Monday, September 30, 2019

Impeachment Will Open Problems For Washington Insiders, Or Does DC Stand For Democrat Corruption?

The Aidem are protecting Eciv Tnediserp Eoj Nedib from the Eniarku Retnuh Nedib corruption.

Glossing over all the improprieties of money for nothing scams that in all likelihood are flowing all over Washington like Asian Carp through our locks and dams systems.

$83,000 a month was paid to Retnuh as a member of the board of directors of a shady Nainiarku gas company, Barisma Chrisma, Harri, Harri Khrisna.  This is a fact and the number thrown around by the Sserp defenders of the Nedibs is only $50,000 here as the real number is roughly a million dollars a year, paid out to the Eciv Tnediserp's son.

The sserp is in a hissy fit to keep this investigation only about Trump and wants desperately to keep this off the Nedibs!

Google has caught on to my scribblings and warned of its not being saved due to a problem with content?

The truth will prevail.  Political scandals will rise up and smite the wicked.   The Sserp is in for it's come-uppens as well.

And when the Esenihc Nedib scandal is fully exposed, ditto above.

1.5 billion dollars to buy secret technology for the Esenihc from American companies through Retnuh Nedib's front group, what!

The Nedib's are going to need a lot of starch in their collars if justice is meted out.


Clinton Foundation Contributions Dry UP, The Trump Foundation Needs Our Contribution

Have you made that all important contribution to the greatest charitable organization of all time yet?

You know of what I write.

Yes, the Clinton Foundation.   Seems the contributions to this great and venerable charity have plummeted since Trump ousted the Clintons from power.

In 2016 216 million dollars poured into this farce and the total for 2017 was a paltry 26 million.

Nothing to buy from nothing to sell.  A charitable foundation that can only muster 6 cents to charity on the dollar is not efficient, it is money laundering.   Say you want to donate 100 dollars to a charity with a 6% efficiency quotient, you would be 18% more effective if you gave $7 directly to the recipient of your largess and burned the other $93.

The scam of the CF is open to the public now and the buyers of political favor currently have nowhere to send their unneeded monies.

Let me propose to President Trump and his lovely family,  the time is ripe for the Trump Foundation and the Trump Global Initiative to counter the corrupt CF and its evil twin, the CGI.

This would be a wonderful thing and place Barron in charge as the Titular head to counter the Soros sponsored nonsense of Greta T. and the Globalist cabal.

Wow a 11 yr old Trump heading up a true charity.  Watch the money roll in!

Jdm, puplc

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Declas? The People Can't Handle The Declas!

Why can't the senate investigate the DNC-Democrat house and senate- Ukraine- Biden quid pro quo debacle?  Corruption!

The senate and house are completely corrupt with money from ill gotten gains.  Are foreign aid moneys routinely kicked back to our valued leaders?   Where did Obama get the billions to give Iran?
I wonder did Iranian money buy the Obama Martha's Vineyard mansion?

It is looking like Trump is the only honest pol in Washington.

It is starting to look like the original sin was not Eve eating the apple but stealing it!

Nancy Pelosi and her proclamation of impeachment inquiry is a great embarrassment.  Her timing was off.  She needs to have a mentis compis evaluation post haste.

For years the United States was looked upon as the stalwart in a lawless world.  Where justice was blind.  Where the law was applied equally to rich and poor.  Loud foul buzzer!

The criminal class has migrated to politics like flies to scat.  

It looks like it is going to take more than one honest president to drain the swamp.

Swamp, hell, it is looking more like a sewer.

The congress is no longer functioning and is frozen.   The senate is on life support.   The media has lost its ability to find and report the truth.

The American dream has become a nightmare where ex bartenders and 16 yr old actresses from Sweden lecture adults about unproven climate worries and rail against capitalism, and 70 yr old senators claim to have American Indian heritage to get hired on at an Ivy League school.

An America where presidents can weaponize the CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, and BATF and the press will happily look the other way.  Spies can be planted in opposing political party's campaigns and bogus charges of foreign collusion can be investigated by a very partisan team to hamstring a duly elected president.

Gitmo is not large enough to accommodate those who deserve federal housing.

I do not know if America can survive the coming declas.

Like Jack Nicholson proclaims:  "The Truth!  You can't handle the Truth!"

Our leaders have broken the bond of trust that once served as the glue that held this country together.

The loss of trust will be very hard to re-establish.

This current bunch of pols must be replaced and they should resign immediately and new elections be called.  The amendment that took the election of the senate away from state legislators to the popular vote must be repealed because the founders had it right.  The senate is to bid on the state's behalf, the congress on the people, and the president is the umpire.  Now the government is for sale to the highest bidder.

