where did the neanderthal go? Did they all fall on their swords or agate points when the smarter prettier version of man showed up on their radar screens. No, they were hunted to extinction and some ancient cave writings suggest they tasted like bison. The world is about competition. It is tribal. It is family based. When food is plentiful we will feed our neighbors. Next ice age, sorry Albert Pheneas Gore, Jr, we will feed our families. It is what and how God made us. Evolution, man, survival of the fittest. Today intellect rules, tomorrow brawn and brutality may rule.
The first failed crop worldwide will test my hypothesis.
And speaking of intellectual rule, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, former failed Secretary of State, for the equally failed Obama Presidency, held a presser at the UN yesterday to explain her secretive missives as a government employee. It fell flat with a press that lovingly sucks on all things Clinton and likes it. Hillary's expiration date as a viable presidential candidate has passed. America cannot elect another 60's radical to its top leadership and expect any progress. This woman is so technically backward she can only manage one phone. Is she stupid? She is a democrat version of Bob Dole without the gimpy arm. Hillary's handicap is her shrill ectodermal layer which cannot be hidden no matter how hard her handlers coach. Empathy and caring cannot be learned it is in the mix when one is born. WJ Clinton oozed slimy empathy so thick he looked like Bill Maury in Ghost Busters after his first encounter with the hotel based entity. Other leaders who lacked empathy and compassion include Adolph Hitler, who did like dogs, and Joe Stalin. They may make good leaders but many lives are sacrificed and at what gain?
I am reminded of the nursery rhyme we sang as children to help fend off bullish talk, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Should we draw our weapons when we hear "Allah Akbar!" screamed at a synagogue, or wait for the sticks and stones to follow? The future in Tombstone belonged to the fastest gun. Nothing has changed.
Be wary my friends. Unto thyself be true. Like Smokey Bear says, "Only you can prevent forest fires" and only you can protect your life against those who would take it. The thugs in Ferguson, Mo
are threats to all Americans, not just the police. And they seem to be doing Obama's and Holder's bidding.
This is truly shocking. I fear a military coup may not come soon enough in Iran to prevent WW III.
God bless us and keep us safe.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And where does Holder, who will soon be off at his new gig for JP Morgan and Elites, for a mind boggling $77 million a year, stand on racial slurs screamed outside the synagogue? Sure, freedom of speech is right there in the Bill of Rights, but does that permit someone to shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater, or "Allah Akbar, we will cut your heads off!" at a Jewish synagogue? If these first two are acceptable, then why not the singing of frat songs in Oklahoma? I do not see the difference. All are people being people. We have been people since the first steps out of the swamps.
Where did the neanderthal go? Did they all fall on their swords or agate points when the smarter prettier version of man showed up on their radar screens. No, they were hunted to extinction and some ancient cave writings suggest they tasted like bison. The world is about competition. It is tribal. It is family based. When food is plentiful we will feed our neighbors. Next ice age, sorry Albert Pheneas Gore, Jr, we will feed our families. It is what and how God made us. Evolution, man, survival of the fittest. Today intellect rules, tomorrow brawn and brutality may rule.
The first failed crop worldwide will test my hypothesis.
And speaking of intellectual rule, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, former failed Secretary of State, for the equally failed Obama Presidency, held a presser at the UN yesterday to explain her secretive missives as a government employee. It fell flat with a press that lovingly sucks on all things Clinton and likes it. Hillary's expiration date as a viable presidential candidate has passed. America cannot elect another 60's radical to its top leadership and expect any progress. This woman is so technically backward she can only manage one phone. Is she stupid? She is a democrat version of Bob Dole without the gimpy arm. Hillary's handicap is her shrill ectodermal layer which cannot be hidden no matter how hard her handlers coach. Empathy and caring cannot be learned it is in the mix when one is born. WJ Clinton oozed slimy empathy so thick he looked like Bill Maury in Ghost Busters after his first encounter with the hotel based entity. Other leaders who lacked empathy and compassion include Adolph Hitler, who did like dogs, and Joe Stalin. They may make good leaders but many lives are sacrificed and at what gain?
