Monday, July 11, 2022

What If The Georgia Guide Stones Were Blowed Up And Nobody Kered?

Someone blowed up the Georgia Guide Stones. They blowed up real good! I always felt these monuments had no right to exist in these times of rampant Monument destruction if one person is offended by the message it holds. Its first "Guide" was to top out Earth's population at 800 million which would be a 90% reduction of the human population. Wow, you would have to poison a lot of people to reach that grand goal! I do not think there is any way of achieving that unless there was a plan to vaccinate everyone with a time bomb like substance that slowly kills. Naw, that would never happen. Hitler has been dead for over 80 years and besides our government loves and protects us and we love and protect them. Yep, that would never happen, not in a million years. I have to cut this off, I got my booster last week and I am feeling kind of dizzy. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chanc Thud!

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