Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Obama Biden Farewell, New Adventures Await Thee

Tennesseans, like me, can vote early.  I voted my conscious a couple of days ago even though I live in a state where the universal mind will invariably do the right thing.  I lived in Wyoming for many years and I did not have to vote for my will to be done.  Tennessee like Wyoming and a host of other states in this great land of ours are in lock-step for Romney/ Ryan.

I am proud to live in a location where I am relieved of my civic duty and can be lax and lazy and not vote just to avoid being called to jury duty.  I was assured I would not be called up if I voted and the first year I registered to vote, I was called to jury duty.  Coincidence, perhaps?

I explained to the kind Judge, I was a poor selection as I could not pass judgement on my peers as I have none!   His honor was not moved and said I would have to pass judgement on our county's petty criminals and meth cooks to meet my civic duty and assure our form of self-governance and rule of law is met and surpassed here in Cedar Grove.

Thanks to several postponements and legal wrangling I was never seated on the jury and my hemorrhoids are thankful.

This is my last post before the election, unless I am outraged by something.  I believe President Obama will be rejected in his bid for re-election.  He is weak on the economy, weak on defense, and weak on style and leadership.  He has surrounded himself with self-serving nincompoops.  His closest advisers have ties to radicals in the Middle East.   His instincts for picking winners in businesses including green energy winners is 180 degrees out of sync.  He is incapable of compromise and refused to work with the republican minority in congress in his first two years and when Americans with good sense voted overwhelmingly to change the flavor of congress in 2010, the new republican majority was not interested in compromising with President Obama.

To paraphrase the warden in "Cool Hand Luke":  "What we have here is a failure to compromise."

We call it governmental gridlock.  The founders set it up this way, wisely.

I believe Romney and Ryan will win this election and it will be a popular vote cliffhanger, but an electoral college blow out.

The election is the first referendum the voters have had to directly voice their support or rejection of President Obama and his policies.

America has a clear choice.  Stay the course with Obama to economic ruin or correct the ship of state and renew the American Dream.

In America the pocket book always wins.

Good-bye, President Obama and Vice President Biden.  It was nice knowing you.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: President Obama Replacing Mid East Admiral And General: Benghazi Blame-A-Thon Is On!

The Obama administration is feeling the Benghazi, make me crazy, blow back following President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta's epic failure to send in the marines when American lives were threatened in Libya.

The Benghazi Blame-A-Thon is beginning just one week and dos dias before the election to end this national nightmare known as the Obama Administration!

Today we learn the president has replaced the Admiral of the Mid East Carrier group, Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette, a white man, with Rear Admiral Troy M.(Mohamed) Shoemaker, an Arab.

President Obama in his brief statement concerning the reassignment commented on how Admiral Charles Gaouette was not being punished for not obeying an order to come to the aid of our stricken Ambassador and our citizens since there was no order to that effect, but was reassigned state side so he could spend more time with his family. 

"The Middle East is becoming a powder keg and I want people like Rear Admiral T. Mohamed Shoemaker in charge.  As a practicing Muslim, Admiral Shoemaker is sensitive to the region and its peculiar customs and prayers and he shares my hatred of all things Jewish.   He is a misogynist, and at all times is keenly aware of the special orientation and general vicinity of Mecca.  His mother is of Iranian descent and been a spy at the United Nations since the middle 60's.  His father is Preston Woolworth Shoemaker, a Harvard trained communist sympathizer who is still active in the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  Admiral Shoemaker's brother, Timothy Aileed Shoemaker is a vote fraudster for the democrats with large operations in all 11 swing states.  We expect  Aileed will get out the vote for us this November and play a huge role in my bid for re-election.  Aileed's early voting fraud efforts in Ohio are already paving our path to victory."

Is it just me or is the Obama administration beginning to rot? 

A fish rots from the head.

If a leader is incapable of leading is it treason?

Is the altitude to high in Washington, DC?

Should President Obama wear supplemental oxygen?

Does Hillary Clinton wear panties or go commando?

Is Leon Panetta naturally dark or does he tan with Boehner?

Why is Michelle Obama never seen in the same room as Al Gore, Jr?

Why does W. Bush seem like the smartest man in the world now?

Will Rev. J. Wright marry mix race couples?

Will Jesse Jackson Jr. ever run for president?

Would Bill Clinton's doctor say he is healthy enough for sex?

What would Dan Rather?

Who did the Caspian Sea?

What did the Black Sea?

