Thursday, October 31, 2019

Democrats In The House Can't Legislate So they Litigate to Impeach And Impede 45

Legislate or Litigate, that is the question?

Pelosi's petty pack of pols cannot legislate their plans for Medicare for All, Tax the Rich Til There Are No Rich, Destroy the Second Admendment, Open Borders with Mexico,  end the Electoral College,  with Donald Trump as President since he would surely veto these Schiff for Brains plans.  Even if the Senate voted with the dims.

They need to impeach 45 or at least impede 45 for any hope at regaining power in 2020.  And impede 45 they have, but not enough to keep Orange Man Bad from being good, really good for the country.

Unemployment, disengagements in the Middle East, lower taxes, renegotiating unfair trade agreements, pulling out of the unfair Paris Climate Accord,  rebuilding our depleted military, and draining the swamp, reducing over bearing bureaucratic regulations, reversing Obama's mighty pen putsch push, thanks Google for warning me my content is not approved, this way I know I am on the right track!

Barr and Durham are on the deep state coop like white on rice.  Is white on rice racist?   Second Google warning!  I will try to tow the line in the rest of this work.

Anyway what I meant to say was Hillary Clinton is the real president since she got at least 3  million more votes than the Usurper Donald Trump.  And Pelosi and A. Schiff are doing yeomans work keeping Trump and his misbegoten plans for making America great again in check.  And Medicare for all, and our immigrants from South of the border first is the icing on the cake for middle America.  Open voting is the only fair process in an open democracy.  I agree residency and not citizenship is the most important factor in rights to vote.  The Paris Climate Accord should be reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with the United Nations.  NAFTA must be immediately reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with our former trade partners on this side of the globe.  And the trade agreement with Asia must be fully reinstated after a billion dollars to Hunter Biden.   Hunter Biden is so good he does not need any experience to be on any board of directors or negotiate any deal.  He read Trump's "Art of The Deal".

We need to fully militarize the border of Syria, and Trump must tear down the wall between us and Mexico so our new citizen voters can pour into our nation and raise the living standards for all current Americans.  An executive order to stop producing oil, gas, and coal in America must be signed today and we must again be cowed by the OPEC cartel.  Another billions dollars must go to Hunter Biden to negotiate fair pricing with OPEC.

The witch hunt against the Trump Witch Hunters must be halted.  Barr and Durham must be relieved of duty today, and Hunter Biden must get another billion dollars to pick their replacements.

All the regulations Trump nixed must be fully restored and Hunter Biden must be given another billion dollars to over see this process.

The American Embasy must be removed from Jerusalem immediately and Hunter Biden must be given one billion dollars to pick the new embassy site.

Al Bagdadi must be put back together from the million pieces his suicide bomb created and resuscitated.  Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to over see this process.

The penalty for Obamacare must be reinstated retroactively.  Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to see to it.

Gorsech and Kavanough must be impeached from the Supreme Court replaced by ones chosen by, you guessed it, Hunter Biden, and his customary one billion dollars!

Jim Comey must have his job back as the director of the FBI.  And HB should get a billion dollars to help with the transition.

The stock market must fully reverse to pre Donald Trump levels, and HB should get a trillion dollars to see to it the fall is fair.

Hillary Clinton must be declared the 2016 presidential winner and the Clinton Foundation should be awarded 2 trillion dollars as a down payment on the monies it lost due to her loss in the first place.   We all know the foundation would have raked in much more in pay for play but America must be frugal as we are already 23 trillion in the hole.

Ok, Google are we good?

Hunter Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Kamala Harris From The Golden State Of California, And Tulsi Gabbard Is From Hawaii

Senator Kamala Harris is all hat and no cattle.  Tulsi Gabbard cleaned her clock in the last debate.  Representative Gabbard is making in roads into the democrat primary such that the old hag of the DNC, Hillary Rodham Clinton, twice failed candidate for the presidency, has attacked her as though Tulsi was one of her husband's peccadillo's. 

