Friday, August 17, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Rejects Clinton's Offer

Just as Hillary Clinton has rejected the offer to be Barack Hussein Obama's second choice to be his vice president on this years certain to lose ticket, I am going to send my regrets to the kind offer from my old friend, William Jefferson Clinton to head up and run the Clinton Global Initiative.

I told Bill, that's what I call him, I was busy with my work here at the Urban Poverty Law Center helping the poor understand they will always be poor if they do not get off their asses and get a job and show some initiative.

In my investigation of what breeds poverty in America, I have found the poor bare the brunt of the blame. Opportunity is everywhere. Even in a poor economy. The poor are as a whole poorly motivated, under funded and many times dumber than a box of hammers.

It is our opinion here at UPLC, that many of the poor should continue to receive the benefits for subsistence and should go about their groveling and complaining in as quiet and as polite a fashion as is humanly possible. A bath with soaps and shampoo would also be recommended at regular intervals to keep the pollution of our fresh air to a minimum.

The federal government is paying the poor to be poor and it is working. Taking a bath is work right?

Sorry Bill, sorry Hill, Jack D. Maybolt cannot help you out with your tax dodge foundation. Check with me next year.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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