I am reminded of the nursery rhyme we sang as children to help fend off bullish talk, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Should we draw our weapons when we hear "Allah Akbar!" screamed at a synagogue, or wait for the sticks and stones to follow? The future in Tombstone belonged to the fastest gun. Nothing has changed.
Be wary my friends. Unto thyself be true. Like Smokey Bear says, "Only you can prevent forest fires" and only you can protect your life against those who would take it. The thugs in Ferguson, Mo
are threats to all Americans, not just the police. And they seem to be doing Obama's and Holder's bidding.
This is truly shocking. I fear a military coup may not come soon enough in Iran to prevent WW III.
God bless us and keep us safe.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Allah Akbar,
eric holder,
Mo. Hillary Clinton email
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
UPLC Sent One Of Hillary Clinton's Private Emails. Why Me?
My Dear Hassanal,
Bill and I want to thank you and the people of Brunei for your most generous contribution to The Clinton Foundation. The $100 million will be used to buy toilet paper for Venezuelans,
and a much needed remodel of Jeff's Bahama "get away" where Bill spends most of his time, but the bathrooms are not ex president friendly. The plumbing is out dated and Bill finds
it very difficult to rise from the throne, given his pasty, spindly underused legs. He is a proud man and is reluctant to call for help especially after dropping a stinker, I have scolded him about his diet, but he continues to eat junk foods, anyway I will not bore you with the details but taller toilets are on order thanks to you.
When I am president, I can assure you your gift will give you special consideration when WWIII breaks. Your kingdom will be included in America's nuclear shield so your safety is assured and Bill will be able to come and play with you, wink wink. I have to cut this short since I am meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood to plot the defeat of Israel's prime minister in the coming election. I know my secret meeting with MB is safe with you, after all you are a member of the tribe.
Bill wants me to ask if "Red" is still with the harem? He has only emailed twice in his life and these gizmo's flummox the ex president. If he sends you a box of cubans would you see that "Red" gets them. She will know what to do with them.
As Ever United States SOS
Honorable Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton, ESQ
The email speaks volumes.
Jackson Delano Maybolt
Bill and I want to thank you and the people of Brunei for your most generous contribution to The Clinton Foundation. The $100 million will be used to buy toilet paper for Venezuelans,
and a much needed remodel of Jeff's Bahama "get away" where Bill spends most of his time, but the bathrooms are not ex president friendly. The plumbing is out dated and Bill finds
it very difficult to rise from the throne, given his pasty, spindly underused legs. He is a proud man and is reluctant to call for help especially after dropping a stinker, I have scolded him about his diet, but he continues to eat junk foods, anyway I will not bore you with the details but taller toilets are on order thanks to you.
When I am president, I can assure you your gift will give you special consideration when WWIII breaks. Your kingdom will be included in America's nuclear shield so your safety is assured and Bill will be able to come and play with you, wink wink. I have to cut this short since I am meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood to plot the defeat of Israel's prime minister in the coming election. I know my secret meeting with MB is safe with you, after all you are a member of the tribe.
Bill wants me to ask if "Red" is still with the harem? He has only emailed twice in his life and these gizmo's flummox the ex president. If he sends you a box of cubans would you see that "Red" gets them. She will know what to do with them.
As Ever United States SOS
Honorable Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton, ESQ
The email speaks volumes.
Jackson Delano Maybolt
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
New Letters To And From Sons Of Bitches: The Lost Letters Of Fools Or Epistles To The Pelagians.
5 March, 2015
Dear Jack,
These letters may be the basis of a new book in the Bible- The Epistles OF JM To the Pelagians.
Netanyahu has spoken, let the bombing begin.
Should we be more fearful of Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton?
I am off to see Sutphin, the savager of my manly bagel.
When will he tire of examining the tip of my pecker?
yr friend
Dear Reader,
My learned pal received many of my missives pre UPLC, and he returned them thinking I could use them as he suggests above or for entertainment.