I have a cow named Bossie.

I floss at irregular intervals.

Four years of the Obama Presidency were enough.

Obama makes Sarah Palin look beautiful!

I have six chickens.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, October 26, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Muslim V Muslim

If you fight a Muslim with a Muslim, the only likely outcome is a Muslim will win.  This is America's problem in Libya.

President Obama, barack HUSSEIN obama, is a closeted Muslim, cloaked by J. Wright's Church of the Black Ascendancy in Chicago, reared and educated by factions whose best interests would be served by US leaders who are more sensitive to Muslim issues and less influenced by the Christian-Judea principles that have guided this country's policies since its founding.

Western Common Law is not compatible with Sharia Law.   Our western values have been passed down for centuries and have served us well.  The Middle East has developed a set of laws that serve that region equally well.  But, we do not lop the heads off adulterers, we elect them president.  We do not sever the hands off thieves, we give them prominent positions in government and on Wall Street.  We do not make our women cover head to toe when out in public, though many should cover up in my misogynist view.  We do not believe non believers are sub human and should pay a separate tax to live amongst us.

Is our way of life better/superior to the Muslim way?  Well hell yeah!  Does the Muslim way work well for the peoples of the land without vegetation and rain?  Of course it does.  The strict rules against theft is borne from a people and a place where the loss of even one goat could be the difference between life and death where resources are scarce.  Remember the penalty for horse theft here in America was hanging when the horse was relied upon for plowing and transportation.  With today's economy and horse prices at an all-time low, stealing a horse would be a resume enhancer.

Because Americans have been made aware of President Obama's two masters, and because his religion is incompatible to keeping America's best interest his number one priority, he will not be re-elected, nor should he.

Our founders knew this when they required only natural born citizens to be eligible for the highest office.

Obama's father was an African Muslim and due to his upbringing and his ideology he is the worst possible fit for the leadership of the world's only Western superpower.

Our heritage and President Obama's heritage are at odds.  To campaign as he did in 2008 "to fundamentally change the United States of America" is ludicrous.  To actually vote for this man and his alien ideas for America when they were in the closet is forgivable, but now the cat is out of the bag, the   horse is out of the barn,  the missiles are out of the silo, the bayonets are off the guns, and the bloom is off the rose.

President Obama must not be re-elected.  It is time to reject his vision of the world which is out of sync with the Western view and America's.   This is a competition of ideas.  Republics thrive in intellectual environments.  Dictators and despots thrive on and arise from ignorance.  Do the math.  Obama is wrong for America, but he knows 47% of the populace is ignorant and so do we.

Barack Hussein Obama is really the first despot to occupy the presidency.  Is it a coincidence his birth heritage is Kenyan where despotism is a natural state?  Ignorance cuts both ways.  He is not the first African-American to occupy the office.  That title will be claimed by another man or woman in the future.  Obama is America's first African president and the experiment in ignoring our wise founders wishes has been an epic fail!

It is time to put "God" back into "God Bless America"!

Romney is All-American and will be a better fit for his country and its historical record.

Obama is torn by his hatred of capitalism and tortured by the "Dreams" of his father, a misogynistic son of a Kenyan goat-herd with a substance abuse problem, but he is at least "cool":   to all things American, that is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Is The Election Over?

I feel like President Barack Obama has been running for president of the United States for at least four of the past four years.  Turn on the television or crank up the radio and there is his image and his patented soothing baritone voice bleating out some feel-good patriotic gobble-de-gook about the other guy, you know the one, that rich guy over there, who has taken advantage of us by paying half of what he makes to state, local, and federal taxes, additional fees sometimes apply.

Obama, in his staccato, drones on and on like a perpetual motion machine, never tiring, never changing, never interesting, never believable on anything that really, really matters.

His economic policy:  let Bernanke and the rich white guys over at that private bank called the Federal Reserve, handle it.  Add liquidity, lower values, destroy savings.

His energy policy:  give billions in guaranteed loans to friendly campaign bundlers of green energy start-ups and look the other way when all the money is gone with nothing to show for it, not even one molecule of CO2 less circulating in our atmosphere for these billions of dollars of handouts to his friends.  Institute policies that close down coal power plants and cause electric rates to "necessarily skyrocket."  Stop drilling permits on federal lands.  Start a war on domestic oil and gas production and on coal.

His foreign policy:  help destabilize the middle east so we can be tied up over there fighting the middle earthers who are content to brutalize females and herd goats if we would just leave them to their own devices.