This arrangement cannot last.  The people are woke.

President Trump's call for independent audits of current lawmakers and families should be instituted immediately by the former employees of Arthur Anderson.  Anyone who fails the audit must have fortunes forfeited for the green new deal.

I am afraid we do not know the depth and breadth of the corruption that has taken root in our elective officers.

I fear it is too late to salvage.   If the declas only points out a few bad apples, then great get them out of office and hire some new apples, but I fear the barrel is rotten and placing a few fresh apples in a putrid barrel is only a stop gap measure.

We are doomed.  

At least we have a President in Trump who is trying his best to do the right thing for America and the American people, all of the people.

God Bless President Trump and with President Trump God Truly Blessed America!

jdm puplc

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Looks Like Hitler Visited Sweden

Greta Thunberg's fiery speech to the UN had all the passion and facial mannerisms of her great grandfather, Adolf Hitler?

Her facial distortions appeared possessed.  She is a very young looking 16 yr old and not very convincing in her pleas.

I agree with President Trump's tweet.

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.  So nice to see!"

A useful idiot?


SloJo Is Going Down, Ukraine The Gravey Train Political Kickback Scheme: A Billion For U And Three Million For Retnuh

So SloJo Nedib and Cooked Yrallih like free money!  

Apparently more than political viability!  Americans can put up with a lot of faults in their political leaders, sex, (Bill C.) and crude locker room talk among men,  chicks for free may be ok, but money for nothing is crossing the line.

SloJo Nedib has just lost his Mojo to a few measly Billion dollars funneled to his son Retnuh.

I cannot see this fatally corrupt politicial figure finishing the democrat primary and may even soon be placed in a nursing home for failed democrat pols where he will occupy a wheelchair next to the other gloriously corrupt couple Llib and Yrallih Notnilc!

American politics is not a game to be played by the poor.  Isn't it interesting that the corruption could only be pointed out by an honest business man who has serious money without selling favors to the highest bidder.

President Trump is disinfectant in a seriously sick and infected political process.

Great times to be alive in the good ole USA!


Monday, September 23, 2019

Carbon Dioxide, Its What's For Breakfast Or Global Warming And Trump

Before my mishap with the JD manure spreader which left my legs bent and useless, I attended a prestigious university out West and with some grit and hard work successfully completed a PhD in Chemistry.

I am not a scientist, but I was one for 4 and a half years.

With this background I find myself in the 2 to 3 percent of the population which believes carbon dioxide is good and there can never be too much.

I have based my opinion on my understanding of molecular science and a few you tube programs presented by Professor William Happer, an emeritus physics professor from Princeton, and Dr. Patrick Moore, former president of Green Peace.

Dr. Happer is a delightfully wonkish and stereotypical professor who explains the levels of CO2 have been markedly higher on earth for millions of years and life did just fine.   He makes fun of the EPA which declared CO2 a pollutant, and he brings his CO2 detector out at his lecture and posits what level is the CO2 in the lecture room?

We know the levels of CO2 outside are 420 ppm (parts per million) in our atmosphere.

The room is a moderate sized lecture room at a university filled to capacity like a Trump Rally.

The level is measured and found to be 4 times that of the atmosphere, 1800 ppm as he explains we exhale carbon dioxide at levels of 40,000 ppm.  "Is anyone feeling sick?"  big laugh.

The ocean is taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and chemically converting it to Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone.  Could Coral be dying because the CO2 levels are falling.

We know that plant life cannot survive levels of CO2 under 150ppm.  

So the bottom line plants thrive with higher levels of CO2 and greenhouses actually artificially raise the levels to make the plants grow better.

Carbon is the basis for all life,  plant and animal.  Oil and gas burning releases the carbon that was stored by plant and animals of our past and allows it to be recycled.

If the Carbon Dioxide level doubles from 400 to 800 ppm the earth's warms 0.8 degrees Centigrade under some models.   For the next 0.8 degrees centigrade rise it would take the CO2 level to go from 800 ppm to 1600 ppm.

For my Farenheit crippled readers 0.8 degrees C is 1.17 degrees F.

Dr.  Moore posits we should not burn coal so it could be liquefied into usable hydrocarbons when the oil and gas supply is depleted.

In the future the solution to prevent lowering CO2 to plantageddon ( below 150 ppm) is to burn Calcium Carbonate with nuclear power and use nuclear power as our source of cheap electricity.   India is building 50 new generation 4 nuclear power plants, Russia 50 and China 100.  The USA, crippled by its very vocal eco freaks, is planning to build  ZERO!

