Thursday, October 25, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Is The Election Over?

I feel like President Barack Obama has been running for president of the United States for at least four of the past four years.  Turn on the television or crank up the radio and there is his image and his patented soothing baritone voice bleating out some feel-good patriotic gobble-de-gook about the other guy, you know the one, that rich guy over there, who has taken advantage of us by paying half of what he makes to state, local, and federal taxes, additional fees sometimes apply.

Obama, in his staccato, drones on and on like a perpetual motion machine, never tiring, never changing, never interesting, never believable on anything that really, really matters.

His economic policy:  let Bernanke and the rich white guys over at that private bank called the Federal Reserve, handle it.  Add liquidity, lower values, destroy savings.

His energy policy:  give billions in guaranteed loans to friendly campaign bundlers of green energy start-ups and look the other way when all the money is gone with nothing to show for it, not even one molecule of CO2 less circulating in our atmosphere for these billions of dollars of handouts to his friends.  Institute policies that close down coal power plants and cause electric rates to "necessarily skyrocket."  Stop drilling permits on federal lands.  Start a war on domestic oil and gas production and on coal.

His foreign policy:  help destabilize the middle east so we can be tied up over there fighting the middle earthers who are content to brutalize females and herd goats if we would just leave them to their own devices.

His Domestic policy:  grow welfare, shrink the private sector, grow government dependency and destroy the American health care system, and with his wife, Michelle's,new public school policy now in play for school lunches,  along with not being able to get a decent education our kids can't even get a decent meal at school.  Truth be known, many of our children only attended school for the free meal it provided, that and the opportunity for teacher on student sex.  I predict truancy will skyrocket when the sex is outlawed.  Make the Catholic's use birth control and abort babies.

Forward is forewarned.

I spoke desparagingly in the last post of President Obama's squirrelly effete little muppet hands as he tried to ball up the five trillion dollar Romney economic plan, I forgot to mention his yellowed demonic eyes which seemed to spew daggers and fire at Romney during certain phases of the last debate.  Creepy, and now we learn he watches the Superbowl by himself? 

No man is an island, but if Al Gore, Jr wades out into the ocean he would look a great deal like one given his corpulent size of late.

Hit the scary music from the "Exorcist".

Forward, fade.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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