His Domestic policy:  grow welfare, shrink the private sector, grow government dependency and destroy the American health care system, and with his wife, Michelle's,new public school policy now in play for school lunches,  along with not being able to get a decent education our kids can't even get a decent meal at school.  Truth be known, many of our children only attended school for the free meal it provided, that and the opportunity for teacher on student sex.  I predict truancy will skyrocket when the sex is outlawed.  Make the Catholic's use birth control and abort babies.

Forward is forewarned.

I spoke desparagingly in the last post of President Obama's squirrelly effete little muppet hands as he tried to ball up the five trillion dollar Romney economic plan, I forgot to mention his yellowed demonic eyes which seemed to spew daggers and fire at Romney during certain phases of the last debate.  Creepy, and now we learn he watches the Superbowl by himself? 

No man is an island, but if Al Gore, Jr wades out into the ocean he would look a great deal like one given his corpulent size of late.

Hit the scary music from the "Exorcist".

Forward, fade.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Gives Election To Romney Over President Obama, It Is the Hands!

You can tell a lot about a man by his hands. 

Mitt Romney has big muscular hands that scream power, yet kindness and compassion.

Barack Hussein Obama has effete little pixie hands with very little muscular definition.  They scream
inadequate for any task.  He has not worked with those hands.  His hands looked creepy in the third debate.

It may be president Obama's greatest handicap.

In my mind, Romney wins this election hands down.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Benghazi Libya And Obama

In my corner of the world I can see for miles and miles.  Is there a connection between the US government walking guns across the Mexican border and the problems the Benghazi-Hussein Obama administration has garnered in Libya?

On the surface, "Fast and Furious" was a bone headed plan to drum up angst among soccer moms and force a critical mass to come together so something could finally be done about American ownership and rights to bear arms.  Armed Americans can be dangerous.  Despots want to deal with sheep and not wolves whenever possible.

Countries without nuclear weapons are sheep, those with, are wolves.  In a carnivorous world where sheep are sheared and eaten, it is no wonder Iran is risking everything to acquire wolf status.  It is only natural the Iranians do not wish to be pulled apart by the countries which have the wolf.

Is the policy of the Benghazi-Hussein Obama administration to keep the middle eastern sheep bleating and colliding into one another to cause a distraction while the wolves pick off the choice resources?

Oil?  Is this all about oil?  Well what else does the region offer the world?  Dates?  I spit upon you, who can eat dates when there are cheeseburgers at Wendys.  Olives?  Are you kidding?  Who would eat these if there are almonds and peanuts available?

The Middle East was cut up into countries to maximize internal strife and keep the people off balance and fighting among themselves making the slow drip, drip, drip of oil out of their region almost unnoticed.  Now with the advent of the Internet, the Wolves are having to be very careful what they do to the sheep and subterfuge is a requirement.  Drop the state of Israel into the melee and guarantee strife and unrest for a century.  Meanwhile the oil keeps on flowing and the wolves keep on growing.

The whole of the Western Man's Mideast policy could be summed up in one word.  "Stampede."

The US foreign policy is better served by strife than peace in the Middle East.   Hillary Clinton armed the Libyan rebels, who are now, if not then known to be Al Qaida affiliates, and her state department denied Ambassador Stevens' request to beef up security.

The death of the ambassador in Libya was bad for President Obama's flagging campaign against Mitt Romney.   The pop-up video excuse was not well thought out.  I believe this has all the hallmarks of a Clinton hit against the President which should be viewed as a political coup de tat.

Who gains if Obama fails to be re-elected?  The Clintons know full well that Hillary's biological doomsday clock is ticking off the final years with her fast and furiously approaching her 70's where even Obamacare does not find people in this age group a good risk.   The Clintons are players and are not ready to be placed into early retirement out and away from the perks of politics.

President Obama, and his Chicago thuggery has shown them how far the American people can be pushed and they are kicking themselves everyday that they didn't think of that.   Hillary can run in 2016, if she can keep from being stained by the Benghazi mess.  Her health may not cooperate however given the risks Obamacare will bring to our elderly if fully implemented.

What is Chelsea doing?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Nostradamus No Obama!

I was reading through my copy of "A Redneck's Guide To Understanding Nostradamus" and came across this most puzzling quatrain:

                                                       "A man un-black but not quite white
                                                        On foreign soil will be his plight
                                                         A fantasy turmoil conjured fate
                                                         With Mitt he will not debate"

I do believe that this quatrain means President Barack Obama will have a convenient excuse conjured out of nowhere to skip the third and final debate where he would most likely be pummeled by President-Elect Mitt Romney.