I give you my surly missive dated October 19, 2006 to RPS. I swear by every word of it.
Dear Bob,
Hope all is well there in Wonderful, Colorful, Wyoming. All is well in Tenacious Tennessee, a gentle rain is pattering at our roof as I type this
nonsensical message. I quit all caffeinated beverages about a month to six weeks ago and now I find it really hard to stay awake at anytime of day.
I drift off at the most inconvenient of times. Driving, fishing, talking on the phone. It doesn't matter.
The fellow who is digging my camp sight has found pottery and bone fragments and flint point fragments only so far. Duckhaven, a name I dubbed the farm
over in Gibson County because of its seemingly duck friendly atmosphere, until they come in, then, blam, blam, blamo! is picking up some rain as I type.
Ducks already using the pond.
I hiked far back into the bottom land where the big cypress trees live and I think I stumbled upon an authentic Bigfoot turd. It was steaming fresh, piled
up on a fallen log, next to a deer hunter's stand. It was large, about the size of my head, minus the hair, which is cropped short. It quite literally
stunk to high heaven as they say in these parts.
It had a strange iridescent green glow and I noticed that even the green-backed Bojo flies kept their distance.
Ever notice how not a fly in sight when you crap outside and within a few seconds the pile is swarmed by the omnipresent green-backed bojo? Them flies
has got a keen sense of smell. Of course they feets get a little bit dirty, but this is expected in their line of work.
You might wonder how I identified the stool as that of the bigfoot? Well the rest of the story is that I seen him drop that one. It was a terrible
He, sasquatch, squatted, grunted, moaned and strained until his eyes nearly popped out of his semian sockets. After what seemed to be a millennium, the
delivery of the scat was followed by a great sigh on his part followed by a loud bigfoot fart. A noise that I cannot adequately describe, having never heard
anything like it, ever. It was a cross between a french horn and the bag pipes both in A flat, hummed on a kazoo.
I was thoroughly horrified when I realized the bastard did not even attempt to wipe his ass when he finished, not so much as a leaf! He just stood up, stretched,
and sauntered off leaving me to contemplate that tremendous pile.
And that ain't all, Bob. The reason you never find bigfoot droppings in the wild is explained by the next strange event!
As I watched in bemusement, the turd began to smolder and as I studied it, it burst into flames and burned completely up with no residue, or residoo, if
you please. From start to finish, the burning took no more than 10 to 15 seconds.
This leads me to believe these creatures shit petroleum based products, and might be our answer to OPEC and this may lead to a new and unlimited
renewable energy source.
Do you think if I write a proposal, I might get government funding? And finally would you and David help with the research if I get a grant?
Must sleep.
Your friend
Jackson Maybolt
Dear Jack,
These letters may be the basis of a new book in the Bible- The Epistles OF JM To the Pelagians.
Netanyahu has spoken, let the bombing begin.
Should we be more fearful of Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton?
I am off to see Sutphin, the savager of my manly bagel.
When will he tire of examining the tip of my pecker?
yr friend
Dear Reader,
My learned pal received many of my missives pre UPLC, and he returned them thinking I could use them as he suggests above or for entertainment.
I give you my surly missive dated October 19, 2006 to RPS. I swear by every word of it.
Dear Bob,
Hope all is well there in Wonderful, Colorful, Wyoming. All is well in Tenacious Tennessee, a gentle rain is pattering at our roof as I type this
nonsensical message. I quit all caffeinated beverages about a month to six weeks ago and now I find it really hard to stay awake at anytime of day.
I drift off at the most inconvenient of times. Driving, fishing, talking on the phone. It doesn't matter.
The fellow who is digging my camp sight has found pottery and bone fragments and flint point fragments only so far. Duckhaven, a name I dubbed the farm
over in Gibson County because of its seemingly duck friendly atmosphere, until they come in, then, blam, blam, blamo! is picking up some rain as I type.
Ducks already using the pond.
