Friday, April 29, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Salutes Duke and Duchess Of Whatever

Prince William has chosen well with Kate Middleton, who is a strikingly beautiful knock off of a young Elizabeth Taylor. I was forced to watch the wedding since my bladder woke me and I turned on the tele and there was Barbara Walters and ABC. I recognized Elton John and the Sultan of Brunei, and was fascinated by the numerous hideous hats which adorned the British females, many of whom are starting to look strikingly similar to Sean Connery as they age. Pity.

I am a little miffed at our mother country for not inviting our heads of state, King Barack I and Queen Michelle of Chicago, but I understand, Elton John or King Obama? Elton gets my vote. The Obama's just wouldn't do, since they sent back the bust of Sir Winston Chruchhill before the inauguration week was out. Best way to get off the list is to snub England. They are not stupid and will never forget. They have strong sense of loyalty and I am sure our relationship can be patched up as soon as the new president is sworn in on Jan. 21, 2013. If not then then in 2017.

God Save The Queen, and God Bless the new Duke and Duchess of Whatever!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Royalty, I like that idea." Mother Maybolt, 1921-2008

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