As usual the press will praise his leadership.

Mitt Romney should debate the empty chair if the debate commission will allow it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Americans Just Got "Crowleyed"

Learned readers, I refer you to yesterdays treatise on Candy Alt Crowley where I made the case for what took place in New York at the second presidential debate.

Mitt Romney did well considering he got to speak almost 10 minutes less than our current president.  Thank you, Candy.  But if you take Obama's lies out of the debate, Mitt Romney spoke to the American people for 25 minutes longer than the president.

Candy was caught with her hand in the White House cookie jar when she kept Mitt Romney from answering the greatest disaster of a president the United States has ever endured, when she sided with the President on his lie in Benghazi.

Candy Alt Crowley's blitzkrieg intervention for the struggling Obama kept him from some "splaining" for now and seemed to push the debate win from Romney to the pathetic, propped-up only by the press, present occupant of that high office.  But the families of the slain and the American public deserve to know all the details about the Video which was blamed for the vicious attack and murder of our embassy personnel in Libya.  A line that was repeated over and over again, and to what purpose?

Was "It's the Video" an attempt to thwart the US constitution and its free speech clause?   "Fast and Furious", also unexplained in last night's debate, will be seen as a stupid back door attack on the gun rights of our country.  I believe Obama and his team of liars will need to come up with a better lie for both these stretchers.

Mitt Romney won the debate against Barack Obama, and fought to a tie against the tag team of Obama/  Crowley.

Clearly the 900 lb gorilla in the debate last night was Benghazi, Libya.  Ms. Crowley was the 901 lb moderator and moderated Mitt Romney by keeping his gloves off an overly exposed and weakened President Obama.  The Crowley chickens will come home to roost.   Her stupid intervention in the Benghazi terror attack will keep the inexplicable bumbling of the Obama State Department front and center for the rest of the political season.

Now when did Obama's White House know it was not a protest gone bad?  And who refused to provide security for our fellow Americans in Libya?  And who thought of the "Video" lie?

Game Obama/Crowley.  Match and Win, Romney!

Romney was "Crowleyed".   And so a new term is birthed and placed into the lexicon to hopefully take its place along side such favorites as "Borked".

And you read it here first.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Like Taking Candy From a Presidential Debate!

Candy Alt Crowley was born in Michigan, raised in Missouri and New York and took a degree in English from a major American University.  She has worked her way up the ladder in Television without the benefits of strikingly good looks or a stunning figure.   Does this mean she is intellectual?  Or, is she just some kind of a fat freaky affirmative action hero for all the big gals fresh out of journalism school trying to land that first TV gig?

Oddly she is a vegetarian and spends as much as 17 hrs and 39 minutes of each and every day consuming vegetables high in fiber.  With 4 hours and 29 minutes in the bathroom added, this leaves only a few short hours for this remarkable woman to complete her liberally slanted reporting for CNN.

I got my first glimpse of the rotund reporterette, Ms. Crowley, during the run-up for the 1996 presidential election between Bill Clinton, to whom CNN assigned a beautiful young female reporter whose name escapes me, and that old war horse, Bob Dole, with a much younger and heavy Candy Crowley assigned to cover his campaign for CNN.

Flash a picture of Bill Clinton then have a beautiful blond bombshell talk with pouty lips and seductive bedroom eyes for 90 seconds, and I would involuntarily touch myself.  Pretty soon, as soon as I saw Bill Clinton on CNN, I would get myself ready for what would follow.

Flash over to the Bob Dole segment which followed the coverage of the Clinton Campaign.  Usually it began with a short clip of Dole without make-up growling and fighting with his useless right or was it his left arm?  Then for analysis a close in shot of Candy Crowley's obese and hideous face and my pleasure centers were shut down for the obvious biologically based reason.

CNN used psychology to push Clinton's re-election in 1996.  The republican party used Bob Dole to the same effect.  CNN used the only reporter who was more repugnant than Dole, and if you do not believe me go back and watch some of the clips.

I do not know if CNN still picks the uglies to follow the republicans as I have not watched CNN since 1996 and the rise of FOXNEWS, but it would not surprise me.