I hiked far back into the bottom land where the big cypress trees live and I think I stumbled upon an authentic Bigfoot turd. It was steaming fresh, piled
up on a fallen log, next to a deer hunter's stand. It was large, about the size of my head, minus the hair, which is cropped short. It quite literally
stunk to high heaven as they say in these parts.
It had a strange iridescent green glow and I noticed that even the green-backed Bojo flies kept their distance.
Ever notice how not a fly in sight when you crap outside and within a few seconds the pile is swarmed by the omnipresent green-backed bojo? Them flies
has got a keen sense of smell. Of course they feets get a little bit dirty, but this is expected in their line of work.
You might wonder how I identified the stool as that of the bigfoot? Well the rest of the story is that I seen him drop that one. It was a terrible
He, sasquatch, squatted, grunted, moaned and strained until his eyes nearly popped out of his semian sockets. After what seemed to be a millennium, the
delivery of the scat was followed by a great sigh on his part followed by a loud bigfoot fart. A noise that I cannot adequately describe, having never heard
anything like it, ever. It was a cross between a french horn and the bag pipes both in A flat, hummed on a kazoo.
I was thoroughly horrified when I realized the bastard did not even attempt to wipe his ass when he finished, not so much as a leaf! He just stood up, stretched,
and sauntered off leaving me to contemplate that tremendous pile.
And that ain't all, Bob. The reason you never find bigfoot droppings in the wild is explained by the next strange event!
As I watched in bemusement, the turd began to smolder and as I studied it, it burst into flames and burned completely up with no residue, or residoo, if
you please. From start to finish, the burning took no more than 10 to 15 seconds.
This leads me to believe these creatures shit petroleum based products, and might be our answer to OPEC and this may lead to a new and unlimited
renewable energy source.
Do you think if I write a proposal, I might get government funding? And finally would you and David help with the research if I get a grant?
Must sleep.
Your friend
Jackson Maybolt
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Urban Poverty Law Center Announces, Not Democrat, Not Republican, Just "The Party": How To Change America For Americans!
If President Obama gets his way this country will no longer be a country following the Judeo-Christian ethics which made it one of the best places in the world in which to live. His opening the border to millions of non residents is a ploy to pollute the homeland population with people who can be conscripted into service and ordered to do atrocities against the native Americans which our current military would be incapable of carrying out.
"Now Pedro and Miguel, you take Jose and Rapheal, and you go over to that Elks Club meeting and kill every one of those patriot bastards. Don't worry, they will be unarmed since we banned all the ammunition and had our first successful gun confiscation here last year."
"Si, si, Senor Capitan.
"Can we rape the senoritas we find attractive before we kill them?"
'Of course. This is war, man!"
Now is this what I really believe? Probably not, but what is this Africanized B. Obama thinking. My people did not travel over from England in leaky wooden vessels 394 years ago, second ship to land at Plymouth Rock, risking everything for freedom to have some half-breed speech reader who was hoisted up by ill conceived affirmative action policies put in place by well meaning hippies in the 60's and 70's to destroy my country. I am cutting a line in the rock. This push to balkanize and destroy America cannot stand.
And I am not alone in my feelings. Many of my acquaintances and colleagues are on board. We are ready to push back. At the polls we have kicked the democrat out of office and given the legislative branch to the republicans. It has made no difference! As soon as an election for the executive branch can be held, the Africanized B will be tossed out.
My prayer is the replacement will be a true patriot and not a traitorous impostor. I fear the elites and their candidates are not best for the people of this country.
If it is Jeb Bush v Hillary (email) I believe we should work hard to put in place a third party and run a candidate who could possibly win the presidency.
What party name should we choose? Maybe, "The Party", no descriptors such as Patriot, redneck, red-blooded American, racist, resistors, et c.
The Party, as a name is powerful. It leaves some doubt as to what it stands for. And this is good. It can be many things to many people.
The Party has a few things it definitely stands for.
1. The constitution as it is written, and not interpreted by black robed thieves.
2. The laws apply to everyone equally.
3. Abolish the IRS, Depts of Energy, Education, Housing, EPA, Post Office, Homeland Security, and any others which serve no great good.
