Monday, July 11, 2022

Can Mars Be Settled By Humans? My Advice To Elon Musk

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. Elton John got that right. If Elon Musk is planning to settle Mars I suggest he consider doing so with the LGTQ no B group. Hetero's would clog things up with pregnancies and children who require a lot of resources for their care and feeding. With the Gay Muskovites Elon could have his settlement on Mars and perhaps the first build should be Main Street for frequent Pride Parades. Parading has been shown to improve feelings of self-worth. Of course a tat parlor and piercing studio would be top priorities along with hair dyes. Musk should recruit 18 to 20 yr old LGTQ's and he could get 30 to 40 years of work before retirement. THAT IS ALL. I AM JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN CHANCRE, JR FELLOW AT THE URBAN POVERTY LAW CENTER SINCE 2017

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