If anybody was off line, out of country or just not paying attention you may have wondered what that sharp crack heard around the world was that started at 7pm mountain stardard time which was traced to Denver University and its auditorium where the first of three presidential debates was held.
That crack was the sound of the bull whip Mitt Romney employed fueled by his superior business knowlege, his conservative principles, and a wit that allowed Mr. Romney to debate rings around a seemingly sluggish and out of sorts President Obama.
Al Gore, Jr, that world renown self-taut(sic) global warming expert, blamed President Obama's sluggish debate on the mile high elevation there in Denver, noting that Mitt Romney had come in a day earlier and therefore had time for his physiology to adjust to the rarefied air there in Denver. This and that Romney does not smoke, but President Obama does not smoke either, does he? At least the press is still covering for his bad cigarette habit, which is hidden from the public "for the children." For what kind of message would this be broadcasting about cigarette smoking if the CIC was seen taking a drag off a CIG? Some things are better left to the imagination and some things are better left where they lay.
President Obama's partner for the debate went AWOL. Do you suppose Jim Lehrer did not know he was to provide cover for the ONE? Most debate moderators are there to moderate the republican if he is so clever as to get in a few good zingers and should be so bold and pretentious as to make a great point.
For the next two debates, moderators repeat after me: "Moderate Mitt Romney, facilitate President Obama!" This is so crucial I will repeat it at the risk of repeating myself: "Moderate Romney, facilitate Obama!"
By the time Jim Lehrer was turned on to the facilitation, it was too late. Governor Romney's bull whip had cracked all the luster from a very diminished and frustrated President Obama. All the hope and change had melted from his persona. Lehrer tried to throw him a life line, but it was too no avail. Obama would not be making his trek up Mount Romney this day, the air was too thin and he mistakenly thought, as he revealed in a speech to supporters/mourners in Wisconsin yesterday, he was debating Mitt Romney, not that fellow who looked like Romney that showed up for the debate.
Al Gore, Governor Romney made President Obama appear small, and yes there was enough oxygen in that auditorium to sustain even a diminutive President Obama. President Obama's problem was that he had no cogent defense of his failed economic/foreign/tax/immigration/fast and furious/energy/banking/ policies, not to mention why it cost US taxpayers $1.8 billion dollars to support his lifestyle last year?
As Mitt Romney pointed out in the debate when asked by Mr. Lehrer how he would determine which government programs to cut: "I will take a close look at every government program and if it is so important that we need to borrow money from China to keep it in place we will keep it, if not it goes."
Somehow I think we will not be spending $1.8 billion a year to keep up the Romneys next year. Even if we have to spend 10 times that we will be getting a better deal for the country. President Obama can smoke his cigarettes with only the ocassional curious paparazzo to worry with.
And everybody lived happily ever after.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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