4. Flat tax, 13% on income, no deductions and a 5% national sales tax on consumer goods excluding food.
5. Retiring government servants who transition to million dollar jobs in the private sector they once regulated will be taxed at 90%.
6. Presidential Foundations that accept foreign funds will be taxed at 99%.
7. Secure our borders both north and south and at ports of entry.
8. National defense maintain a strong military.
9. Congress must vote for any military action before any meaningful expenditure of blood and treasure. Exclude limited special ops of less than a million dollars.
10. All immigrants granted citizenship by Obama is revoked and they can apply by the old rules.
11. Elections must be fair and voting irregularities and fraud will be punished by loss of citizenship and large fines. This is a big deal. Stealing elections should be near capitol offenses.
12. Every working US citizen can work one year out of five tax free.
13. Bureau of Land Management lands will be turned over to the states for management and this office will be closed.
14. Militarization of local police departments will be halted.
15. Government employees will pledge allegiance to the people they serve. " I pledge allegiance to the people of this republic and to their freedoms for which I stand ready to defend them with my blood, honor and treasure!" These bastards work for us, not the other way around.
Well, I am tired of this now and will post this so a few of you can marvel at how easy "THE PARTY" would be to form and grow.
Send me a dollar and I will make you a member of The Party, and no it is not tax deductible since I am still waiting to hear from Lois Lerner, the wicked bitch, of the IRS.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Founder of The Party.
"Now Pedro and Miguel, you take Jose and Rapheal, and you go over to that Elks Club meeting and kill every one of those patriot bastards. Don't worry, they will be unarmed since we banned all the ammunition and had our first successful gun confiscation here last year."
"Si, si, Senor Capitan.
"Can we rape the senoritas we find attractive before we kill them?"
'Of course. This is war, man!"
Now is this what I really believe? Probably not, but what is this Africanized B. Obama thinking. My people did not travel over from England in leaky wooden vessels 394 years ago, second ship to land at Plymouth Rock, risking everything for freedom to have some half-breed speech reader who was hoisted up by ill conceived affirmative action policies put in place by well meaning hippies in the 60's and 70's to destroy my country. I am cutting a line in the rock. This push to balkanize and destroy America cannot stand.
And I am not alone in my feelings. Many of my acquaintances and colleagues are on board. We are ready to push back. At the polls we have kicked the democrat out of office and given the legislative branch to the republicans. It has made no difference! As soon as an election for the executive branch can be held, the Africanized B will be tossed out.
My prayer is the replacement will be a true patriot and not a traitorous impostor. I fear the elites and their candidates are not best for the people of this country.
If it is Jeb Bush v Hillary (email) I believe we should work hard to put in place a third party and run a candidate who could possibly win the presidency.
What party name should we choose? Maybe, "The Party", no descriptors such as Patriot, redneck, red-blooded American, racist, resistors, et c.
The Party, as a name is powerful. It leaves some doubt as to what it stands for. And this is good. It can be many things to many people.
The Party has a few things it definitely stands for.
1. The constitution as it is written, and not interpreted by black robed thieves.
2. The laws apply to everyone equally.
3. Abolish the IRS, Depts of Energy, Education, Housing, EPA, Post Office, Homeland Security, and any others which serve no great good.
4. Flat tax, 13% on income, no deductions and a 5% national sales tax on consumer goods excluding food.
5. Retiring government servants who transition to million dollar jobs in the private sector they once regulated will be taxed at 90%.
6. Presidential Foundations that accept foreign funds will be taxed at 99%.
7. Secure our borders both north and south and at ports of entry.
8. National defense maintain a strong military.
9. Congress must vote for any military action before any meaningful expenditure of blood and treasure. Exclude limited special ops of less than a million dollars.
10. All immigrants granted citizenship by Obama is revoked and they can apply by the old rules.
11. Elections must be fair and voting irregularities and fraud will be punished by loss of citizenship and large fines. This is a big deal. Stealing elections should be near capitol offenses.
