Friday, August 31, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Honors Clint Eastwood

I am pleased to announce that The Urban Poverty Law Center is honoring Clint Eastwood by giving him its first ever Citizen of Cedar Grove, Tennessee Award.

The voting took place just after the end of the RNC and there were several nominees, but the clear winner by a 3-0 vote was Clint Eastwood.

The Award carries no monetary prize since no one in Cedar Grove, Tennessee invented dynamite or a software program, but Albert Gore, Jr did invent the Internet and he is from Carthage, TN which is only about 170 miles east of Cedar Grove, but he has not donated any monies from this invention or the millions given to his family for having the only rare earth mineral claim in Tennessee that his daddy was lucky enough to get through his communist contacts with Armand Hammer.

After realizing our award to Mr. Eastwood would carry more weight with a monetary prize, I have decided to purchase Mr. Eastwood a $50 gift card good at any of the country's 1237 Wal-Mart stores. I wish it could be a $100, but times are so hard here in Cedar Grove, even the Meth dealers are on food stamps. Nina Pickerel has said she will give him a dozen eggs from her free range chickens. They just started back laying eggs after a coyote got into the roost about three weeks ago and ate two of her favorite chickens.

Nina's nephew, Colton Cattombe, a senior at West Carroll High this year, set out some traps near Nina's chicken coop and caught one of Nina's barn cats. Cut its leg right off above the kitty wrist. Colton had to put the cat down. The way Nina sees it that coyote has that poor cat's blood on its paws as well as the chickens.

Colton redoubled his efforts and got a dying rabbit call and set up down by the creek near Nina's place and at dusk called in 17 coyotes and shot twelve. Verne Flotsom, the taxidermist, who also works at the aluminum factory in Huntingdon, says he will make Clint Eastwood a Coyote throw rug if Colton don't mind giving him one of the coyotes.

I think by the time Clint comes to Cedar Grove for his award he will be pleasantly surprised by his reception and all the gifts. It ain't every day we give out an award such as this.

Clint Eastwood is a special fellow. He told President Obama he needed firing. We at the Urban Poverty Law Center have been thinking the same thing since before this fellow assumed office.

He has given ineptness a new meaning in politics. An average man would have to try real hard to mess things up this bad. It seems to come naturally to President Obama.

We are gonna miss him when he is gone.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Calls For The End Of Obama Imposed Tax Purgatory

Since W left the White House and turned over the seat of governance to the first Metro sexual president who brags of a worldly background of third world parentage and upbringings through, both his birth father, a Kenyan, and his step-father, an Indonesian Muslim, America, an undeniably first world nation super power, built by the people who lived here long before this current President's Kenyan father entered America and deposited his seed into the lovely Stanley Dunham, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr's spawn has held America Hostage in a hopeless Tax and regulatory Purgatory.

A tax purgatory that can not be breached by businesses large or small. A purgatory built by reams and reams of regulations imposed on Americans by faceless bureaucrats
who know nothing of making an honest living in Obama's America.

Before Obama (BO) gasoline averaged $1.80 per gallon. After Obama (AO) gasoline is $3.80 a gallon and rising. BO chicken feed was $8 a 50 lb bag at the Co-op. AO chicken feed is $12.50 for a 50lb bag.

BO a meal at McDonalds for an adult was $5.90, AO the same meal is $8.90. BO the national debt was $9 trillion, AO it is fast approaching $16 trillion.

BO gun sales were 3,245,222 units per year, AO gun sales are 6,543,332 per year, and these include the ones Eric Holder and Barack Obama allowed into Mexico through the clever again by half scheme, "Fast and Furious".

To say that Barack Obama's presidency has been a boon for rising prices and falling expectations is an understatement of epic proportions. My fear is four more years of Hurricane Barack will leave us with $7.60 a gallon gasoline, $12 happy meals, $25 dollar a bag for chicken feed, a gun in every household, and a $32 trillion public debt.

Don't get me wrong, I do not mind paying more for staples, but wages must keep up with inflation or the people who work lose. Inflation robs the savers of money as well as the earners of money.