Bottom line, Carbon chemistry plays a vital role and CO2 is a huge player.  Plants through photosynthesis take sunlight and carbon dioxide and combine water to make Glucose C6H6O6 which animals eat and glucose is the fuel for our brains and everything else which drives our life.  Our cells take the glucose and through the Krebbs cycle convert glucose into Adenosine triphosphate and CO2 and H2O.  Adenosine triphosphate is our energy storage unit and is utilized to keep us going.

Now for the irony.  The school children played hooky from school to protest the climate change and I suggest we have them make it up this next Saturday by watching Drs. Patrick Moore and William Happer explain the real science of Carbon and not the touchy feely pseudoscience barked by Al Gore and his global warming hysterical scientific heretics.

God has set this world up to run like a Swiss watch.  We only need to worry about the wrong people coming into power and we need to be very very worried now from what I can see.  To these Global Warming fanatics there is no God,  so who is their master?

The fires of hell burn coal and natural gas, perhaps Satan does not like the competition, and his minions in Hollywood and the press are doing his bidding.

President Trump does not buy into the Global Warming hysteria and I like that.  But we need to push for 4th generation nuclear power if we want to compete with the rest of the world.

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Democrat On Display, OMG. Who Will Come Out On Top?

I think it may be too early to voice an opinion on the spectacular field of democrats in the presidential race.   Surprisingly, I have my favorite.

Beto O'Rourke is some body's caricature of a serious candidate.   His adamant gun control threats have taken him out without any shots being fired.

Slo-Joe Biden with his blown eye and his slipping mind and false teeth would be the first president to need 24 hr nursing in the White House.   He is running as a place holder and has no chance at winning.

Senator Elizabet-hawatha Warren is too thin to hold down the presidency.  The Marine One copter would have to stop the blades from spinning to have any chance of getting her on board for trips, and how would that look?   She would be useless in 20 mile per hour wind gusts unless she was sporting lead weighted boots to increase her ballast.   She is too tippy to be president.

Pete Buttekeg (spelling error) to borrow a phrase from the late great Ross Perot, "Doesn't have the skills to run a moderate sized WalMart let alone the country."

Bernie Sanders is old and crusty.  His socialist rants are getting stale.  What part of capitalism does he not get?

Senator Kamala Harris comes across to me as not a deplorable but a despicable.  The way she speaks to witnesses in senate hearings is uncomely.   She is awkward in her speaking manner and she has too much skin on her neck.  She looks like she has a tan turtle neck sweater on at all times.  Is there such a thing as a neck circumcision?  She could sure use one.

I do not recall the names of any of the other candidates as it is too early to consider them in this tedious process the parties use to pick the leader of the free world.

I have always had a fondness for Hillary Clinton because she is a two time loser, once to Barak Obama, and once to Donald J. Trump.

If this field does not shape up for democrats, old Hillary may have the chance to lose again.

We all know she is saving herself and seeing which way the wind blows on her email scandals.

That's all for now.

The race continues but the interest is waning.

The Management, Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, September 2, 2019

Straight Pride Parades Can Coexist With The Other Sexuals

Straight Pride Parade?   Being Straight is easy.  It takes no courage to be Straight.  But it appears some people in the LGBTQ clubs are miffed that Straights would parade Straightness.  What's next public displays of boy on girl kissing?  Public dancing of man and woman couples?  Celebrations of the spawn of Straights?

So should we all step back and take a deep breath and be thankful we live in a country that celebrates everyone?  Where all groups can celebrate if they wish with a parade.

It is true LGBTQ parades are more colorful than a bunch of middle aged fat males carrying banners and shouting slogans like "Who's gonna cook my dinner and change my child's poopie diaper?"

I think the power of the parade may fade if Straights adopt this form of celebration formerly only in the playbook of the sexually aggrieved.    Will this cause consternation among the non-Straights?

Most Straights do not care about their neighbor's sexual orientation as long as it does not involve their minor children,  P should never be included in the list of paraders.

If pedophilia is ever mainstreamed we are lost.   Man-animal love, bestiality, is pushing the sexual envelope, but could be accepted by the masses, after all who doesn't love bacon?

Now that there has been a Straight Pride Parade can we add another letter to the sexual preference meme and include everyone as special?

Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Queer and one other classification should be included for completeness, Asexual.

So here's to saluting everyone!

SLGBTQA have a parade.  I will come if I am not working.  We are all children of God!

Management, UPLC