Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Elon Musk: Proof Positive About That Old Adage
Elon Musk has proof! "Money Talks ($44 billion) and BullSchiff Walks!" God bless Elon Musk. The best American immigrant, ever. Except for maybe Einstein and Tesla? I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center, founded in 1988 by Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
Election Interference,
Elon Musk,
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Trans People Deserve Their Own Sports: NBA, WNBA, TBA, PGA, LPGA, TPGA, NFL, TFL, MLB, TLB, Olympics, Mens, Womens, Special, and Trans
The popularity of the trans movement among American yutes has caused problems for sports. Trans yutes competing with women swimmers and track and mixed martial arts is have devastating affects on women athletes by denying the women of records and medals. The solution is to have teams of transgender participants only to compete trano e trano and leave those who identify as men and women on the sideline as spectators and competitors in their own respective groups. Problem solved! I am that genius, Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr and my pronouns are I, Me, Mine. My vowels are a,e,i,o,u, and sometimes Why?
Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center since November 2017.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
American Election: Who Will Win, The Democrat Dogs Or The American Car?
Will Biden be blown away by a giant conservative push back or will his superb leadership be rewarded and vindicated by an adoring electorate? Why wouldn't Americans agree with Build Back Better? Food and fuel are luxuries only fit for the elites. Taxes are for rubes. Wall Street is an insider's game to separate from rubes what money they can invest. If Biden's party holds onto either congress or the senate, it will be a sure sign most rubes agree with the direction his brilliant stewardship has for America. Double digit inflation, ha I spit at it, no diesel to farm, ho ho, ve will eat bugs and ve happy, China takes Taiwan, Iran attacks Israel, Ukraine invades Russia, somebody detonates a nuclear weapon. Ve vill live in interesting times! If the election bucks the long held tradition of the president's party losing the senate and the house, stick a fork in America for it is done. Ve had a good run at it. I personally hope we wake up on November 9th to sometime in mid December to realize the Bidens are like the dog who caught the car and are regretting it. Thank God Almighty for cars! I am, Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, jr Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center, since 2017,elgoog shadow banned since 2018
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
The Peter Principle And American Politics, "It's The Corruption, Stupid!"
I think the Peter Principle in national politics has maxed out on incompetence. Our DC elites are no better than the worst Home Owners Association imaginable. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, October 7, 2022
Hunter Biden Is Not 007, But He's Damn Close
Hunter Biden is back making the news as America's First Son. Sure the president's family should be afforded some leeway and special privilege, but has Hunter taken it too far? It seems he is not James Bond, 007, but he is 006.999 with license to do everything except kill. Felony purchasing a firearm, license granted, crack cocaine, no problem, diddling underage girls, not a problem, sleazy no work money from American enemies, China, Russia, and our money laundering favorite country, Ukraine! Jack Pot! As one old cuck cracked on a hot mike in Florida the other day, "No one Fooks with a Biden!" I suggest the clowns stop wasting taxpayer funds and end the sham investigation of Hunter because they are all in on it and the law is only applied to the ignorant masses. I am, Jose RobberBarren Biden Chancre Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Martha Cannot Be Blamed For The 90%'s Action Against The Undocumented .00001% DeSantis' Border Jumping Peoples
As our beloved former president 44 would say, White folks are racist. *Hell, even my granny would cross the street if she saw me coming up the block without a leafblower!" Martha's Vineyard is 90% white cracker off season, and this falls to a respectful 89.5% if you include the brown's who accompany the 180,000 seasonal Cracker Jacks and Jill who bring their nanny's and chauffers. Life's good for those who frequent Martha's Vineyard, grandfathered in Trust Funds of the Elite Swine and Cheese Party Class keep it that way. Ron DeSantis showed the American 99% what hipocrits the 1% are when it comes to diversity, inclusion, and equity. The 1% are all in as long as it is not in their spheres. The sanctuary isle turned out to be a racist, classist, community who called out the national guard to remove the poor immigrants. Within 48 hrs these dreamers were loaded up and bussed off to places where the 1% would never have to deal with them. I even hear talk of Martha's Vineyard asking if former FBI special agent Peter Strozk would consider coming up off season to sniff out any possible hide outs. HOW DARE YOU! Martha's Vineyard you are hereby renamed Martha's Swineyard. UnAmerican pigs happy to share America's wide communal trough but not their personal trough with our brown immigrants. I think a boycott of Martha's Swineyard is in order. This abomination should create a movement as powerful as "Me Too". I suggest calling it the "Me But Not You Too" movement. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr. Senior Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
What Habbened to Kamala?
