Sunday, May 1, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Proposes Rejoining the British Commonwealth

"I read the news today, Oh Boy. About a lucky man who made the grade,
he blew his mind out in a car, he hadn't noticed that the lights had changed." The Beatles more or less

I was into my mother's merkin drawer last night remembering her and watching the reruns of the Royal Wedding of Prince William Phillip Howard, Moe, Curly, Albert, Spike Lee to that vision of loveliness, now Duchess Catherine Middleton , when I had an epiphany.

Since we left the Monarchy in 1776, we in America have had a void which is filled in England by the British Monarchy. Say what you will about that crazy bunch, but they have a place in their society and the Brits, as their subjects can point out with pride, enjoy a Monarchy steeped in a long tradition of being something special and bigger than the sum of its parts. The Monarchy represents life and the human spirit with everything that is both good and bad.

From Henry the VIII with his penchant for lopping off heads, to the Goofy Prince Charles who doesn't seem to use his, until his Mummy, Queen Elizabeth, brilliantly arranged his marriage to the beautiful, tall, and talented Diana, who gave her life to see the Monarchy infused with new blood; jolly good results with William and Harry. Her gift was her sons to the British Royalty, who thus far have behaved with class and good manners in keeping with their positions.

They have both been in the armed services and have volunteered to serve on the front lines of what ever battle their bastard step child, America, has gotten them into at the moment. They have had the best educations money could buy and the Brits and I am very proud of the way these two fine men, born into unimaginable wealth and privilege, have not run wild by abusing their birthrights. I saw the best and the brightest standing up at the alter that day, representing the hope for the future of western society. I was proud of my Anglo-American heritage for the first time in my life and now I get it.

I now wonder if King George made a mistake by letting us go so easily. Our government seemed to work well for a couple of hundred years, but now we have a thugocracy without a doubt. The parasitic nature of this thugocracy is killing and draining the life's blood of our society. Where are our traditions? President Obama has sullied the deep ties that bind England and the United States in an attempt to complete the pillaging and plunder of the greatest free nation in the world with his frequent snubs of our best and brightest ally. What is he thinking? Even with their doughy complexions, and their horrible teeth, their influence in the world, brought a semblance of civility that lives on today in India, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. They even tried to impose a rule of law in the Middle East and Africa. Nice try.

Mother Maybolt used to say, "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!" Sure, they advanced their own wealth on the backs of the native populations, but consider that a tax for civility and teaching people about the law and private property rights, and the healthful benefits of clean water and sewage management. Some learned the lesson well, and others were not able to grasp it.

Anyway President Obama was paid back in spades when Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge wisely refused to include the Obamas on the guest list to the Royal social event of the century, blocking that inevitable "turd in the punchbowl" moment their attendance would have heralded. Instead, President Barack Hussein Obama roasts Donald Trump, an American Citizen and businessman, in a petulant display of poor breeding at the Correspondents Dinner, when he should have been dressed up and toasting the future king and queen of England! What a big disappointment this fellow has turned out to be. Obama must think he is king or something. He represents what is wrong with American politics: thuggery, pure, simple, and evil! The British recognize our plight and have wisely pulled back a safe distance away from the pending great American Train wreck.

I, Jackson Delano Maybolt, believe the red states must make the move to rejoin the British Empire and must hold elections to secede from the Union. I believe their traditions and values are more in line with our values here in the red states, than those of the blue state communists. I could be mistaken, but I do not think so. God save the Queen!

I have toiled to long expressing my concern for this nation, and hope the Tea Party can change its course, but the momentum seems to be to great to stop. After the crash I feel certain King William and Queen Catherine will be there to extend a helping hand and all will be well in the Colonies back under the British Flag where they belonged in the first place.

I want to be the first to propose a new movement in the United States. Forget Tea Partiers, Birthers, republicans, democrats, and the others. I am founding the Rejoiner's Party which is dedicated to making the United States colonies of the greatest empire ever put together. I hope you are standing with me, after all the British have been at it a long, long time. And God Damn it, any people that can train that many horses to do anything more than just eat hay all day and fart has my unyielding respect.

In Sum, I felt a pride for my British ties when I watched the beautiful wedding of William and Catherine, and realize I have lost my respect for this country and its leaders who have stunk up Washington and stolen from the people to the point of certain ruination. I felt a peaceful joy viewing this British wedding spectacle, which was a great symbol and sign of hope for the future of Great Britain.

I am repulsed when I see our leaders in action being petulant and acting like sow's ears at Correspondent's Dinners. It is time to flush this toilet bowl full of turds that have infiltrated our government and fill it with some of the cleanest and freshest water available. Replace the stool with patriots of the finest tradition. This is our last chance, America. Send the parasites packing.

The people have a chance to pull the handle in 2012, and from the looks of things it can not come too soon.

"Power to the people, power to the people, right on!" John Lennon

Pip-pip, jolly good, and all that rot!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founder of the British Rejoiner's Party (trademark)

"I would be proud to be a British subject again." Mother Maybolt on viewing the crowned jewels in London in 1961. 1927-2008

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