Ms. Crowley is a liberal hag and hates men, especially beautiful, rich, white men like Governor Romney and will surely do her best to see to it the debate tonight paints Mr. Romney in an unfavorable light.  I have hacked into Ms. Crowley's computer and have a list of her questions for tonight and have chosen a couple to share with you.  This is hush-hush.


Governor Romney, this question is from Mauduline Serrano, mother of the great artist Andresse Serrano, with his most famous work as you may or may not know, is "Piss Christ" of the Later Day Saints.

The question is:  "You have already threatened to cut public funding for PBS, will you also cut funding for the arts, ballet, the symphony, NPR,  and anything else in America which by its nature does not appeal to enough people to support itself if you and Congressman Ryan are somehow, by some fluke elected over that wonderful man, Barack Hussein Obama who is seated to my right?"

Contrast that with her first question for President Obama:  "President Obama, first let me thank you for taking time out from your important job as President to spend this time with us, your adoring public.  Your first question is from David, I mean Bob Dandruff, of Ridgeway, CT and his question for you is this:   "Mr. President, my wife and I have three daughters, and two are ugly enough to host this debate, but the third is meddling good looking and we want to know what you are going to do to provide her with free birth control and unlimited abortions during her pre-teen and teenage years?"

I think my enlightened readers already know how this is going to play out, Candy Crowley will use her tremendous weight to tip the debate for Obama.   I just hope Mitt Romney can keep his cool and does not call Candy Crowley a fat and ugly liberal skank from Michigan.  That might just throw Michigan into the solid Obama column.

Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against fat and ugly skanks from Michigan, I just hate liberals.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Grants Permission For White America To Vote For Romney/Ryan

I understand Black America's love affair with Barack Obama.  I felt it with Sarah Palin because she was just like my people, ordinary common sense people with a sense of fairness and no room for the sleazy back room deals which go on in the higher echelons of government.

She was destroyed because she threatened the status quo.  She wisely opted out and has continued her assault from the sidelines through endorsements and the bully pulpit she gained from her brilliant rise to popularity.  Placing strong candidates in the house, senate and in state houses all across the country will get America where she rightly belongs better than a President Palin who would have to contend with the corrupt old boys club in Washington DC.

My grandmother was fond of pointing out:  "Rome wasn't built in a day!"  But even Caligula only ruled for four years.

The first presidential debate had two important results.  First, Mitt Romney was given a chance to speak directly to Americans outside the powerful media filter which served to make a caricature out of him.  Seventy million Americans took the opportunity to look on and got a good look at Romney unfiltered and they apparently liked what they saw, witness his surging polling numbers.

Second, the same nefarious media filter which ensconced Mitt Romney to his detriment, is applied to that media's darling politico, President Barack H. Obama to prevent Americans from seeing the real Obama.  He chain smokes, we did not know that, he can't form a cogent thought on his own, we didn't know that, he reads beautifully from a tele prompt device, we know this,  his views on Americanism are those of a foreigner who views colonialism as an evil to be stopped at all costs, and we are only now learning that.

Note to Obama:  Colonialism: some good some bad,  even your brother George Obama, who lives in a hut in Kenya views the Colonialists with a bit more respect than you.  Make him an adviser and pay him so he can raise his family like you in opulence and affluence.  Spread the wealth.  Who said "we are our brother's keeper?"  George Obama knows colonialism spreads some wealth to its subjects and Reagan's view that a rising tide lifts all boats rings true.

Our founding fathers knew we should not be lead by a man with two masters.  Hence the natural born citizen requirement in the founding documents.

This requires a president to have two parents, a mother and a father that are Americans, both of them.

Not one American and one African.

President Obama's hatred of all things Colonial has him throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  For goodness sakes, check for the baby before you change the bathwater!

Americans saw reasons not to re-elect President Obama and Vice President Joe Robinette Biden, Jr on display with their unfiltered debate performances this past week.  Incompetence in domestic and foreign policy on display and what else is expected from our ruling class?  Class?    They display none.

Reckless spending in a bad economy?  Tipping the Middle East into chaos.  Releasing the blind cleric?
Raising taxes?  Selectively enforcing our laws?  Bailouts to friends in Green energy?  Foreign donations to domestic campaigns?  Six trillion in deficit spending without even a bridge to nowhere in sight?

And Hillary Clinton, who looked more like Himmler in drag when she cackled on after her comment about Libyan strongman Gaddafi's death:  "We came, we saw, he died!"  Where has this monster been hiding?  Make it go away!

