Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Trans People Deserve Their Own Sports: NBA, WNBA, TBA, PGA, LPGA, TPGA, NFL, TFL, MLB, TLB, Olympics, Mens, Womens, Special, and Trans

The popularity of the trans movement among American yutes has caused problems for sports. Trans yutes competing with women swimmers and track and mixed martial arts is have devastating affects on women athletes by denying the women of records and medals. The solution is to have teams of transgender participants only to compete trano e trano and leave those who identify as men and women on the sideline as spectators and competitors in their own respective groups. Problem solved! I am that genius, Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr and my pronouns are I, Me, Mine. My vowels are a,e,i,o,u, and sometimes Why? Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center since November 2017.

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