Thursday, April 14, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Gives All To Big Government

I was deeply, deeply moved by President Barak Hussein Obama's, if that is his real name, most recent speech which he read beautifully hot off the L E D screened and earth friendly teleprompter to a national audience yesterday. Before his speech I was selfishly hoarding my family's heirlooms, mother's merkins, father's Bourbon glasses with the Kentucky scenes painted on them along with my marvel comic book collection and a couple of war souvenirs brought back from Germany by my great uncle Ebner T. Maybolt.

Ebner Maybolt was my grandfather's youngest brother and was a World War II veteran where he was deployed as a support Sargent for Patton's tank company. He brought back some neat flags and daggers and a Luger. He said he captured the luger off an officer in the SS Panzer division. Said if the Germans caught you with a luger you were killed and he kept it at great personal risk. Has a holster that came with it.

Ebner was shot up in the war and never married and lived out his life on the farm on which he and grandfather were born. He liked fooling with goats and chickens and always had a cow for milk and lived to be 88 yrs old, dying three years ago.

I was Ebner Maybolt's favorite nephew, he felt sorry for me with my injury, we were the same he and I, him injured grievously by a Nazi grenade, and me by a John Deere Manure spreader. Anyway, he gave me his prized possessions and I have decided to give everything to the treasury department.

I called the hot line for the treasury department and the nice lady said they did not take items, only money, unless of course you have a tax situation, and in that case, they would take everything and sell it for pennies on the dollar to their friends and they only did this to teach the citizens a lesson, a valuable lesson which is not to mess with the revenue service and the government. I said they should make some exclusions for people like me that want to donate items for a good cause, namely to pay off the debt.

I further explained uncle Ebner's Nazi stuff was probably worth a few hundred dollars
and would take a big bite out of the deficit. I heard her laugh, and then I reminded her that as Gandhi says, that "each journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step." She regained her composure and said she would look into my request and get back to me. I do not expect she will get back as she did not even ask me my phone number. Sometimes I wonder who these people are that work for the government.

I started to explain to her the contribution of my stuff, even though it represents only about 1/100,000 of my holdings if you count the 100 acre farm and my butterfly collection, and my Social Security Disability payment, and my coin collection passed to me by my grandfather Kelley which has some older gold coins, it is equal or surpasses the cuts that Milquetoast Congressman Boehner extracted from Barak Hussein Obama (if that is his real name) in that 38 billion dollar joke. Hey Mrs Treasury Dept Rep, who is the joke really on here?

This year the government is spending like all those millions and millions of aborted babies were productive taxpayers, but guess what, they are dead and the democrat's haven't figured how to let the dead both vote and pay taxes year in and year out!
Sure the dead can vote, but try to collect more than one tax off them. It is impossible to get the dead to cooperate if you ask them do anything more complex than playing quiet mouse, still mouse, and after a few hours we by ritual let them continue what it is they do underground as they begin to smell badly through no fault of their own making. The dead vote overwhelmingly for the democrat since I believe they like to vote for somebody who stinks as much as they do.

And now we learn that only 45.4% of Americans work. Government expenditures are at rates that assume 63.5% of their mules are pulling the cart, which is closer to the percentage riding in the cart. The US Civil War set up the power and tyranny of the current government. They were not satisfied with only a very few slaves, we are all slaves now with no hope of freedom or reparations for as long as the government is open for business. Sure they mean well, but it has become unsightly like a disposable diaper in a parking lot full of rental cars locked with the windows rolled up and the baby in the car seat left unattended on a warm summer's day. Well, one of the babies has a clean diaper, and at least, that is some small consolation, but the thoughtful citizen will still be concerned.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"A divided government works in the best interest of the people, and an undivided government is united against its people." Mother Maybolt, 1921-2008

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