America, we got the leadership we deserve.  The media is not totally to blame, but we must do better next time.   Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are not perfect, but they are a step in the right direction, albeit a small one.  The Obama bathwater will go out but the baby will remain.

As the greatest thinker in Cedar Grove, Tennessee I can give you a pass for not voting for the Black man.  It is not really racist if you vote for the best fit for America.  He really does not qualify for the job anyway.  He has two masters and he has sided with his African father in his misguided assault against all things American and anti colonial.

Fool!  Freedom is hard to get, but easily lost.

Think about it when you get into the voting booth on November 6.  What are you going to tell the babies who went out with Barack Obama's bathwater?   Owing $385,000, each citizen's share of the national debt, at birth is not that bad if you have the freedom to pursue happiness, or is it?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Y President Obama Doesn't Get America: UPLC Brilliant! Ass Usual.

Today venerable readers I will fill you in on Y President Barack Hussein Obama is not a good fit for America.

Probably the most important point is Obama spent his Mickey Mouse years living in Indonesia attending a grade school in a strict muslim environment, instead of watching Big Bird, Elmo, and reciting the American pledge of allegiance.  He learned to think in Indonesian first.  English is his second language.

Next, he comes to Hawaii and is mentored by F. Marshall Davis, communist sympathizer, during his preteens and teens.  Then off to Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard Law where he apparently had an undistinguished academic career or we would have been beaten to death with what fine scholarship our young Nubian Statesman exhibited in his Choom-Gang haze daze.

After Harvard, Barack hooks up in Chicago with more subversives, Wright, Dorn, and Ayers, for his US connections, and Valarie Jarrett,  Iranian bred and backed, and a leading contender as the lead puppet master behind the StrawMan, Obama.  Hence the peculiar Obama foreign policy positions on the Middle East and the coolness to Israel and our other allies.

Now we know Y Obama made his bizarre statement at the UN last week about "whom the future belongs."  Not those who criticize Islam's Prophet.

I want to adress President Obama's horrible debate last week and offer a possible explanation for his poor debate and thinking on his feet skills.

If, as I have pointed out above, Barack Obama's first language is Indonesian, and I believe it is, he forms  thoughts in his brain in that language, then must translate it to English before he can blurt it out and this puts him at a distinct disadvantage in a debate format.

Is he really bright, but handicapped by his language center?  Maybe, but he is still not a good fit for America no matter his intellect.  His wiring is decidedly code for a house on unAmerican activities thanks in no small part to his associations with Davis, Ayers, Dorn, Wright, Jarrett and who knows?

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are Americans thru and thru!  They think in English, they have no secretive  ties to Iran or the Middle East, they are not afraid of doing the hard lifting needed to bring America back from the beaten down state President Obama has left us through his actions and misdeeds.

And Romney and the Israeli Prime Minister Ben N. are friendly.  This upsets V. Jarrett.

And now we are learning President Obama is funding the majority of his campaign with illegal foreign campaign contributions.

Do we need anymore evidence that this administration is out to destroy America from within?

I'm I the only one over here in the corner screaming "Traitor!"

The others are catching on.  President Obama is just not good for America, and what's not good for America is bad for the world, or at least it used to be.

Romney and Ryan are our best hope to bring the "A" back into Americanism.  We were not perfect before Jarrett and Obama began their rule, but their leadership has made us even less so.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, October 5, 2012

President Obama Bitch Slap Heard Around The Globe

If anybody was off line, out of country or just not paying attention you may have wondered what that sharp crack heard around the world was that started at 7pm mountain stardard time which was traced to Denver University and its auditorium where the first of three presidential debates was held.

That crack was the sound of the bull whip Mitt Romney employed fueled by his superior business knowlege, his conservative principles, and a wit that allowed Mr. Romney to debate rings around a seemingly sluggish and out of sorts President Obama.

Al Gore, Jr, that world renown self-taut(sic) global warming expert, blamed President Obama's sluggish debate on the mile high elevation there in Denver, noting that Mitt Romney had come in a day earlier and therefore had  time for his physiology to adjust to the rarefied air there in Denver.  This and that Romney does not smoke, but President Obama does not smoke either, does he?  At least the press is still covering for his bad cigarette habit, which is hidden from the public "for the children."  For what kind of message would this be broadcasting about cigarette smoking if the CIC was seen taking a drag off a CIG?  Some things are better left to the imagination and some things are better left where they lay.