How did Vice President Kamala-la-la-la Harris transform from a senate pitbull when trashing Bret Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearings into the nonsense babbling goof we are witnessing today? My theory, either she is not Kamala-La-La-La and has been switched or she had plastic surgery and experienced an anoxic event during the surgery which seems to have widened her nose and at the same time dropped her intellect. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, July 21, 2022
President JRBiden,Jr Has Cancer? Stood down Corn Pop? Never Spoke To Hunter About His Business Dealings? Come On Man!
Yes, President Biden probably has cancer. It is not unusual for a man nearing his 9th decade of life to have prostate cancer. But the non aggressive forms smolder as men get older and something else takes them to their great reward where I feel certain President Biden will be rewarded with 72 eight year old girls with freshly shampooed hair. A great man deserves a great reward! I am Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Chancre Fellow of The Urban Poverty Law Center since 2017.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Why Would Google, Twitter, Youtube, Washington Post, New York Times, Congress, The Senate, FBI, CIA, Justice Department, The Democrat Machines In 5 Big Shit Hole Cities (Who Made This Possible), Mark Zuckerberg, And Our Chinese Media Protect Biden At America's Expense?
TREASONOUS TRAITORS ON THE TAKE! I am Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Chancre, not the China Shill.
Monday, July 11, 2022
What If The Georgia Guide Stones Were Blowed Up And Nobody Kered?
Someone blowed up the Georgia Guide Stones. They blowed up real good! I always felt these monuments had no right to exist in these times of rampant Monument destruction if one person is offended by the message it holds. Its first "Guide" was to top out Earth's population at 800 million which would be a 90% reduction of the human population. Wow, you would have to poison a lot of people to reach that grand goal! I do not think there is any way of achieving that unless there was a plan to vaccinate everyone with a time bomb like substance that slowly kills. Naw, that would never happen. Hitler has been dead for over 80 years and besides our government loves and protects us and we love and protect them. Yep, that would never happen, not in a million years. I have to cut this off, I got my booster last week and I am feeling kind of dizzy. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chanc Thud!
Can Mars Be Settled By Humans? My Advice To Elon Musk
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. Elton John got that right. If Elon Musk is planning to settle Mars I suggest he consider doing so with the LGTQ no B group. Hetero's would clog things up with pregnancies and children who require a lot of resources for their care and feeding. With the Gay Muskovites Elon could have his settlement on Mars and perhaps the first build should be Main Street for frequent Pride Parades. Parading has been shown to improve feelings of self-worth. Of course a tat parlor and piercing studio would be top priorities along with hair dyes.
Musk should recruit 18 to 20 yr old LGTQ's and he could get 30 to 40 years of work before retirement. THAT IS ALL. I AM JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN CHANCRE, JR FELLOW AT THE URBAN POVERTY LAW CENTER SINCE 2017
Monday, June 27, 2022
Transitioning To An America Ruled Locally: Asshat Liberals Furious Uglies Threaten To Not Bump Uglies With Republicans, Please Don't Throw Me Into The Brier Patch!
Roe V Wade ajudicated in 1973 opened the door for politicians to abort their out of wedlock indescretions rather than drown them at Chappaqua. Washington has always been hypersexed and in DC power is best projected with an erection. Even lesbians use faux penises made of rubber and ribbed for her enjoyment. (aside: In college I majored in Chemistry and took a minor in Dildology.) Gay men double their pleasure with not one but two tent poles in one tent. Straights have one and done. But where is this headed? I never know. I just write what my inner voice dictates. Which reminds me of what Spanky said while Darla first preformed her oral magic on him, "Darla, how does my dictates?"
I personally do not think unlimited abortion is appropriate in a moral society. One liberal observation quoted to me by my public school and college brainwashed children is to note the drop in crime registered 19 years after the historic Supreme Court ruling, about the time Bubba Clinton and his lovely wife Hilldaug were being touted for their co-presidency. They claim the abortees were all criminals and did not deserve life as unwanted, unloved, feral children on the mean streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, LA, San Francisco, Washington DC, Martha's Vineyard, to name a few. But if life is limited to only the good where would the wolf be if the sheep were holding the abortion button? What would become of the crocodile if the wildebeast had its druthers? What would become of man if cattle and chickens had their wish come true? I am a proponent of life. I believe human life is a gift from God, that our souls are permanent but our bodies are temporary temples meant to allow our interactions with the physical world. Watching the joy a puppy feels growing and interacting in its new body is heart warming. Their play is a celebration of life and it should always be celebrated and not mourned. Mark Twain quipped: "Why is it one celebrates a birth and mourns a funeral? Because they are not the one involved!"