12. Every working US citizen can work one year out of five tax free.
13. Bureau of Land Management lands will be turned over to the states for management and this office will be closed.
14. Militarization of local police departments will be halted.
15. Government employees will pledge allegiance to the people they serve. " I pledge allegiance to the people of this republic and to their freedoms for which I stand ready to defend them with my blood, honor and treasure!" These bastards work for us, not the other way around.
Well, I am tired of this now and will post this so a few of you can marvel at how easy "THE PARTY" would be to form and grow.
Send me a dollar and I will make you a member of The Party, and no it is not tax deductible since I am still waiting to hear from Lois Lerner, the wicked bitch, of the IRS.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Founder of The Party.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Is Behind The Email Kerfluffle, The Clinton Foundation Kerfluffle, And The Benghazi Kerfluffle?
I treat dear reader to one of my least favorite subjects, Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton. I do not mind strong women, but sometimes ruthless women, who place their wants and needs above all other things, both legal and illegal, gall me.
She has perhaps the most transparent love of money of any of our modern first ladies. She talks about it too much for a public servant. We can all imagine what takes place at the sausage factory but Hillary shares way too much with us in regards to her lust for money. She should avoid talks about her financial strengths or weaknesses for one is reminded of her incredible cattle future trades, when, she, a poor governor's wife working for a two bit law firm in Little Rock, turned $1000 into $100,000 by following the nonexistant advice in the Wall Street Journal. Thank you trader Red Bone! Your bribe from the Stephens was accepted. This is the first example of how Hillary sunk her teeth deeply into the skull duggery of politics and she liked the green taste of easy money and has chased it ever since.
Hillary is a player. Now the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State are beyond the pale. This is just too delicious to ignore. There ought to be a law and I am sure there is one, but given the willy-nilly way the Obama administration choses which laws to enforce and which do not please him, we must not wait for any charges to be made. The State Department under Honorable Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton became "Pay for Play". Dispicable!
Now someone who wants to hurt Mrs. Clinton has spilt the beans on her home internet provider for her email service as SOS. I smell a rat. I believe it is an inside job.
Who knew of the private internet? Well Hillary knew, but what does she gain from snitching herself out? Nothing. Who else knew, Chelsea? Probably not. And what is her motivation? There is none. This brings us around to that great big old bulbous nosed hunk of burning love, William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.
Did he blurt out the secret email account? And if so what is his motive. Does he hate Hillary as much as many in this country do? Is he a closet patriot who loves the country and believes it cannot survive a Hillary presidency on the heels of the disaster in chief, Barack Hussein Obama's?
In my fantasy I believe Bill Clinton is a patriot and does not like what the illegitimate 44th president has done to America. Bill Clinton loves our country in a way BHO could never.
His motivation as a patriot to save America and its hard working people is not a far flung possibility. He also could have had enough of the Hillary and not want the stress of having to share a residence with her which would probably be demanded should she win the presidency. There go the private trips to Epstein's Bahama Omama hideout. And Bill must be aware his viagra days are numbered. He has aged poorly. He will probably not last the two terms of a Hillary Rodham Presidency, especially if he had to actually live with her constant screetching and rants about this, that, and the other which has displeased her.
I know the country would not survive. For these reasons I believe Bill is a strong suspect in the release of the secret email account.
What was the government charged for the secret email account which Hillary owned? Who got the money? I suspect the woman with the green teeth got it. Follow the money and there be Hillary. Now don't get me wrong I would never turn away free money, but I am not in a position to accept bribes since I have nothing but this two bit blog and my mind which hosts my soul and provides me with limitless entertainment even when the television is off.
The talk around Washington is HRC is very fond of alcohol, so much so, she was made an honorary member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tatoos, Fatarms, and Explosive Diarrhea. I believe the email search during Benghazi will yield nothing as I feel certain HRC was intoxicated and unable to make critical decisions as the events unfolded live on a Friday afternoon during happy hour. Her phone was off and she was imbibing heavily. If I am mistaken, then show me the evidence she was directly contacted in real time. It is not there.