Inflation is the cruelest tax.

When Obama said "today is the day the seas stop their rise" was also the day that these same seas decided not to give up their moisture to America and now after only three and a half years of his leadership, the Mississippi River is so low it is closed for the first time in the history of the world.

Coincidence? You be the judge.

President Obama's lack of vision for America is apparent to all but his fawning sycophants in the media.

Mitt Romney may not be the answer, but when Barack Hussein Obama is the question, anybody is the answer.

Seems Obama is such a weak president he can't even muster a Cat 3 hurricane.


America will not return to its greatness until we have purged this purgatory of taxes and regulations from our books. November 6, 2012 is America's hope for change.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Romney And Reagan, Can History Repeat? Urban Poverty Law Center Stack

I am always eager to see what the editors at "The American Spectator" have included in their fine publication for conservatives. I immediately read everything R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr has written because I find his wit and writing to be beautiful.

This issue(Sept 2012) does not disappoint. Tyrrell has included a couple of zingers about democrats, a mouse and guns, and tied it into the coming "rout" of the democrats in November. Tyrrell intimates "the mouse was a mess."

Mitt Romney is poised to save the United States of America in keeping with the Mormon Prophesy. I have not read anything on the Mormon Prophesy and it may be one of those national legends such as the Fabian Society, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission, not to mention the super secretive Urban Poverty Law Center Octogenarians which was an off shoot of the UPLC Septuagenarians a few years back.

The UPLC Octogenarians meet yearly, usually in a Motel 6 or 8 conference room, where the plans for the whole world are drawn up and discussed and voted up or down. The entire meeting can span several hours. Last year we gave the go ahead for President Obama to pull the trigger on Osama bin Laden. This year we will decide who the winner of the presidential election will be.

Chief Justice John Roberts is one of our puppets and we got him to throw his lot with the liberals and save ObamaCare.

This years guest speaker will be George Soros, who is prepared to interrupt his third honeymoon with his new bride, Tamika Bolton, a pharmacist, to engage our powerful group. We are best described as a benign dictatoriate. Our membership includes, Assad, Mubarick, Gudaffi, Sadam, Ross Perot, and Roseanne Barr. Former IMF head and pervert, Domminique Strauss-Kahn lost his position with us for his practice of lewd and unnatural acts.

We are prepared to make sure the rich and powerful stay that way. We have divided up the world's resources giving the vast portion to the rich and famous. The 99.9999999999999999999973 per centers will be allowed enough food and oxygen to serve their masters, but no more!

The Sham is on, let the voting begin!

In a final note: In my youth I recall Romney's father, George?, governor of Michigan, was noted to be a conservative in the bain of Reagan. I believe Mitt may be of the same cloth. Here is hoping.

Vote early and vote often.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Member Octogenarians

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Solves The Obama Care Doctor Pay Cut

You have worked hard all your life and are just starting to enjoy the retirement you and your spouse have always dreamed. You are just 67 yrs old, the "new 50". You crash your mountain bike and break a hip. Under the new payment rules for physicians medicare will only pay 1/3 of the going rates charged by competent orthopaedic surgeons to private insurance companies. You cannot find a physician who is willing to take your case. The hospital sends you to a nursing home after the three day stay for a fractured hip mandated and set by medicare is up bed bound by a fractured hip.

You have plenty of money, but it is illegal to contract with a physician because of the Obama Care laws and the provisions in it against free markets.

Your wife is a creative thinker and you get your surgery after she buys the orthopaedic surgeon's wife a really lovely and expensive Rolex watch, or spring for their next holiday at the beach or at Aspen on the slopes.

The Urban Poverty Law Center is ready to set up the "Barter with a Doctor Foundation" where contributions in your or your loved one's name can be made and used to acquire services from any physician through gifts to his immediate family. We have checked in all 57 states and have found nothing is illegal.

The physician gets his reimbursement indirectly and you get the care you need. Good care may be as simple as paying the physician's sewer bill or his light bill or making a credit card payment in his wife's name.

