Friday, October 7, 2022

Hunter Biden Is Not 007, But He's Damn Close

Hunter Biden is back making the news as America's First Son. Sure the president's family should be afforded some leeway and special privilege, but has Hunter taken it too far? It seems he is not James Bond, 007, but he is 006.999 with license to do everything except kill. Felony purchasing a firearm, license granted, crack cocaine, no problem, diddling underage girls, not a problem, sleazy no work money from American enemies, China, Russia, and our money laundering favorite country, Ukraine! Jack Pot! As one old cuck cracked on a hot mike in Florida the other day, "No one Fooks with a Biden!" I suggest the clowns stop wasting taxpayer funds and end the sham investigation of Hunter because they are all in on it and the law is only applied to the ignorant masses. I am, Jose RobberBarren Biden Chancre Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

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