Finally, will anyone in the federal government be brought to justice who has been shown to accept bribes, dereliction of duty, treason, subterfuge, lying, drinking, stupidly leading, failure to uphold and defend the constitution?
In Washington as in the capitals around the world, there is honor among thieves, and the congressional hearings, they are so much Kabuki Theater,as our government only eats its citizens and not their own! It is a sad state of affairs in which we find ourselves.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
She has perhaps the most transparent love of money of any of our modern first ladies. She talks about it too much for a public servant. We can all imagine what takes place at the sausage factory but Hillary shares way too much with us in regards to her lust for money. She should avoid talks about her financial strengths or weaknesses for one is reminded of her incredible cattle future trades, when, she, a poor governor's wife working for a two bit law firm in Little Rock, turned $1000 into $100,000 by following the nonexistant advice in the Wall Street Journal. Thank you trader Red Bone! Your bribe from the Stephens was accepted. This is the first example of how Hillary sunk her teeth deeply into the skull duggery of politics and she liked the green taste of easy money and has chased it ever since.
Hillary is a player. Now the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State are beyond the pale. This is just too delicious to ignore. There ought to be a law and I am sure there is one, but given the willy-nilly way the Obama administration choses which laws to enforce and which do not please him, we must not wait for any charges to be made. The State Department under Honorable Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton became "Pay for Play". Dispicable!
Now someone who wants to hurt Mrs. Clinton has spilt the beans on her home internet provider for her email service as SOS. I smell a rat. I believe it is an inside job.
Who knew of the private internet? Well Hillary knew, but what does she gain from snitching herself out? Nothing. Who else knew, Chelsea? Probably not. And what is her motivation? There is none. This brings us around to that great big old bulbous nosed hunk of burning love, William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.
Did he blurt out the secret email account? And if so what is his motive. Does he hate Hillary as much as many in this country do? Is he a closet patriot who loves the country and believes it cannot survive a Hillary presidency on the heels of the disaster in chief, Barack Hussein Obama's?
In my fantasy I believe Bill Clinton is a patriot and does not like what the illegitimate 44th president has done to America. Bill Clinton loves our country in a way BHO could never.
His motivation as a patriot to save America and its hard working people is not a far flung possibility. He also could have had enough of the Hillary and not want the stress of having to share a residence with her which would probably be demanded should she win the presidency. There go the private trips to Epstein's Bahama Omama hideout. And Bill must be aware his viagra days are numbered. He has aged poorly. He will probably not last the two terms of a Hillary Rodham Presidency, especially if he had to actually live with her constant screetching and rants about this, that, and the other which has displeased her.
I know the country would not survive. For these reasons I believe Bill is a strong suspect in the release of the secret email account.
What was the government charged for the secret email account which Hillary owned? Who got the money? I suspect the woman with the green teeth got it. Follow the money and there be Hillary. Now don't get me wrong I would never turn away free money, but I am not in a position to accept bribes since I have nothing but this two bit blog and my mind which hosts my soul and provides me with limitless entertainment even when the television is off.
The talk around Washington is HRC is very fond of alcohol, so much so, she was made an honorary member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tatoos, Fatarms, and Explosive Diarrhea. I believe the email search during Benghazi will yield nothing as I feel certain HRC was intoxicated and unable to make critical decisions as the events unfolded live on a Friday afternoon during happy hour. Her phone was off and she was imbibing heavily. If I am mistaken, then show me the evidence she was directly contacted in real time. It is not there.
Finally, will anyone in the federal government be brought to justice who has been shown to accept bribes, dereliction of duty, treason, subterfuge, lying, drinking, stupidly leading, failure to uphold and defend the constitution?
In Washington as in the capitals around the world, there is honor among thieves, and the congressional hearings, they are so much Kabuki Theater,as our government only eats its citizens and not their own! It is a sad state of affairs in which we find ourselves.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
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