Sunday, April 17, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Policy on Slavery

SLAVE: somebody who is forced to work for somebody else and for no pay, considered that person's property.

Doctor X has a thriving medical practice and this week he is writing a check for one third of his year's income, his labor, and sending it to his masters in Washington.

Mechanic Y and his wife Sylvia, who runs mail on a rural route to help make ends meet, are sending in 15% of their earnings for the year to their masters in Washington.

George Soros and the billionaires at Google are sending in less than 1% of their incomes to their puppets in Washington.

Three illustrations of what happened all across America this week. Who is free and who is the slave?

Urban Poverty Law Center will work tirelessly until all Americans enjoy the kind of relationship with its government that is now only reserved for the super rich and powerful corporations.

The bloated federal bureaucracy is consuming its people at an alarming rate. It is out of control. When the people protested the tax taking in the 1990's, the politicians lowered taxes and increased borrowing to meet their greed needs.
The people did not notice this accounting trick. Keep my taxes low and leave me alone was good enough for most people in the 90's.

Now Washington has a problem. The world bankers have a problem. The people that are near the land will not have a problem. The industrious will plant and grow food and harvest and there will be a renewed interest in family, local community and Thanksgiving. When money is no longer accepted as legal tender for trade, somebody will be left holding a lot of worthless paper! That did not work out too well for the South after the Civil War, but my people managed to get by after losing everything, and though they did not relish those times they did make it.

It is time to place all ones emphasis on what is needed in life. Food, clothing, and shelter, really only food and shelter as clothing is the first layer of shelter.
I am not sure if the collapse is coming or if the great bankers in concert with our best and brightest politicos can avert it, but I am ready should they fail.

Food, Check, shelter, check. Get out in those gardens this spring and grow more food than you will need. You will be able to trade some excess for some of the fluff we have filled our pitiful lives with. Time to get a good bicycle just in case the oil companies float up. I have lived most of my life in the comfort of central air and heat, and the supermarket, and perchance one has not lived life fully until the struggle for survival on a daily basis is met and conquered.

The future is near. Are you prepared? That which does not kill us only makes us stronger. The survival of the fittest is about to be tested as soon as the lights go out and the trucks stop running.

Or perhaps I am just pulling your leg as they say?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President
Urban Poverty Law Center

"Yesterday and tomorrow are for poets and dreamers. Today is for doers. Tomorrow is never nearer than it is right now. Now shut your hole and eat your greens."
Mother Maybolt, 1929-2008

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