Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Southern Storms Cannot Silence

Power out, big storm, trees down, river up, on generator, last gallon of gasoline, only three more hrs of generating left, must hurry.
We are going Katrina. Send help, can't hold on much longer. It is getting dark and cold. I am having a flight of fancy. Nephews asking what to do, no computer, read a book, idiots! Sister's hair is getting unctuous, must boil water for bathing, remember not to throw baby out with bath water, More storms for tonight. Need prayers, food in freezer is doomed. Only peanuts left to eat.
I will have to live off my fat, only can hold out for about 6 months on what I have stored under my belt. Oh the humanity.

Have asked for federal assistance, FEMA official said since did not vote for Obama they could offer no help until the debt ceiling is raised. Applied for food stamps, same story, not union member hence do not qualify for federal assistance. Oh the huge manatee!

Emailed White House and got some great gardening tips from first lady. That won't feed us. Creeks still rising. Only toilet is backing up. Beginning to smell like congress around here. Dogs have nothing to eat, cats constantly meowing, no food. Will set some lines in river for catfish today. Send the children out for berries and bark. Saw a wild turkey, will send a child with a 22 rifle and one shell for a turkey. Anybody know how to pluck one of those?

Power company says we may be off grid for several more hours, I fear we will all perish!

Oh, pray for Jackson D. Maybolt and the urban poverty law center.

Jack Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Troubles, you ain't got no stinking troubles. Get to work." Mother Maybolt

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