Giving is not illegal in the United States of America, not yet, anyway.

I suggest you start early and make provisions with your physicians and you could agree to pay your internist's light bill and he could take any services he provides to you from those payments made on his behalf.

Where does the IRS stand on bartering? Who cares when you need a hip replaced and you are on Medicare, the end justifies the means.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center And Government Agency Ammunition Purchases

Unconfirmed reports have the Departments of Homeland Security, National Aeronautics and Space Agency, and the Social Security Administration placing purchase orders for hundreds of thousands of rounds of "cop killer" hollow-point ammunition.

Is this what happens when the government hates the people as much as the people hate the government? I wonder if our friends over at the Southern Poverty Law Center have anything nice to say about these warm and fuzzy divisions of our federal government arming alarmingly amid an almost certain uprising when the people find they have no food, no money, no electricity, and no hope.

Helter Skelter, I'm coming down fast.

Or perhaps they fear Iran will make attacks against them as they have threatened when Israel finally pushes the button. Iran says it has over a hundred thousand agents in our country and many have been armed by our own Justice Department under the watchful blind eyes of one Mr. Eric Holder with his Fast and Furious gun running business. The Iranian agents are pouring through our porous southern border with Mexico at several hundred a day.

But hey, Betty down at the SSA office will have her time at the shooting range with her 357 magnum and will be ready to lay down some lead should Achmed and Macmoud come a calling. Black Betty, bam-a-lam!

Ironically, these same dolts who are arming up are the same pukes who would like all the guns taken out of our polite society. There are just to many gun related deaths in America. But when they are threatened by threats of violence, what do they do?

The only rational thing to do. Get a gun and learn how to use it for personal protection.

Gun control is a lost leader for our political class. The sooner they accept guns as our reality the better it will be for them. Many animals evolve with protection.
A rattle snake without poisonous venom is a curiosity and a plaything for children, but add those fangs and no one but the inebriated will bother Mr. Rattler. A rabbit is just a porcupine without the quills and the coyote likes it that way. An unarmed man is rabbit-like in our society and can be slaughtered without concern for the safety of those acting as the executioners. Give that same man a concealed weapon and the executioners have grave reservations.

Place many armed men out in public with concealed weapons and the bad guys are to nervous to pick a victim many times. John Lott's book, "More Guns, Less Crime" lays
out all the reasons this is true.

Perhaps this is our governments way of admitting that if you can't beat them join them. Now if we can make carrying a loaded firearm legal on the military bases, maybe another massacre like the one carried out by the radical Muslim could be shortened to only a couple of deaths before the crazy perp is ventilated in vital organs until dead by a dozen men returning fire.

Democrats are so stupid. I am reminded by the great line in "Dr. Strangelove," the classic 1963 film by Stanley Kubrick. President Merkin, played by Peter Sellers, admonishes Colonel Buck Turgedson, played by George C. Scott who is scuffling with the Russian Diplomat, "Gentlemen, what do you think you are doing? You can't fight here. This is the war room!"

News Flash to Democrats: We must be prepared to fight anywhere, anytime, and with anybody. Evil is not just evil anymore, it is evil with a gun or a nuke, or some anthrax.

Flash to Democrats: If you can't take all the guns out of society, take none of the guns to keep the playing field level.

Arm up America, your life may depend upon it. Rabbit or porcupine, the choice is yours.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, August 17, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Rejects Clinton's Offer

Just as Hillary Clinton has rejected the offer to be Barack Hussein Obama's second choice to be his vice president on this years certain to lose ticket, I am going to send my regrets to the kind offer from my old friend, William Jefferson Clinton to head up and run the Clinton Global Initiative.

I told Bill, that's what I call him, I was busy with my work here at the Urban Poverty Law Center helping the poor understand they will always be poor if they do not get off their asses and get a job and show some initiative.

In my investigation of what breeds poverty in America, I have found the poor bare the brunt of the blame. Opportunity is everywhere. Even in a poor economy. The poor are as a whole poorly motivated, under funded and many times dumber than a box of hammers.

