Thursday, August 16, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center:On Joe Biden Hope and Chains for 2012

It seems Vice President Joe Biden has told an audience in Virginia which was packed with descendants of the 4 million slaves who were freed by Lincoln and have lived unfettered by physical chains since 1865 in this great big country of ours Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will unleash big banking and Wall Street and place them "back in chains" after the election.

Everybody knows any mention of the inhumanity of slavery in polite political company is tasteless and will cause tears of pain and well up the old animosities of Cracker Master/Slave set which is generally good for a point rise in the polls for the democrat.

If Obama, through his surrogate, Joe Biden, can keep the threat and constant reminders of chains, servitude, sharing, and if they can focus these vote generating negatives on Mitt Romney and his Wonderboy Paul Ryan, then they may just be able to steal this election and keep these Crackers out of da House.

The Cracker Master effect is not lost on the biggies of the Republican Cabal which is controlled by the special interests of Big Bankers and Wall Street tycoons who are overwhelmingly greedy, wealthy and of traditional European heritage. Their mantra is "No pie for you!", we are the Fabian Society.

By coming out against Joe Biden with both Tea Party Darling, Sarah Palin, and RINO, John McCain, calling for Biden's replacement on the democrat ticket by Hillary Clinton, the effectiveness of Biden's double-speak against the Republican establishment in Biden's own clever code which seems rife with gaffs, has the Republican Bloatocracy shaking so severely they are reaching into other peoples pockets to spend more against the Obama-Biden Team.

Bain Capital, just laid off 100,002 workers just to fund a SuperPac which will hone attacks specifically against Joe Biden because of his most recent successes on the campaign trail.

Joe Biden is Obama's ace in the hole. Look for more secret code to come from Biden in the next few weeks. Subjects he plans to broach in future addresses include Ryan's secret desire to put Gays and Lesbians back into the closet, women back in the kitchen at home where they really belong raising children sans government sponsored birth control, and denying medical care to our seniors and food stamps to the hungry. Sending the illegals back to Mexico without Eric Holder's arming them through his Fast and Furious program is another goal of Team R n R.

Underestimate Vice President Joe Biden at your own peril. The Bloatocracy feels threatened by this man's courage to tell it like it is.

I personally find Vice-President Joe Biden's take refreshingly honest and his hoot-n-annie impersonations are spot on in tone and cadence. He has apparently picked up the lingo listening to Obama these four years. Not an easy dialect to master. Biden has a great ear.

The battle lines are drawn. Lit the fuses and run for cover, Biden/Obama v Romney and Ryan: coming to a political event near you.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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