Thursday, April 21, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Take On Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the New York business tycoon, is an outspoken character who has found his political voice after years of silence. Maybe he was like me, a political agnostic, who was content to go along with what the majority of Americans decided over the past 200 years using their collective good judgements. Flash forward to the post Reagan years.

Bush 41 was not interested in political life witness his constant watch checking in his debate with the Governor of Arkansas whom one independent candidate, also in the debate, would not have hired to run a mid-sized Wal-Mart store let alone turn him loose on the country. Then came Bush 43, who was a big spender and lead us off the financial cliff with his unpaid for wars and tax cuts for the wealthiest among us.

After Bush 43, the country went bananas for a smooth talking, correction, smooth reading, baritone vocalizing, thin man from Hawaii. From what I can see he has great handlers, but is not too sharp on his feet. He needs to answer questions off the cuff with more pizazz and less stammer and stutter. He also seems to be rudderless and sails back and forth across the political spectrum with the tides and trade winds. His only saving grace is his election kept us from having to watch Hillary Clinton grow old over the next few years. Even Chris Mathews and Larry Kudlow are thankful as hell for that.
Michael Moore has not weighed in on this yet, he wants to lose a few pounds gaming in Monte Carlo before he goes public on the Hillary aging thing.

Here is the meat of this coconut. The majority of Americans can no longer be trusted to do the right thing with the vote. They have learned they can vote treasure from one class of citizens to themselves. The republic will end unless the rule of law prohibits such takings in the future. If the courts do not stand up for the haves, who are hard working Americans in the right place at the right time, who were willing to forgo the pleasures of leisure and dope and instead opted for hard work, study, and risk taking, then The American Dream is dead.

The Tea Party movement is the culmination of the haves who have had enough of this nonsense. They will throw both political parties under the bus and drive this great American Dream maker into the 21 century with a new crew. Washington and the ruling punditry is misunderestimating the American haves. Tea Partiers believe in opportunity for success garnered through hard work, some luck and American innovation in an environment that protects private property rights.

Now a vocal segment of society, cheered on by a president who considers a tough day of work that par 5 at Andrews Air Force Base, denigrates this minority class who produce and work and earn money. They believe these "rich people" are not paying their fair share of the bloated cost of government. I, Jackson Delano Maybolt, second cousin of our most beloved 4 term president twice removed by marriage, cry foul! Who is looking out for the civil rights of this most vilified minority, the wealthiest 1%?

Is discrimination based upon wealth any less heinous than on race, religion, or sexual preference? Joe Biden, you can answer this soft ball question, can't you?

The wealthy are paying as much as they can afford. Have any of these government officials bought anything with money they had to earn the old fashion way since 1963?
Hey, Joe Biden, milk is over $4 a gallon as are gasoline and diesel. Are you stupid?
That question does not need to be answered.

Donald Trump, if that is his real name, is about to loose everything as the value of the dollar fades like Brett Farve in his 40's. The Federal Reserve's policy of monetizing the debt is the beginning of the end.

I paid the federal government $5,567 on my modest income this year. Can I ask Uncle Ben Bernanke to print that money and give it to the US Treasury in my name so I can keep my money to pay my secretary a living wage? No, why not? Whose money is it?

George W. Bush justified his invasion of Iraq with his famous quip: "That oil belongs to the Iraqi people." By that same token, the money Uncle Ben is printing belongs to the American people and for every dollar he prints, each dollar "We the People" have is diminished in value. It is grand theft and nobody is doing anything about it.

Maybe Donald Trump is trying to stop the wholesale theft of our country and its treasure. I am not hopeful, so for now I will continue to do what needs to be done in these times of inflation. If I have a dollar, I will quickly spend it before it is worthless! I suggest any of you who want to ride out this inflation do the same.

"Goldensilver fills your eyes, smiles await you when you rise, Sleep pretty darling do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby." ----mostly the Beatles.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Money is like pain, hard to appreciate until it is yours. And it really, really hurts to send it to congress." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

"Asking Congress to watch your money is like asking your dog to watch your food." Mark Twain

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