It is our opinion here at UPLC, that many of the poor should continue to receive the benefits for subsistence and should go about their groveling and complaining in as quiet and as polite a fashion as is humanly possible. A bath with soaps and shampoo would also be recommended at regular intervals to keep the pollution of our fresh air to a minimum.

The federal government is paying the poor to be poor and it is working. Taking a bath is work right?

Sorry Bill, sorry Hill, Jack D. Maybolt cannot help you out with your tax dodge foundation. Check with me next year.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center:On Joe Biden Hope and Chains for 2012

It seems Vice President Joe Biden has told an audience in Virginia which was packed with descendants of the 4 million slaves who were freed by Lincoln and have lived unfettered by physical chains since 1865 in this great big country of ours Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will unleash big banking and Wall Street and place them "back in chains" after the election.

Everybody knows any mention of the inhumanity of slavery in polite political company is tasteless and will cause tears of pain and well up the old animosities of Cracker Master/Slave set which is generally good for a point rise in the polls for the democrat.

If Obama, through his surrogate, Joe Biden, can keep the threat and constant reminders of chains, servitude, sharing, and if they can focus these vote generating negatives on Mitt Romney and his Wonderboy Paul Ryan, then they may just be able to steal this election and keep these Crackers out of da House.

The Cracker Master effect is not lost on the biggies of the Republican Cabal which is controlled by the special interests of Big Bankers and Wall Street tycoons who are overwhelmingly greedy, wealthy and of traditional European heritage. Their mantra is "No pie for you!", we are the Fabian Society.

By coming out against Joe Biden with both Tea Party Darling, Sarah Palin, and RINO, John McCain, calling for Biden's replacement on the democrat ticket by Hillary Clinton, the effectiveness of Biden's double-speak against the Republican establishment in Biden's own clever code which seems rife with gaffs, has the Republican Bloatocracy shaking so severely they are reaching into other peoples pockets to spend more against the Obama-Biden Team.

Bain Capital, just laid off 100,002 workers just to fund a SuperPac which will hone attacks specifically against Joe Biden because of his most recent successes on the campaign trail.

Joe Biden is Obama's ace in the hole. Look for more secret code to come from Biden in the next few weeks. Subjects he plans to broach in future addresses include Ryan's secret desire to put Gays and Lesbians back into the closet, women back in the kitchen at home where they really belong raising children sans government sponsored birth control, and denying medical care to our seniors and food stamps to the hungry. Sending the illegals back to Mexico without Eric Holder's arming them through his Fast and Furious program is another goal of Team R n R.

Underestimate Vice President Joe Biden at your own peril. The Bloatocracy feels threatened by this man's courage to tell it like it is.

I personally find Vice-President Joe Biden's take refreshingly honest and his hoot-n-annie impersonations are spot on in tone and cadence. He has apparently picked up the lingo listening to Obama these four years. Not an easy dialect to master. Biden has a great ear.

The battle lines are drawn. Lit the fuses and run for cover, Biden/Obama v Romney and Ryan: coming to a political event near you.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center To Sponsor VP Debate Between Biden and Ryan

With Mitt Romney's choice of Congressman Paul Ryan, R, Wisconsin, I am now able to offer to host the Vice-Presidential Debate which is scheduled to take place on October 11, 2012, or there a bouts.

I already have the Cedar Grove, Tennessee Bingo Parlor and Food Bank Emporium reserved for the evening and I am free that evening to host the event and ask the questions of Congressman Ryan and Vice-President Joe Biden.

I have contacted Brian Lamb at C-Span and he will be able to cover the event live and will provide a live feed to the other networks.

The Urban Poverty Law Center Think Tank is busy working on the questions for the debate, and Franklin Bedford Gynengton,III
is the chairman and has final say on the questions.

A question from Tweeter, and one from Face Book will be included so we are not labeled as "Unhip". Again Franklin will have final say on which question from these sources is selected and all of his decisions are final.

We will allow each camp to ask the other camp a question in an attempt to generate controversy.