President Obama's partner for the debate went AWOL.  Do you suppose Jim Lehrer did not know he was to provide cover for the ONE?  Most debate moderators are there to moderate the republican if he is so clever as to get in a few good zingers and should be so bold and pretentious as to make a great point.

For the next two debates, moderators repeat after me:  "Moderate Mitt Romney, facilitate President Obama!"  This is so crucial I will repeat it at the risk of repeating myself:  "Moderate Romney, facilitate Obama!"

By the time Jim Lehrer was turned on to the facilitation, it was too late.  Governor Romney's bull whip had cracked all the luster from a very diminished and frustrated President Obama.  All the hope and change had melted from his persona.  Lehrer tried to throw him a life line, but it was too no avail.  Obama would not be making his trek up Mount Romney this day, the air was too thin and he mistakenly thought, as he revealed in a speech to supporters/mourners in Wisconsin yesterday, he was debating Mitt Romney, not that fellow who looked like Romney that showed up for the debate.

Al Gore, Governor Romney made President Obama appear small, and yes there was enough oxygen in that auditorium to sustain even a diminutive President Obama.  President Obama's problem was that he had no cogent defense of his failed economic/foreign/tax/immigration/fast and furious/energy/banking/ policies, not to mention why it cost US taxpayers $1.8 billion dollars to support his lifestyle last year? 

As Mitt Romney pointed out in the debate when asked by Mr. Lehrer how he would determine which government programs to cut:  "I will take a close look at every government program and if it is so important that we need to borrow money from China to keep it in place we will keep it, if not it goes."

Somehow I think we will not be spending $1.8 billion a year to keep up the Romneys next year.  Even if we have to spend 10 times that we will be getting a better deal for the country.  President Obama can smoke his cigarettes with only the ocassional curious paparazzo to worry with. 

And everybody lived happily ever after.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: The Debate Moderator Who Saved America

To my highly intelligent readership:  Jim Lehrer as host of the first presidential election debate will be blamed by all his colleagues in the Obama Cheering Print and Televison media for not keeping a closer check on that "snap" on the right of President Obama, Willard Mitt Romney.  Even Big Bird was heard grumbling about Jim's weak performance over his morning bowl of birdseedies cereal.

Jim, we barely even knew thee!

Mitt, as it seems, I barely even knew thee!  I have been subjected to that same powerful media filter that kept W. Bush, the real W. out of the view of his adoring public.  The filter was lifted for 90 minutes in Denver, and there was Romney, looking and sounding like Ronald Reagan, and there was President Obama sounding and looking like the impish intellectual impostor that he has been his entire life.

Obama was clearly flummoxed by President-Elect Romney.  I could tell when Romney landed a blow because President Obama's ears, overly generous on that skull of his, would flap wildly when he twisted his head from side to side in that vain attempt to find the teleprompter which is his only way to sound knowledgeable in a public speaking venue.

President Obama is "The Candidate" a total fabrication of his handlers.  Mr. Soros you are going to have to do a lot more not to see your creation and all your work go down the drain if you are to pull this thing out of the sewer.

Good luck.  Americans got a good look at our next president last night and he was not afraid to stand up to Weak Jim Lehrer when he had to fight for the American people and our Constitution and our freedoms.  Mitt Romney, challenged Obama's talking points with boldness and humor.

If I had a hundred dollars I would send it to PBS to thank them for Jim Lehrer.  He, as it turns out, was the best moderator for the debate, and let the light shine on the two radically different men who are seeking that office.

God Bless you Jim Lehrer.

Mitt Romney over powered you and your media pals with honesty and piety.  There is a God in Heaven and he likes America and  real Americans.

How else can you explain what just happened to evil last night?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Predicts Presidential Debate Bias

Anybody who has been watching politics since the media was captured by the communist sympathizers just after the Tet Offensive in Viet Nam knows no Republican politician since Ike Eisenhower has gotten a fair shake in the print and TV media.

Nixon, demonized, Ford labeled a stupid jock, Reagan, the actor with an empty head, Bush 41, an out of touch Martha Vineyard elitist, and Bush 43, a misunderestimated numbskull.

If we ignore 50 years of history, perhaps Mitt Romney will be treated fairly by the repugnant petulant press during the up coming debates.

Here is how I see the debates being framed.