Now Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent.  I cannot doubt Ms. Clinton for she has the security clearance and is privy to information those of us in fly-over country are never to see.

All I can say is if the Russians picked Tulsi and Trump, they have a record of picking winners.  And that they failed to chose Hillary should demonstrate Russia's knack for avoiding corrupt losers.

Since I have been watching Senator Harris she seems to have morphed and her face is seemingly pinched with eyes set to close for my viewing pleasure, and a neck better suited to a pachyderm.  I do not mean to be critical of her looks, but I am.  She does not look presidential.  No orange glow?

The Whistleblower with connections to Joe Biden and the CIA and now Adam Schiff's congressional staff has failed to materialize in the Ukraine-Trump brewhaha.  Just another slight of hand by Schiff in his attempt to thwart President Trump and his plans to Make and Keep America Great.

And now we learn David DuKKKe was paid $10,000 by the Clinton Foundation to endorse Tulsi Gabbard, more evidence she is hated by the DNC establishment.

Tulsi Gabbard is the dark horse and will have the first or second place on the democrat ticket.  That the entrenched powers in the party are ganging up against her is a testament to her popularity among the talent-less democrat troupe in which she is the shining star in a dark sea of mediocrity.

Joe Biden, openly corrupt and openly stupid,  Eliz Warren, why tell the truth when a lie sounds better, Capt Buttegeig, Mayor of nowhere, nobody can spell his name, Bern Sanders, older than dirt with slightly more moisture,  Beto O'Rourke,  what every parent's nightmare is in 40 yr old child, Kamala Harris, snarky, sneaky, cut-throat, unattractive voice, self-aggrandizing,  Tulsi Gabbard, articulate, attractive, Russian agent, winner!

Well, I will sign off now as I have to go fishing with my son Joe Biden Chancre II now.

Joe Biden Chancre,  President, Urban Poverty Law Center


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trans-Identity Crisis Syndrome (TICS): It's Not A Joke!

Folks, trans-identity crisis syndorme (TICS) is sweeping the nation.  From the woman in the northwest who self identifies as a black, to presidental contender and possible front runner Elizabeth Warren, who self identifies as Native American, TICS is as real as it gets here in America.

I have thought about it a long time and I believe I, too, am a TICS sufferer.

I am Hunter Biden, but unlike my identity doppelganger, Hunter Biden, I can truthfully say I have not received one RED Cent from China nor $1.5 billion, or any amount in betwixt!

Now this being said, I am demanding all my rights and privileges coming to a Biden.  To deny my belief in my Bidenism would be to deny my civil rights and I could sue anyone who would deny me a cake for my coming out party.

I have the same experience as my doppelganger when it comes to everything, so there is no limit to the types and numbers of boards on which I could be appointed.  I have included my resume below for my potential employers.

I have emailed my TICS father about my new identity but as yet have not heard back from him or his campaign.  I hope he is not a Trans-identity crisis syndrome denier!

I will keep this small and elite audience posted on my progress.

I think I will go out and buy a new wardrobe to go with my new found identity.  What would Joe and Hunter wear?

                                                                 Resume,  Hunter Biden

born: October  16, 2019
age:  66
sex: love it
religion: yes
political affiliations:  which way the wind blows
interests and hobbies:  politics, false teeth, hair plugs, pharmaceuticals
talent stack: I can type 30 wpm, I read at a 4th grade level, I am a good swimmer
other special qualities:  my eyes are green,  currently I am STD free!

personal contact information
phone: 1-877-bribeme

JDM President UPLC

Time To Move 7 Million Hong Kongers To Mobile Alabama, Hang With Hong Kong

Dear Mr. Maybolt,

To the president of the prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, I am writing for your help.
I represent 7 million Chinese who live in Hong Kong and are being brutalized for our belief in freedom and democracy by the communist Chinese.

I know a man of your importance has the ear of the great and wonderful President Donald J. Trump.
This is what I am begging from you.