Watching the protests makes me think we were shy a few million abortions 20 to 30 years ago when it was legal in all 50 states. Now with the Dobbs decision it will only be legal in roughly half the states. Where's the beef? If Alabama and Mississippi want local abortions the people of these states will vote for demons to lead them and abortion will become legal. So my advice to the screaming ninneys out there who hope to raise some hell in the places where there are no consequences for criminality, where demons rule, have at it burn, loot, murder, but you are going to answer to your creator when you give up the ghost and what if your next life is sucked out of your mother's womb and your are pulled apart at a Planned Parenthood facility over and over and over? Or if you one day successfully run the abortion gauntlet you grow up to be a mentally ill liberal freak who cannot stand opinions different from your own. Who made you the judge, the jury, and the executioner? Hum? Ever consider that possibility, liberal misguided asshat?
Get thee behind me Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Twain said the difference between the perfect word and the almost perfect word is the difference between lightning and lightning bug. And with this I submit my apologies, I am just a man, a flawed and simple man and humble man, who is Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center since 2019
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Michelle Obama Spells Womxn
I don't want to seem smarmy but wouldn't Michelle's cutsie spell be more accurate as WomXXn?
And WomXYn for Transioned swimmer. And WomXXXYn for bisexual. And WomXXXXn for lesbian? And Woman for straight? Please add any variations my addled mind has missed. Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre Jr Fellow of the Urban Law Center
And WomXYn for Transioned swimmer. And WomXXXYn for bisexual. And WomXXXXn for lesbian? And Woman for straight? Please add any variations my addled mind has missed. Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre Jr Fellow of the Urban Law Center
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Did Too Much? Over 65? Leg Cramps? Read On For Simple Relief
Yesterday the temperature, 87 degrees. I changed a battery in my small airplane, a daunting task for the elderly. Flew 12 minutes to my new home based hangar. Played a round of golf, 2 and a half hours in the baking sun. The relative dehydration brought on by these activities precipitated my leg cramps, more painful than watching that crone, Pelosi, explain the need for US Taxpayers to fork over 40 Bil to the Ukraine. Solution, two pepcid complete and 6 ounces of water. Relief was quick and well received. Now if I can come up with something simple to rid the US of the crones of political theater, I might have something. Maybe honest, fair, and transparent elections? Hum?
Joseph R. Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center since 2018
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
How a Pasty White Ginger Man Destroyed America With An Illegal $400 Million Dollar Targeted Donation To The Most Extensive Voter Fraud Network In America--Good Going Zark Muckerberg! Or How To Turn A $400 million Dollar Investment Into A $390 Billion Loss
Hey Zark, any regrets for the part you played in rigging the 2020 election between Joe Senilius of Deleware with underworld connections to Russia, China, Ukraine and Bunter Hiden's lap top, and American Patriot Tonald Drump, with connections to millions of middle class working Americans. Here is a partial list of what your filthy $400 million has done.
The Financial burden placed on the American family by the Mucker Bucks is estimated to be $5,400 this year. I believe Zuck, you can mitigate this by giving the 75 million Drump Voters a cash stipend to offset this loss. I've done the math for you. If you will just write me a check for $390 billion dollars I will see to it the families cheated by your zealous and malicious deed will be reimbursed. Next, the blow up in Ukraine can be laid squarely at the feet of your President, Joe Senilius, who, with his family have criminal dealings with the oligarchs in that part of the world. Zark, how does it feel to know you will be responsible for starting WW III and a world ending nuclear holocaust? A Metaverse without people, amen.
Zark, ole boy, you have set a dangerous course for your countrymen. Wars, inflation, open border policy, fentanyl deaths up 30%, defunding police, the war on fossil fuels, obligations to China and the Ukraine, deficits out of control, Coke fueled orgies in DC, and worst of all, your charge, Joe Senilius hasn't got a clue of what to do. And Hamala Karris? Disappointing, wouldn't you agree? Well, you will be in great company when the history books are written. Quisling, Zark Muckerberg, misguided philanthropist, who Pist over half of America off with his election interference. But all is not lost for in your Metaverse the tables are always loaded with food and drink, and America's children can at least dream of better times, thanks to you, and for this we are truly grateful. I suspect you will not think spending decades underground will be rewarding when all above is destroyed. It certainly will not be good for your pasty skin tone. I bet 2 decades under ground and your skin would be translucent. Oh, the humanity.