Jim Lehrer:  "We welcome our telivision audience to the first of three Presidential debates, as you know the debate format is slanted for and seeks to reinforce the strengths of President Barack Obama, (pause for a loud cheering auditorium packed with 1.37 million SEIU members holding Obama for President signs and texting on Obama phones) and will degrade his unworthy challenger, Mitt Romney, an out of touch millionaire Morman of questionable character."  Pause for Boos.

Ten minutes later, the boos settle down, the TV audience was treated to a short documentary touting the kindness, intellect, and caring of President Obama with guest appearances by, George Clooney, Beonce, J-Z, Madonna, Alec Baldwin, Jon Stewart, Bill Clinton, The Blind Muslim Cleric, Tina Fey, and a room full of Bain Capital casualties from the 1990's.

Jim Lehrer:  "As you know the rules of the debate were worked out before hand with the two campaigns.  President Obama will be allowed a teleprompter and Governor Romney will be allowed a pen and a blank sheet of paper.  President Obama will have two ear pieces connected to his handlers and will be able to skype live with George Soros during the debates.  Govenor Romney will get a tin can with a string in it and a direct link to Vice President Joe Biden who will  have possession of the tin can at the other end of the string."

"Gentlemen, if you are ready, let us begin.  Through previous agreements, Governor Romney you have the first question.  You will have 90 seconds to lamely comment, then President Obama will have an unlimited amount of time for a rebuttal, after which I may or may not allow you a moment or two for a follow up."

"Mr. Romney, as you know the US economy is in the crapper, put there by 8 years of failed George W. Bush mishandling, would you agree that President Obama deserves another 4 years to try to untangle this mess he and his administration was saddled with when he took over in 2009?"

Governor Romney:  "Jim, my fellow Americans, I do not agree with the premise of the question."

Jim Lehrer:  "Time is up, Mr. President, your rebuttal."

President Obama:  "Jim, what a beautifully framed question, which I believe gets at the heart of those problems facing ordinary Americans.  Americans,who,everyday, get up early and go to bed late Americans, who were not born with silver spoons in their oral cavities, like my distinguished opponent, a man who has never worked an honest day in his life, (pause loud SEIU crowd chants of "OBAMA!")

TV shot pans the crowd with signs waving and over to Michelle Obama and the girls in their Sunday best beaming and cheering Daddy!

President Obama:  "Jim, if I might add.  My opponent was making money off the backs of the ordinary middle class working man and woman with his preditory hostile take over of companies all across America
while I was working hard for the poor and opressed in our nations under belly of poverty and neglect as a community organizer.

Mitt Romney and his lovely Wife, Anne, were only busy organizing their next garden party and fancy horse dance shows while I looked into the eyes of a child in the ghetto wondering how I was going to feed him or her on a volunteer's salary, while the Romneys were deciding whether to vacation in France or Switzterland, where he has a rather sizeable secret bank account, I am told."

Jim Lerher:  (visibly moved by the moment, tears welling up in his eyes, looks to Governor Romney)  "Governor Romney, your rebuttal?"

Governor Romney:  "Jim, How does one defend against....."

Jim Lehrer:  "Governor Romney, let me just stop you right there, as you know the rules agreed upon before this debate do not allow you to make any good points.  And by the way, I would like to just add that,
you and your wife are despicable!"

end segment of the first presidential debate as I see it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, October 1, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Breaks Silence On Election

President Obama is in Trouble with a capitol "T".   His supporters have lost some of that fresh off the shelf enthusiasm he enjoyed back during the 2008 campaign and election.  President Obama's trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions in deficit spending has nothing to show for it but $4 gasoline and $5 Happy Meals with apple slices, thanks a lot, Michelle!

Great Britian's Royal's cost that country's treasury only $58 millions a year, and the snap of young Catherine's perky breasts somewhere a mile away from the photographer, even with 1.5 pixelated nipples is tittilating enough to be worth the money.

Contrast what Americans spent last year to keep up The Obamas$1.8 billion dollars

America spends 30 times what  England spends to keep up its royals and our money is spent on a couple of classless commoners who hate the country and its founding principles and nobody even tries to snap a photo of our First Lady in the nude because there is no market. 

New money v old money.  Great Britain has been around a long time.  America is fresh into adolescence and is spending like a drunken sailor in Singapore.  We are about to get our heads handed to us.

President Obama has brought this crisis in our finances and in our foreign policy to a head and will leave Mitt Romney in a pickle come January 20, 2013 if the asteroid does not get us before.

My advice to thinking citizens:  Vote these commoners out of office.  We can't afford their perks and much less Obama's policies.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center