The rules will be worked out with the two sides as to whether the candidates will be allowed free reign on the stage or must stay put behind a podium or seated at a large table. Wilma Seaton has offered her kitchen table if the table option is taken. It is a large red Oak table made from hand hewn boards made by her great grand father, William Albert Seaton, Jr. who was wounded at the battle of Shiloh during the Civil War.

We have decided to do things a little differently in deciding who gets the first question this year. To decide we plan to have the candidates arm wrestle and the winner will get to choose. My cousin, Dr. Larkin Smooker, who is an emergency trained physician, has agreed to stand by should any biceps tendons snap. He assures me only a sling will need be placed as initial treatment for such an injury, and as long as the candidate holds it in place with the sling it should not affect his debate in any noticeable manner.

We have sent out our invitations to the Biden and the Ryan Camps. We hope you support us in our attempt to bring the campaigns to the people.

With your support this can be the best and most memorable Vice-Presidential Debate ever.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Breaks Silence On Gay Marriage

In the post modern world marriage has taken a beating. Am I qualified to comment on marriage in America? Well, I have been married for 35 years, many of them happily.

Marriage is a arrangement between a man and a woman in which they pledge and commit to a binding relationship where he cleaves only to her and she cleaves only to him. It is necessary to build a commitment such as marriage so that children can be brought into the mix and have a chance of receiving the care and nurturing needed to sustain the population.

Genetically speaking, a man wants to know the child he is raising came from his genes, and marriage is the process whereby the woman and man commit to only procreate with one another. It is not a perfect world and some studies suggest up to 1 out of 7 children is not the suspected biological father's of record, but hey sometimes girls just gotta have fun, and the genetic diversity of such events are also not all bad.

I myself have 7 children who all favor each other by three wives, and I am wondering who this fellow is who has been following me from wife, to wife, to wife. I am getting a little sick of it, but on to the point.

Marriages were set by the church and are preformed by a priest or a rabbi and is a deal made before God and these are attended by friends and family in a public display so there can be no doubt that the two people, one man and one woman, have committed to the marriage.

With the proponents of a certain segment of our population screaming about the separation of church and state at every opportunity and every public Christmas scene, and each public display of the Ten Commandments, it is strange to have to remind these same loud mouthed complainers the separation of church and state must cut both ways to be effective.

Marriage is a church affair. Hence, the state must be out of it. Just because Barack Obama proclaims his support of gay marriage, which cannot pass the laugh test as we have already shown above, since the only way gays could marry each other would be for a gay man to marry a lesbian woman for the contract to be correct from a societal and historical perspective in spite of Obama's support.

I am not advocating that gays and lesbians try this, but it might be interesting to see if anything happens if these two seemingly divergent groups might form alliances and go out on double dates. Imagine the possibilities if Barack and Rahm, go out with Hillary and Huma, just to pick four common American names, two male and two female, at random to see what might transpire among the four after dinner, perhaps an opera and a few drinks. This might open up an entirely new world to our homosexual community. Of course the bed would necessarily need to be large and strong to hold up under all that writhing and wriggling with the sweating and work that goes into really great homosexual couplings.

Those so inclined should pause here to touch yourselves.

Everybody back with me. No, no I can wait. Ok, I will finish without you few perverts.

OK, now we have our fictional quartet, Barack, Rahm, Hillary, and Huma dating and courting together and say they like the arrangement and want to get married. All they must do is to decide if it will be Barack marrying Huma or Hillary, or Rahm with Hillary or Huma. Then the two married couples can set up house keeping and the family is complete. Society is happy, the church is happy, and the gay and lesbians who are clamoring for marriage are happy.

And should any fluids get mixed up in other body cavities and a child happens to be born of the unions, the child has two daddys and two mommies and that fairy tale taught in our schools can remain.

See how easy that was. And I ain't really all that smart, but I have been married, a lot.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Credit Due: Franklin Bedford Gynengton,III came up with the notion that only way Gay and Lesbians could legally marry was to each other. The UPLC Think Tank is mounting and counting its successes!

If you would like to make a financial contribution, please do. jdm