I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre Jr, Fellow of the American Urban Poverty Law Center since 2018
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Who Will Sue HRC And The DNC To Recoup The Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Wasted To Investigate The Fake Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax.
The goofs in DC decided to go with Hillary Clinton's dirty trick played on Candidate Donald J. Trump. It grew and grew with a complicit Fake News conglomerate and willing deep state creeps like Comey, Strozk, Paige, McCabe, Brennan, and that former Obama spook whose name escapes me. As Trump assumes his role as president, his administration is hamstrung by this hoax and pussies like Paul Ryan, remember him, he was the testosterone limited, VP candidate who carried Mitt Romney's tiny testicles around in a clasp around his neck, in case Mitt ever needed them. Mitt never did, even Candy Crowley made Mitt her bitch in the second debate with Obama and Mitt Romney and Pussy Paul Ryan lost the election, then and there. BUT, I digress, all I wanted to say is now that HRC and her DNC have been fined for their Russia x 3 hoax over a paultry $108,000, (wow, chump change in politics, that will show em!) I am hoping someone will sue Hillary and company for the Mueller Investigation expenses, said to be north of 40 million dollars.
And finally if treble punitive damages are awarded, the $120 million windfall could be forwarded on to the forces battling the Russians in Ukraine so Biden's corruption can stay hidden in the shadows for another week or two.
Who will take my challenge? Sue now. Sue soon. Sue so corruption in politics will have red line.
I am, Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center since 2019
Footnote: There is good evidence Obama and Joe Biden Senilious were in on the Russia x 3 Hoax however, Joe Biden Senilious honestly will be able to state those famous HRC depositional words, "I don't recall."
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Simple Explaination For Biden's War
Funny how anytime in the past 80 years when the dominance of the US Dollar is in danger of falling the world suddenly becomes a dangerous place and the US is viewed as a safe haven, rule of law. Ha!
Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr
Monday, February 21, 2022
Jackson Delano Maybolt Got Covid And Biden Is Senile
JDM slipped another note out from under his bedroom door and asked me to relay this important information. Joseph Biden Chancre, Jr, tell my readers about my experience with Covid, the Whoohan Flu.
Tell them I got sick with a low grade fever, my basal temp is 97.6 F normally, went to 100.3 F for a few days and my appetite went to zero and at the height of my illness I was down 15 pounds, had a mild non productive cough and sinus congestion. I was treated, like Joe Rogan with Ivermectin, but no monoclonal antibodies as they were no longer available to Red Staters per presidental decree. I also was treated with zpak and vitamin C, D3, Quercetin and zinc, I am one month out and am feeling well again.
I had some time while in this sickened state to reflect on what a grand waste my life has been. I frittered my grade, middle, and high school educations, instead focusing of sports. All I have is a lifetime of set backs and disappointments which began in ernest in 1966 after attending the "Cherry bomb" Beatles Concert at the Mid-South Colliseum in Memphis, Tn in August. It was an M-80 which is about the same as a quarter stick of dynamite. They were playing "If I Needed Someone." With George H. my favorite Beatle on vocals, boom, Beatles pause for a second, looking around to see if anyone got it, and back to the song where they left off. Musically gifted which was borne out in their group and solo careers. I still play the Beatle records I inherieted from my darling sister who kept shit like that. She even kept the ticket stubs from that concert in Memphis.
Politically, Trump's presidency sure was boring with USA becoming energy independent, no new wars, low interest rates, full employment, destroyed ISIS, and no inflation, seems he fixed all the country's chronic troubles in a couple of years, when our best and brightest BT (before Trump) just spun their wheels. And now AT, it took Biden, the senile, less than a year to screw the pooch. Trump showed America how useless the government is. If they would stick to providing work for the otherwise unemployable, and the safety nets, border protection, and enforcing the law without favors, life would be better. Seems no laws are passed unless some politician gets a kick back. Now we need Biden, the senile, to control Putin, and the Whoohan Flu is still out there sickening thousands, including me. And inflation is making Americans less prosperous, and some even think Biden, the senile, was not really elected by popular vote. Now Americans believe their votes do not count as much as the ghost votes in 4 or 5 major metropolitan areas of the country. How much in taxes do these ghost voters pay each year? How many children do these ghost voters send to college? How many children do these ghost voters send into the military? Answer: none! And how much influence did these ghost voters have on the 2020 presidential election? Answer: 100%!
As my young nephew used to say, "This is all fuckkid up!"
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