Please tell President Trump he needs to mobilize all his humanitarian forces and move all 7 million of us to Mobile, Alabama and we can bring the kind of prosperity to this part of the America it never imagined.

Alternatively,  he could move a million or so to some of the more communistic blue states and turn them Red.  Ha, Ha, Ha, I make joke.  Hong Kong citizen make America Red!

I fear China will come down on my fellow Hong Kongers in a most serious and brutal way.

Please get my request to President Trump.  He is fine man.

I am eternally indebted to you,

Sum Ting Wong, Hong Kong

I have forwarded this message to the White House and hope it is passed along to the greatest President America ever produced.

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Trump's Reign Over Washington Needs Impeachment For His Re-election

 Google's AI will spin and whirl and squeal with my first line in support of president Trump.

President Donald J. Trump is the only honest politician in Washington, DC.  Yes, I wrote it, and it is true.

Joe Biden and his spawn are corrupt.  The $50,000 per month payment to Hunter Biden is a lie.  It was $168,000 a month, funny 168,000 x 12 months is 2 million.  This is a million dollars to Hunter Biden a year and a million to the partner.

Say it ain't so, Joe!

Impeach this president for draining the corruption in Washington, DC at your own peril, democrats.  Impeachment will seal his re-election!

All the kick backs and skulduggery and subterfuge will come out in the end and it will be you who will be disgraced.

I suggest if you have  skeletons in your political closets as it pertains to graft and payoffs, announce your retirement from politics now and hire the best lawyers your ill-gotten funds can afford.

Red state Americans have had a belly full of your kind of politics.

Trump was voted in to take care of the corruption which has gone out of control over the past 30 years.

We cannot depend on the media to investigate honestly.  Corporate America is a joke.  But what would you expect from a bunch of profit whores.

By the way, if anyone has $168,000 to give my institute I would gladly retract this missive.

Until then,  I am with our President.

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Wise Up President Trump Switch Parties And Take A Bribe

Wise up President Trump, give up your archaic view of what is legal vs illegal in politics.

You and your family could really cash in if you will convert to Democrat and then your sons and daughters could be put on the Ukrainian and Chinese and whose knows how many other countries payroll for millions and perhaps even billions of dollars!

Then the media would have to stop the assault on you and your presidency and maybe we could get the bribes into the trillions and retire our debt to the deep state bankers?

President Trump what could we lose?  Just use the tried and true Clinton/Biden/Obama for accepting bribes to family members.

If you can't beat them join them.

Of course I am only kidding.  You keep being Trump and MAGA and KAG!

Sarcastic Jack, President UPLC

Are Media Pro-Democrat Due To Bribes Paid

The real question is why does the media protect corrupt pols on the D side?

Money, Biden money, is probably flowing to these enablers from the corrupt pols.

Follow the money, audits of the forensic type may be helpful.


Unsolicited Email From Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr

I received this unsolicited email yesterday.  It needs no explanation.

September 30, 2019

Honorable Jacksone Delano Maybolt
President Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, Tennessee

Dear President Maybolt:

I am the 42 yr old bastard son of Vice President Joe Biden.  My mother interned for him back in the late 70's when he was a senator.  She was just a kid when he done what he done to her leaving her with me.  I did not know this until she died last week of breast cancer, and she tearfully admitted to her fling with Poppa Joe Biden as she referred to him.  It was a series of 2 minute affairs as he explained to mother at the time he was a very busy man and he loved her very much.  She never told him about me.

I am wondering if you can help me with my paternity case against VP Biden and if I am entitled to some of the bribery and skulduggery those with the Biden name have come to enjoy.  I have worked hard all my life and never dabbled in drugs or affairs with my brother's widow and hope this will not disqualify me in the eyes of Pops.

I believe my father, Joe Biden, is an honest man and when he learns about me I will be brought into the fold and the checks from China and the Ukraine will start to flow.  I wonder if dad shook down any other semi-corrupt countries and if I am setting my sights too low?

Anyway if you could help me get my story out I would appreciate it.


Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.

This is shocking!