Unconfirmed reports have the Departments of Homeland Security, National Aeronautics and Space Agency, and the Social Security Administration placing purchase orders for hundreds of thousands of rounds of "cop killer" hollow-point ammunition.
Is this what happens when the government hates the people as much as the people hate the government? I wonder if our friends over at the Southern Poverty Law Center have anything nice to say about these warm and fuzzy divisions of our federal government arming alarmingly amid an almost certain uprising when the people find they have no food, no money, no electricity, and no hope.
Helter Skelter, I'm coming down fast.
Or perhaps they fear Iran will make attacks against them as they have threatened when Israel finally pushes the button. Iran says it has over a hundred thousand agents in our country and many have been armed by our own Justice Department under the watchful blind eyes of one Mr. Eric Holder with his Fast and Furious gun running business. The Iranian agents are pouring through our porous southern border with Mexico at several hundred a day.
But hey, Betty down at the SSA office will have her time at the shooting range with her 357 magnum and will be ready to lay down some lead should Achmed and Macmoud come a calling. Black Betty, bam-a-lam!
Ironically, these same dolts who are arming up are the same pukes who would like all the guns taken out of our polite society. There are just to many gun related deaths in America. But when they are threatened by threats of violence, what do they do?
The only rational thing to do. Get a gun and learn how to use it for personal protection.
Gun control is a lost leader for our political class. The sooner they accept guns as our reality the better it will be for them. Many animals evolve with protection.
A rattle snake without poisonous venom is a curiosity and a plaything for children, but add those fangs and no one but the inebriated will bother Mr. Rattler. A rabbit is just a porcupine without the quills and the coyote likes it that way. An unarmed man is rabbit-like in our society and can be slaughtered without concern for the safety of those acting as the executioners. Give that same man a concealed weapon and the executioners have grave reservations.
Place many armed men out in public with concealed weapons and the bad guys are to nervous to pick a victim many times. John Lott's book, "More Guns, Less Crime" lays
out all the reasons this is true.
Perhaps this is our governments way of admitting that if you can't beat them join them. Now if we can make carrying a loaded firearm legal on the military bases, maybe another massacre like the one carried out by the radical Muslim could be shortened to only a couple of deaths before the crazy perp is ventilated in vital organs until dead by a dozen men returning fire.
Democrats are so stupid. I am reminded by the great line in "Dr. Strangelove," the classic 1963 film by Stanley Kubrick. President Merkin, played by Peter Sellers, admonishes Colonel Buck Turgedson, played by George C. Scott who is scuffling with the Russian Diplomat, "Gentlemen, what do you think you are doing? You can't fight here. This is the war room!"
News Flash to Democrats: We must be prepared to fight anywhere, anytime, and with anybody. Evil is not just evil anymore, it is evil with a gun or a nuke, or some anthrax.
Flash to Democrats: If you can't take all the guns out of society, take none of the guns to keep the playing field level.
Arm up America, your life may depend upon it. Rabbit or porcupine, the choice is yours.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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